Chapter 454

Name:President's new wife Author:二聂
Jane looked at the photo without raising her head and said, "get out of here."

"Oh? We are going to get married soon, Jane Yue. Is it appropriate for you to be so fierce to your fiancee? " Julia said sarcastically.

"It's all for the occasion. Why take it so seriously?" He said coldly: "I have only one wife in my life, that is Ji Jin!"

"Don't worry, as long as you promise to be engaged to me, I'll let you go. Now that you have been escorted away by Er Shao, you can feel at ease. " Julia took out her mobile phone. It was a surveillance video. How Ji Jin changed her appearance, how she got on hang Yang's car, and how she left, all showed clearly.

It turns out that it's not that ghosts are powerful, but that Julia is willing to let go of water, which makes Ji Jin leave successfully.

This is the condition that Jane Yue agrees to be engaged, let Ji Jin leave unharmed.

Last time, Ji Jin was injured. Jane Yue was like a crazy lion. The cold taste of the iron chain around her neck is still fresh in my memory.

At that time, Jane Yue was really going to kill herself. Even though her men had loaded their guns and aimed straight at his head, he was still fearless and strong enough to kill himself one second before those people started.

That's why she's willing to compromise.

But even so, she paid the price of blood.

She put forward to let Ji Jin leave in a panic, so that Jane calms down. But in a rage, Jane pulls out her whip directly and gives her three lashes on her face and body.

Especially on the face of this, throughout the whole cheek, is he to Ji Jin out of evil.

She was so painful that her whip never fell on her.

However, she dare not speak up, she is still carrying hatred, the hatred of the whole William family, she can't die, and Jane Yue can't die now, she will hold a wedding banquet, gather all the business tycoons together, and then set off a bomb, when such a big thing happens, D.E. will certainly be affected.

This will definitely shake D. e's position at the top of the French food chain!

Therefore, she can only promise to let Jane Yue to see Ji Jin, but also let them get along for a long time, until Ji Jin's injury well, this just stop.

The video was played from beginning to end for 15 minutes. Jane watched it more carefully and didn't miss any details. After making sure Ji Jin was ok, she put her mobile phone on the coffee table.

"It's not time yet, so you're not my fiancee. Get out of here. I'll be downstairs at 8:1 on time. " His eyes returned to the photo. It seemed that if he looked at Julia more, it would hurt his eyes.

Julia can't help gnashing her teeth. She's a living person in front of him. No matter how much he doesn't like himself or dislike himself, is she too stingy to give him a look?

Isn't she better than a picture?

She secretly clenched her teeth, her face was angry, but in a moment she suddenly thought of something. She could not help raising a strange smile at the corner of her mouth, and then said, "since you don't want to change your clothes, I'll ask someone to change them for you."

She put down this sentence, and then turned away with a smile.

Jane Yue did not seem to hear the general, still seriously looking at the photos.

After Julia left, he looked at his cell phone. It's seven forty-five, fifteen minutes before the party.

He raised his eyebrows and looked out of the window. The sea of beautiful rose lights lit up the night like day.

There's a bomb out there, right in the corner.

It's a time bomb.

He didn't know the time of the bomb, but he was sure of one thing. Based on his understanding of Julia, she was not a person who was fearless of life and death. She must have left a way for herself, so she would keep the time for her retreat.

But her ability to retreat also means that others can retreat, so Julia must have a detonator on her body.

If she had to, she could only choose to die together and detonate the bomb ahead of time.

Now all he has to do is take the detonator.

This detonator is on Julia. He plans to do it at the party, when there are many people and eyes, Julia's vigilance will be relaxed.

Everything is in their own control, as long as grab the detonator, in this period of time let Jianyu and Norman protect the rest of the people to leave, let him solve the rest.

All gratitude and resentment should come to an end today.

He looked at the night and didn't know how long it had passed. He didn't expect someone to knock on the door. The rhythm of knocking on the door was different from Julia's arrogance. It was a very small voice and seemed to be cautious.

After three knocks, the people outside seemed to realize that Jane Yue couldn't open the door, so they twisted the door to let themselves in.

She went in and took the suit directly from her bed. Her voice rang softly: "Mr. Jane, change your clothes and get ready to go downstairs."

"Get out of here."

Jane did not look back, and her voice rang out coldly.

"Sir... Since it's such a big engagement day, we should take it seriously. How can you only wear this woollen coat? It seems that my husband is not serious at all. People will laugh when they see him. " Su Xinqing said softly, the warm sight was like a feather, falling gently on his back.

I haven't seen him for many years. He still stood there motionless, straight back, and didn't know whether he was thinking deeply or in a daze.

She was imprisoned by Julia in the dungeon, has been tortured, do not know day and night reversed. Later, once, Julia's people suddenly rushed into the dungeon and took her away. She saw the sunshine outside and realized for the first time that she had spent four years in that dungeon!

In the past four years, there has been no faith, just because of Jane Yue.

I know that they are impossible, but I just don't want to leave. I want to have another look.

Maybe you can feel at ease by looking at yourself.

They left with the boat, constantly changing the smuggling ship, but did not return to the shore, she later learned from other people that Jane Yue, another powerful family, destroyed the organization together, and now they are running for their lives.

She didn't know how long she had been at sea, but one day Julia came over and started whipping her without saying a word. She was shaking in pain on the deck.

After the fight, Julia's anger also came out, and she chose to talk to her.

Maybe it's because Julia likes Jane Yue too much, but she can't get it, so she has to find a vent, and Su Xinqing is the best one.

So she miraculously survived, did not die in the dungeon, did not die under Julia's whip, tenacious life for nine years.

At first, it was because Jane Yue lived, but later, she lived for Su Hanyun.

So now she doesn't know whether she loves Jane Yue or not. Maybe this is the only man she has ever loved. She hasn't formally held hands, hugged or kissed

So I can't forget it.

When she knew that he was changing for another woman, and he didn't look like the man in her memory, maybe she was not reconciled.

But she's very rational. Although she can't tell love from not love, she also knows that the most real feeling in her heart is

We can't let him have an accident. She wants to protect this man.

Like him coming out of the dark, like watching him smile, like watching him in young and energetic clothes, walking in the street

Although she is jealous of Ji Jin, she has to admit that she also likes this kind of Jane Yue.

That smile comes from the heart.

In the past, Jane lived in the dark, but now she lives in the sunshine.

She missed the past and liked the present. That's all.

I like

It's no longer love.

"Put it on, sir." She said softly, as many years ago.

The more Jane heard the words, the more she frowned, and then she turned and looked.

He saw a face full of scars. The face with big palm was full of scars. He could see that it was new and old wounds. It was only after accumulation that it became like this. But the eyes, but bright and bright, although the soft flowing eyes, but inside it is a stubborn.

She didn't feel ashamed of her appearance at all. Instead, she met his eyes with magnanimity.

This eye light

deja vu.

He had an impression of this woman. At the beginning of the photo exhibition, she bumped into herself.

"Who let you in?" He said with a frown.

"Sir, Miss Julia asked me to come and wait for you to change your clothes. If you don't, I can't do it. So, put it on! "

She stepped forward, her little hand trembling slightly, but she felt very familiar when she reached out.

At the beginning, when Jane Yue went out to work every morning, he prepared his coat and helped him put it on. When he gets off work, she will also wait at the door and take off his coat.

Although she has left Jane Yue for nine years, the events of that year still appear in her mind and can't be waved away.

Therefore, everything we do now has become like a flow of benevolence.

She helped Jane to take off her clothes, but he didn't feel anything wrong. He even felt that this action was very familiar, as if she had done it to herself before.


The woman beside him only needs Ji Jin. How can he feel familiar with other women?

His brow instantly frowned tightly. Seeing that she had boldly grasped his sweater, he regained his mind. He held her wrist with his big hand and said coldly, "what? Do you want to see my body? "

Su Xinqing realized that she seemed to be a bit rash, and quickly said: "I'll prepare the shirt for you first, you go to the bathroom first, and I'll send it to you later."

She broke free and went to the wardrobe to pick up the shirt. She was skilled, and the speed of selection was very fast, as if... She often did it.

Soon, he took out a clean shirt that he didn't wear and asked carefully, "have you taken it off, sir? I'll send it to you soon! "

Jane Yue's pupils contracted violently in an instant, and a person's voice flashed in her mind, which made his face look ugly.

This is... Impossible!