Chapter 349

Name:President's new wife Author:二聂
The entrance of the coffee shop is full of people, and even the waiters can't help looking out, as if something big happened outside.

Xu Baoqian called the waiter and asked suspiciously, "what's the matter outside?"

"I don't know. There are many people coming outside, each with a bunch of roses in his hand."

"What are you doing with roses?" Ji Jin is a little puzzled.

"Who knows! It's said that someone is distributing it. Now there are a lot of people around the door. Men and women, old and young, have it in their hands! " The waiter said with a smile, "I'll try it later. It's said that the young man with roses is very handsome. I'm going to have a look!" The waiter couldn't help being a flower maniac.

Ji Jin took a sip of coffee and tasted it. She didn't dare to drink too much.

"Forget about that. Where will you go shopping later?" She asked.

"I'll take you to my store later. Shen Nan has helped me set up my first store, right above the department store. Are you interested in being my boss?" She said with a smile that she didn't care about things outside.

"You have a shop! Congratulations, then I'll go to pick the clothes. Don't worry about it! "

"Absolutely not. You are my lady. I'm not good to you. Who can I be good to! Forget it. I'll take you upstairs instead of coffee. " Xu Baoqian is an acute person. At the mention of this, she can't help but want Ji Jin to visit her first store immediately.

As soon as they went out, they were frightened by the people in front of them.

Passers by had a red rose in their hands. When they saw that they were coming out, they all rushed towards her.

"I wish you happiness!"

"What?" She was still in a daze. She didn't expect that she had a rose in her hand.

Soon after one person left, another came forward and said, "I wish you and Mr. Jane a happy marriage."

With that, I sent a rose.

"Mr. Jane says he loves you very much, so promise to have a wedding with him."

"Miss Ji, I wish you and Mr. Jane happiness and a beautiful baby."

"Miss Ji, you must have a good relationship with Mr. Jane. I was so cute at the beginning! And I believe that rumors stop with wise people. You're not the one who spread on the Internet... "

"You must be happy..."

Her ears were full of "Miss Ji" and "Mr. Jane". She didn't respond at all. Those people came and went in a hurry, saying the next blessing, and then put a rose in her hand.

Rose has been to thorn in advance, so it doesn't prick at all.

When the roses in her arms were almost unable to hold, she did not expect the crowd to disperse. She was wearing a black suit and a sapphire blue tie. She was an extraordinary person with noble temperament.

His eyebrows and eyes are very light, there is a kind of misty smoke feeling, can't see through, seems to be careless about everything.

He is just like another world coming, with a worldly atmosphere, mysterious and noble, unforgettable.

He finally... Came to her.

"999 roses, 999 blessings. You and I have never held a wedding since we got married. I owe you a prosperous wedding. It's in Yancheng. Would you like to put on a coat for me and become my bride?" Jane knelt down slowly and took out a velvet box from her arms.

Open it. Inside lies the ring she took off earlier.

Ji Jin felt that all this was like a dream.

Jane Yue's romantic proposal?

My God! It's not true, is it?

She looked around and found that everyone was looking at themselves with interest, looking forward to her answer.

Some time ago, because of her life experience, divorce door and other things, she made a lot of trouble in the city, and others scolded her.

I didn't expect that just a month later, Jane Yue even knelt down to propose and asked her to wear a wedding dress to attend the wedding. This is a big news!

People have different opinions on Ji Jin, but they are also very happy to watch the proposal game.

She took back her eyes, then looked down at the man kneeling in front of her, and finally stepped back.

"Sorry, I don't want to."

These six words, not light or heavy hit in the hearts of all people, so that all people gape.

When they couldn't accept this fact, Jane Yue's face was calm and felt that she should refuse herself.

He stood up slowly, tall and straight.

He looked at her eyes for a moment and said calmly: "it doesn't matter, then I'll come again next time! Some time ago, I know that there are many rumors about our husband and wife in Yancheng. We failed to deal with them in time because of some delay, which misled you and made you misunderstand my wife. Our marriage has not broken down. I owe my wife a wedding, so thank you very much for your help. I will continue to work hard. "

Jane Yue is always a person with few words, but she said a lot this time.

Ji Jin heard clearly next to him. The reason why he had such a big battle was not just to propose, but to help her wash away the malicious rumors these days.

Her heart, all of a sudden warm.

He came forward, gently hugged Ji Jin's waist, and then said: "wife, it's late, I'll cook for you."

Ji Jin thought of Xu Baoqian, looked back, but found that Xu Baoqian disappeared, when to leave, she did not know.

Before she could say anything more, she was pulled away by Jane Yue, leaving behind a group of innocent melon eaters.

"My God! What's the matter with the couple? Some time ago, it was revealed that the woman was cheating and even cohabited with her uncle? The property division of the divorce agreement has burst out. Is it fake? "

"It must be false. Didn't you find that the two parties never came forward to admit it? Maybe it's nothing at all. They haven't divorced at all! "

"But the photos of Qin Minghui show that the relationship between her and Jane Er Shao is improper? Is that a fake? "

"Don't you know that many photos can be synthesized now! And if the woman is really cheating, will the man be like this? Our original cute editing couple is back, there are trees and trees! "

"No, I want to tell my classmates that this proposal is too romantic! The main thing is money! "

The crowd was bustling and chatting, and then slowly dispersed.

Just gathered full square, suddenly scattered clean, leaving only passers-by in a hurry.

There is a fountain in the middle of the square, which sprays water every day.

Xu Baoqian stood beside and looked at her. At this moment, a couple came. Standing beside her, the girl excitedly said, "just take a picture for me here, just to see the building behind! Miss, could you excuse me? I'll take a picture! "

The girl asked politely.

Xu Baoqian nodded and then walked away from them.

Maybe I've been single for too long and haven't tasted the taste of love. Now the two people who are close to each other can feel the love breath emanating from them, which is very charming.

She is destined to be lonely, but she is not reconciled, has been looking for the antidote to save her loneliness, the result

In the end, it's you who hurt yourself.

She took out her mobile phone and edited a text message for Ji Jin.

We must continue to be happy.


Today, the scene of the square has gone crazy on the Internet.

Jane Yue proposed in full view of the public. This video was quickly searched. The amount of information was so huge that it was like a stream of clear water. It was instantly injected into the big vat of marriage change, infidelity and divorce, which made a lot of noise a while ago.

And soon, the D.E. official issued a long article saying that the two were not divorced and still very affectionate. The reason why they didn't come out to explain some time ago was that Jane Yue was delayed because of her personal affairs. The reason why she proposed this time was that she had been married for half a year. Jane Yue always owed Ji Jin a wedding, so she had the drama of proposing.

D. E's influence is very big, instantly over those rumors, people dare not chew the root of the tongue. Because D.E. has taken strict legal measures, the refutation has been reduced in an instant.

Ji Jin at home while eating Jane Yue's lunch, while brushing the website, brushing the forum, brushing the micro blog, those who scold themselves a lot less, silent for a long time, editing the couple's backup fans suddenly emerged, and the number of fans suddenly rose from tens of thousands at the beginning to tens of thousands, you can see that someone is operating behind.

"Well, ten minutes have passed. Concentrate on your meal."

Jane more like a housekeeper general, her mobile phone pulled in the past, gave her a bowl of soup.

Ji Jin curled her lips: "don't think I'll forgive you for doing this. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be scolded so miserably, so you have to feel guilty for me and continue to be good to me."

"Well, no guilt will do you good."

"By the way, whose are these pictures of babies on the wall? Why are they all one person and one posture? Is there no other good-looking one?"

Ji Jin thought of what, doubt of ask a way.

"What? Isn't it pretty? " Jane said faintly, picking out all the fishbones and putting them in her bowl.

"It's beautiful, but it's also aesthetically tiring to watch one all the time! And that's a picture of a boy. Didn't you say you wanted a girl? "

"I can't find your childhood photos. Next time I'll bring Elena's and take down my photos."

The more Jane felt that what she said was very reasonable, she nodded.


Ji Jin gaped at him, stunned speechless, can only tremble at the photos on the wall.

"You... Your..."

"Well. From being handsome to being big. " Jane said more frankly that she was always confident about her appearance.

Ji Jin smell speech, immediately helpless glance, very dislike.

Why didn't you think he was so narcissistic before“ Jane Yue, do you dare to be shameless? Do you boast so much about yourself? I'm ashamed to hear that! " Ji Jin didn't say well“ I'm not boasting, I'm stating the truth. I'll take you to a place after dinner“ Where? " Ji Jin asked suspiciously.