Chapter 132 - Anxiety Levels Rising High

Being restless in her arms, Little Tiger threw his legs overall trying to wriggle out of her hold and his leg kicked Li Na's stomach unknowingly. Li Na ġrȯȧnėd in pain, her brows knitted together as she shifted Little Tiger to one side, and with the support, she sat down on the bed that unexpected kick had truly knocked the wind out of her lungs.

Hearing her winced, though adamant not to look at her and show his face, Little Tiger still looked up, quietly glancing through his fingers. Li Na could only see his dark brown orbs intensely gazing at her.

Subduing the contorting pain, Li Na chuckled and asked, "You little brat! What are you shying away for? I'm your mother!"

Stumped, Little Tiger's face turned hot red with a mix of embarrassment and anger as he turned away, wriggling out of her hands. He instantly dived deep into the blanket, hiding himself from head to toe. With utter humiliation he remanent...what would he do would he face Li Na after this...

Little Tiger so badly wanted to cry, but it was not his fault neither of hers that she saw him like this... he couldn't blame anyone for this. Suppressing the urge to cry, Little Tiger pursed his lips tightly and curled up beneath the blanket, hoping to retire to sleep as soon as possible and become unnoticeable. But he was feeling bizarrely petrified to even blink, forgetting to move.

Li Na didn't say anything which might scare the boy more, or she reacted against his comfort. In fact, to Little Tiger's amazement, she silently hugged the bundle of softness along the blanket, careful not to hurt the wound or choke the boy.

Feeling the weight of a tender hand above his frame, Little Tiger involuntarily stopped breathing due to his anxiety levels rising high. And suddenly the next moment, she yanked away the blanket above the boy, exposing him halfway. 

Stunned, He cautiously looked at her and expected rage or something like ridicule on her face for his improper actions. There was nothing of that sort but a strange blend of shock and fear in her wide eyes and frowning face.

"What are you doing? Why were you holding your breath?" she questioned with concern. Dumbfounded, Little Tiger stared at her innocently, uncertain if it unintentionally happened as a mere shock or it was intentional. But whatever that was, he found himself thrilled and delighted to know he had his mother's so pointed attention that she noticed when he breathes and when he stops breathing.

Unable to hide the joy in his eyes, Little Tiger remained silent, but Li Na understood his vague emotions. Li Na said smoothly, "Little Tiger, you should never stop or hold back your breaths. Most time, it could lead to several dangerous implications. Have you understood?" she requested him sweetly, and unwittingly Little Tiger found himself nodding lightly. 

The unexpectedly sincere submission almost made Li Na felt dizzy with relief. She didn't want her boy to get hurt while being unnecessarily mischievous, but little did she know the thrills and vast ideas Little Tiger was getting in his head.

Unaware of that, Li Na melted, looking at the innocently beautiful face with big ravenous eyes as she joyfully embraced the little one and he remained unresistant and unmoved forgetting about all that he was ever raged and upset with her for letting him down as he relished in new profoundness between them while listening to her heartbeats and trying to be attentive and get familiar of her presence as much as he possibly could felt.

With wet hairs and a cozy embrace and gently sweet fragrance along with the pleasant rhythm of the strong and steady heartbeat, Little Tiger was slowly drifting into the slumber of peace which he didn't conceivably had last night, due to his wildly disturbing sentiments. 

As Li Na carefully attempted to detached herself from him, and before she could move a bit away, Little Tiger's fist clenched securely and tended forward into a satisfying and precious embrace.

Li Na sighed heavily, she didn't want to disturb him, but her abdomen was aching with a sense of wetness spreading around it. She feared that her wound might have loosened and now it's bleeding and soaking into bandages and clothes. Still, she could only respond by returning the comforting embrace back to her apprehensive child and bother about the bloodstain later on.

Since the time she had left Little Tiger asking to him wait for her return, somewhere unknowingly she too felt curious and eager of the moment when she would see him again. But with unexpected events hindering her plans and life as always...she was worried about Little would she explain her wounds and what would she say to apologize...without making him feel sad of her discomfort, scared for safety, or guilty of anything...She had never imagined that he would so easy to mend and comfort without explaining or resolving with sweet to nothing talks with him.

She cradled him gently, luring him into deep sleep somewhere knowing that Little Tiger didn't sleep well last night. It might be because of his father's absence that he's very much used to or could be other reasons that she'll find out later on, but at this moment Little Tiger surely needs a healthy sleep.

Caressing his sleepy face affectionately, Li Na smiled while musing at their issues resolving method in which only the present instances of comfort and caring meant more than the past mistakes and miseries he went through.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-mysterious-love._13271529106326605/anxiety-levels-rising-high_51959550210797731">#&apos;s-mysterious-love._13271529106326605/anxiety-levels-rising-high_51959550210797731</a> for visiting.

As both mother and son laid comfortably embracing each other unaffected and unknown of the utter shock and disbelieving faces of men watching them from afar. Leaning against the door frame, with hands folded, Lu Jianjun couldn't believe what he witnesses with his own eyes. 

Extremely startled and alarmed, Lu Jianjun couldn't the fact that it took Li Na less than few minutes of time playfully spent with Little Tiger, and the boy's anger melted faster than ice-cream put on the stove that so with no clarification or apologies. Forget about saying sorry, she doesn't even have to know his mood or condition, she can easily mold or affect his temperament according to her wishes just with her little actions. 

Agast, Lu Jianjun turned towards Butler Wu, who had his spirits and relief elevated up above the sky watching the duo, Lu Jianjun asked curiously, "Have you told her about Little Tiger's rash behavior from last night because of her absence?"

Butler Wu immediately shook his head and denied speaking anything. Lu Jianjun smiled as he turned to leave. Now curious to see her respond to the description of the Little Tiger's improper behavior. He was sure she wouldn't like or appreciate Little Tiger's abnormal burst out and he hoped her attitude won't encourage but prevent Little Tiger from acting irrationally.


After a long time, Li Na got up from bed slowly not disturbing Little Tiger from his sleep. She checked her clothes and indeed there was a little bloodstain visible on her clothes through bandages. She checked if it dirtied the sheets and blanket and was relaxed that Little Tiger had no stain.

Changing into fresh clothes and after redressing the wound with a nurse's help, Li Na made her way downstairs to have her breakfast. From Butler Wu she got to know that Little Tiger also woke up short a while ago and is now he and his father are waiting for her to join them for breakfast.

It stilled her for a moment when she noticed the change in the regular version of the dining table and decorations on it but she ignored considering it to be an irrelevant thing. When her eyes meet with Little Tiger's gaze, she frowned at his sneaky behavior as his innocent-looking eyes roamed in between his father and around the things placed on the table as if waiting for his commandment. Whereas Lu Jianjun engrossed in reading the newspaper didn't look like he's aware of the kid's confusion instead it felt as if he's ignoring Little Tiger for an intended purpose. 

"What happened?" Li Na asked sensing a certain degree of tension

in the atmosphere between them.

Little Tiger's heart skipped a beat and with ȧsserted eyes, he looked at his father.