"Welcome... I didn't expect that you would give up your job in Fujiwara group and come to me, Jun Watanabe. This day is just like a dream."

Ryan Carr warmly gave him an eagle like hug. This blonde man with golden glasses is an old friend of Watanabe and also an expert in the field of biology. They used to work together in a research lab, but later they parted ways because of their own interests. Watanabe went to the research lab of Mr. Fujiwara to study the elixir of immortality for him, Ryan Carr, on the other hand, returned to Eagle country to work for media tycoon Benjamin Jones.

Although Ryan has never talked to Junichiro Watanabe about the content of his work, from the content of his several invitation to himself, he has seen that the main research direction of Ryan is probably similar to that of him, and they are all specialized in the direction of extending human life span.

After all, Benjamin is in his eighties. People are afraid of death when they get old, and the rich are even more.

Today, the world is quiet and peaceful, with rapid development of science and technology and economy. But in the dark, everyone with power and power is working hard, hoping to see the hope of extending their life before they die. As Mr. Watanabe knows, there are more than 50 private research laboratories around the world, which are advancing to that dreamlike realm day and night.

Among them, the Research Office of wantaro Fujiwara is the one with the most remarkable achievements. He is also a famous person in this field.

"I didn't expect that one day."

"Let's find a safe place first and then talk about the past. Do you know where free city is safer?" he said

Ryan's face changed slightly: "Mr. Watanabe, what's the matter with you? What happened? "

"Find a safe place first."

"When it comes to safety, I'm afraid there's no place safer than my place. Let's go."

"It won't disturb your family, will it?"

"Ha ha, that smelly bitch is long gone. She cheated with a little white face while I was working overtime in the research room. Later, I found out. Damn it, if she didn't run fast, I would let her go to court."

Ryan got into the car cursing.

"Call me when you get there. I'll sleep for a while."

As soon as he got on the bus, Junichiro Watanabe was tired and fell asleep. On the transoceanic plane, he was so frightened that he didn't even sleep well. He was afraid to hear the plane turn around and return to Sakura City Airport.

For Ryan, Junichiro Watanabe is relatively trusting. Although they will quarrel over research topics, they used to be college classmates after all, and their relationship has always been very good.

Ryan looked at Junichiro Watanabe in the rearview mirror, full of doubts. He doesn't understand what happened to Junichiro Watanabe, why he was so tired and even panicked, and he also knows the rules of this industry. Although the benefits are very rich, if he wants to change his job, the consequences will be very serious, so he never thought that Junichiro Watanabe would really come to the United States to find him.

Is there something wrong with Fujiwara group, so it has to cut the expenses of the research laboratory? Even layoffs? But that should not let Junichiro Watanabe go. He is the pillar of the research laboratory. Without him, the research laboratory would even be abandoned.

Back at Ryan's home in Liberty City, Junichiro Watanabe breathed a sigh of relief, sat on the sofa and opened a bottle of red wine.

"To tomorrow, to freedom, cheers."


Ryan took a sip of the wine and asked his question again: "Mr. Watanabe, what happened? Although I'm glad you've come to my side, you don't know the consequences, do you? Mr. Fujiwara will be crazy. Maybe he will buy your head in the black market. "

Junichiro Watanabe drained the brandy in his glass, heavily placed the glass on the tea table, then sighed and said, "Lai Enjun, do you think that what we do research is destined to be tied together by the sponsors?"

"Well... In a sense, without the sponsor, our research work can't continue. If we don't engage in research, can we take our resume to sell hot dogs on the street?"

With a little humor, Ryan agreed with the words of Junichiro Watanabe.

"... but if you want to sell your life to them, it's not appropriate?"

"Work hard?"

Ryan was a little more serious: "what's going on?"

"You know, I'm engaged in research. Different from the warriors in our country, they are willing to give their lives to the Lord and take it as glory. But I'm different. I still cherish my life."

"And then?"

"I overheard Mr. Fujiwara's words two days ago... Once there is any significant progress or result in my research, he will not give us a big bonus and let us share the results together. He will kill us when we report the good news."


Ryan was surprised: "it shouldn't be! It's obviously the result of your research. How can he occupy it like this? "

"This is the reality, Lai Enjun. Immortality is everyone's dream. It's nothing but hope. But once there is hope and the possibility of success, it will never become the common welfare of human beings. It will only become the exclusive private property of one person, his own food, or the weapon to control the whole earth. It's something that no one wants to share with others. "

"Maybe you don't have any ideas, but will Mr. Benjamin have any ideas? Do you know? Human selfishness will never disappear, and I'm almost sure that once he knows that you are likely to complete your research and really produce useful results - you will never live the next day. "

Ryan's face changed slightly. He had not considered this possibility before, but his nature as a researcher made him never seriously consider the nature of a businessman. If we think about it in terms of the businessman's mode of thinking, if an extremely rare thing can not become a commodity for him, the best way to deal with it is to monopolize it.

In this case, what Mr. Watanabe said is absolutely possible - no, it should be said that it is inevitable.

"Then what? Didn't you come to me to join Mr. Benjamin's lab? "

"No, I just want to escape from the sun kingdom. In the sun Kingdom, the power of Fujiwara group is beyond your imagination. From top to bottom, from politics to underworld, there are their people everywhere, and Eagle kingdom is relatively better. No one here knows who I am - except you."

"But what about your next life if you don't do research?"

"Don't worry. Before I ran away, I had transferred my savings to another card. Over the past ten years, I have accumulated a lot of savings, which is enough for me to enjoy my life."

Junichiro Watanabe is a little proud: "I've worked hard for most of my life, and then it's time for me to enjoy it."

Although Fujiwara is very ruthless, when he was studying, he was paid a lot of money. Every year, he was paid tens of millions of Eagle dollars. However, he usually had no expenses. Fujiwara group provided housing and food. Occasionally, he went to the custom hotel to call a high school girl to help him, So over the years, he has accumulated hundreds of millions of Eagle dollars, and he has invested a lot in him, so Ryan is sure that he will be mad if he runs away.

"You're good. I thought you came here specially to change jobs, so I've reported it to Mr. Benjamin. If he knows you don't mean that, he will blame me."

Ryan shook his head with a wry smile.

"I'm sorry, Ryan."

Junichiro Watanabe was apologetic on his face. Then he thought about it for a moment. After careful consideration, he said solemnly: "although I don't want to continue my research work and won't work for Mr. Benjamin, when I left the research room, I brought out a lot of research materials. I think Mr. Benjamin will be very happy to see these things."

"What do you mean, are you willing to transfer this information to me?"

"No, it's not a transfer. It's for you. To be exact, it's for your boss."

Watanabe solemnly corrected Ryan's words: "since I don't intend to continue this work, it's useless for me to keep this information. I'd better sell it to Mr. Benjamin - I think he will be willing to make a good price for this document."

"It's inevitable. After all, Mr. Watanabe, you are very famous in this field. He will be very happy to buy this information - I'll contact Mr. Benjamin right away."

"Wait a minute! Lai Enjun, you can contact him tomorrow. I'm really tired today. This time is supposed to be lunch time in sun Kingdom, but I don't even have breakfast. Don't you think I should be treated well? "

"Ha ha, I'm bold!" Ryan laughs: "but if you don't go out, we'll have to do it ourselves. How about a vegetable and fruit sandwich, a Family steak, and a bottle of cognac?"


"Then I'll prepare. As a guest, you can now enjoy the last night before you run to your free life, ha ha."

Ryan got up with a smile and went into the kitchen.

Junichiro Watanabe looked at him with a smile, then looked at the big box beside him and patted it gently: "my happiness for the rest of my life depends on you. I hope you don't let me down."