Chapter 348

Name:President's new wife Author:二聂
The more Jane noticed the tremor in her voice, the more she knew that she couldn't believe it for a moment.

It's all his fault.

Some time ago so hard hurt, now happiness in front of her, but let her hesitate.

He slowly turned around, and her boyfriend picked her up with one hand and put her on the clean table.

This move, Ji Jin scared.

"Your wound..."

Before she finished, she was interrupted by Jane Yue. He laughed and his black eyes were bright.

"I have strength to hold my wife."

Ji Jin smell speech, want to say what, but finally found that no words can describe her at the moment excited mood.

Her man was in charge, he was wearing a white shirt inside, a gray sweater outside, and light gray slacks at the bottom. He is too laggy, and he is still very cartoon pink. He does not look very feminine on his body, but it is especially warm.

His face is not so ruddy, the sun shining on him, like a freeze frame comic moment.

And he

It's the most handsome person in the cartoon.

"What would you like to eat?" he asked, leaning over his head with a doting smile. "I've got toast, blueberry jam, milk and eggs in the morning. What else would you like to eat?"

"Well?" She tilted her head and thought about it carefully, then said, "tomato and egg noodles."

That's the first food she made for him, and that's what he made for her. Now she just wants to eat this.

"Good." Jane Yue agreed, and then took out fresh tomatoes from the refrigerator, and began to boil water. When the water was almost boiled, the tomatoes were not cold. He took one, washed it and handed it to her: "here, here you are."

Ji Jin takes over happily, gnawing and tilting her head to see the man working in the kitchen.

His movements with a knife and below are so perfect that every frame is a picture.

"Jane Yue, where's your cell phone? Give it to me

He wiped his hand, took out the mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Ji Jin.

She wanted to shoot this scene, but unexpectedly, she saw QQ, wechat, microblog and other chat software on Jane Yue's mobile phone. She couldn't help but stare. You know, in the past, Jane Yue's mobile phone was only used to make phone calls, send text messages, and then browse information.

The only chat software is Besteam, which is specially used for office.

In fact, Ji Jin has long wanted to recommend him to use the elderly machine, which is most suitable for him.

What's going on now?

Did the single celled Paramecium with low EQ begin to evolve?

"Jane Yue... How can you have so many chat software?"

"I have added you to every account. Remember to add me." He said without looking back.

"..." is it because of myself?

Her heart is sweet, and then took a picture, is ready to use MMS to send themselves, think about it, he has added his friends, and so there will be a deduction bar.

Soon, the tomato and egg noodles are ready.

Jane Yue's body couldn't bear it, otherwise she would have been on the table with her.

Ji Jin also understand, also very enough to his man's face, clever jumped down, took the initiative to hold his bowl, said with a smile: "finally good, I can't wait!"

She came to open the chair to sit down, tasted a mouthful, immediately praised and said: "Mr. Jane, your craft is really getting better and better!"


One second ago, Jane Yue's face was still full of happy smile, but when she heard this address, the next second was gloomy.

"Go and get the license after eating." The man ordered.

See him eat shriveled, Ji Jin's mood is very good.

"By the way, how can we come back? Aren't we at the training base? "

"Why do you sleep so heavily? I put you on the plane, and then back to bed, make so much noise you don't know! In the evening, I will never let you sleep alone again. "

Thinking of last night, Jane Yue could not help worrying.

"Then remember to keep your promise, so I'm not afraid." She said with a smile.

After a meal, Jane told her to go upstairs and change her clothes first. She had to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get her license first, otherwise the feeling of driving without a license was too bad.

Clearly beloved woman in the arms, but he is inexplicable uneasiness.

Ji Jin went back upstairs, turned on her mobile phone and received Jane Yue's friend information.

The user names of wechat, QQ and Weibo are "Mr. Jian of Miss Ji".

The signatures all look the same.

"I am married."

Ji Jin's heart suddenly warm.

She added friends, sent a jitter in the past: "Jane, please send photos."

"What do you call me?" Jane has a voice.

Ji Jin was a little surprised. She didn't expect that this antique would still make voice! It seems that there is no era of derailment!

"Mr. Jane, I didn't promise to get married! You haven't proposed to me yet. My baby doesn't have an appointment. I just made an appointment with Xu Baoqian to go shopping, so I won't accompany you. If you're not in good health, you'll take good care of yourself at home

After Ji Jin sent a long one, she went offline. Then she really called Xu Baoqian and asked her to come to meet her.

She could even think of Jane getting more and more angry.

The last time I got the marriage certificate so easily, and the proposal was so casual. I just put on the ring, and I didn't even bring myself a ring.

Now she is still carrying her wedding ring, her stomach is slightly bulging, and her whole body is almost without a sign, which means that she is a married woman!


She should be a single mother now!

Just now, Jane knocked on the door.

Ji Jin had changed her clothes. When she opened the door and saw the gloomy color on the man's face, she couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Jane, what are you doing?"

"Ji Jin, how can you marry me?" The man said very seriously.

She put the ring on the man's hand with a smile: "Mr. Jane, people will grow up. At the beginning, you cheated me so easily, which made me very unhappy. Now you want to buy one for one. There is no such easy thing in the world. You want to marry me if you don't pay something. No way!"

It is estimated that no divorced and pregnant woman dares to say such a thing.

Only Ji Jin is confident.

When there is Jane Yue, she will live a good life. Without Jane Yue, she can live a good life.

She never felt that it was a shame to divorce a single parent. On the contrary, she felt that she could take good care of her children by herself.

Therefore, now he wants to marry, he may not want to marry, the decision can be in her hands.

"Then what should I do? As long as you open your mouth, I'll promise!" Jane said more eagerly.

"If I don't tell you, I'll figure it out for myself. In vain, I'm going on a date with my best friend!" She blinked at Jane more and more, bright eyes suddenly fly out of countless amorous feelings, really let Jane more and more love and hate.

Damn, it's all made by myself!

He immediately picked up his cell phone and called his wingman.

"Han Feiyang, now Ji Jin does not agree to marry me, how to do?"

"Well? Aren't you married long ago? " Han Feiyang has been catching up with projects abroad, and he has no idea what happened here, so he is confused when he hears about this problem.

"Don't worry about it. Tell me first, how can I get a woman to agree to my proposal?"

"It's very simple! Just give me a romantic proposal ceremony! You are in the vast sea of people, holding her hand, affectionately reciting her name, and then kneeling down to take out the ring.... "

"That's it?" Jane asked more doubtfully.

"The means of chasing girls are very old-fashioned, but every time they try again and again, they know the routine, but they are willing to fight and suffer." Han Feiyang said tactfully.

After listening, Jane thanks and hangs up.

Han Feiyang at the other end looks at his mobile phone and can't help laughing bitterly. His own emotional problems have not been solved yet. He also wants to be an emotional consultant for others. It's really

He laughed at himself, and in his mind came the girl who was as bright as a song and as flaming as fire.

Ji Jin didn't wait for a while at home. Xu Baoqian came over with her red Audi, and then took Ji Jin to a cafe. As soon as she sat down, Xu Baoqian said, "what's your situation now? How did you make it up again? "

"He thought of me and made up." She did not elaborate too much, just to explain the state of the moment.

"Remember? But you are all divorced. Are you planning to get married now? "

"Don't get married how to do ah, the baby is three months, wait for the belly to show a little bit more not good-looking, I also want to wear beautiful wedding dress!"

"Baby?" Xu Baoqian was shocked. She quickly pulled her up and looked at her still flat abdomen. It was unbelievable. Only when she touched it could she feel a slight bulge.

"Ji Jin, did you divorce and get married with your baby! I really admire you! But he has done so many wrong things, and you let him go so easily? "

"I want to bully him, but he's a wooden head. He doesn't understand romance at all. I gave him a hint and asked him to propose to me. I don't know if he's enlightened." Ji Jin said dejectedly, thinking of her last proposal

Are you sure it's a proposal?

There was no kneeling on one knee, no 999 roses, not even a beautiful scenery. It was solved directly in the car.

This time, can Jane be enlightened? She was very worried.

"When Jian Yu was on the cruise ship, he made so many surprises for you. Didn't he study on one side?"

"I don't quite believe he knows that insight! Can a person who reads newspapers every day, who doesn't play with mobile phones or read entertainment gossip, understand romance? "

"Well... You think I didn't say anything." Xu Baoqian rolled her eyes helplessly. Jane Yue is a fighter with low EQ, which no one can match. As soon as she saw that Xu Baoqian's words were poor, she sighed with frustration: "forget it, I'll admit my life, I guess it will be like this in my life!" No way, who let her spread this man? When she was depressed, she didn't expect a commotion outside“ My God! Look, look, it's beautiful. Who did it