And just when Yue Fei and Bi Fang rushed to the free city of Eagle country, the current high-level of Eagle country was in a complete mess.

Although it's just a small UAV that has lost contact, Eagle country always likes to hear the news. They will regard all reasons as a signal of war.

Even though they were missing over the high seas, the men at the Eagle Command raised their alert level.

As they usually do, within an hour of receiving the loss of contact from the drone, they solemnly issued diplomatic language to several suspected countries. Although the choice of words and sentences still maintain the basic politeness, but the content has no difference from face-to-face questioning.

After receiving diplomatic rhetoric, those countries responded differently.

The cabinet minister of the sun Kingdom almost didn't get under the table from the dining table, roaring and delivering the order: "check! Go and find out who moved the eagle drone! Damn it, if it affects the relationship between the sun Kingdom and the eagle Kingdom, the future is unimaginable! "

The president and the Prime Minister of the old Maoist state were drinking vodka while playing the accordion. After hearing the report, they murmured: "we didn't do it anyway. What does he do? Tell him what to do and don't mess with me - I have a nuclear bomb! Oh, by the way, is it your turn to be president or prime minister next year? "

When he heard the report, the pen in the prime minister's hand fell to the ground and said to himself thoughtfully, "is this the rhythm of war? It seems that the time has come for our country to rise. It's time for our country's good men to fly out and see what's ours outside. "

After receiving the report, the president of curry country scowled: "is this the signal of war in Eagle country? Who is the target? Is it China? I don't know how to say that. It's really sad... Forget it, I'd better eat my curry... "

And right below the eagle Kingdom, across the earth, China is full of laughter.

"I didn't expect that Eagle country would have a shriveled day! They have been showing off their global hawk's best performance. They are flying over our heads. Are you stupid? Ha ha

"It's a pity that I don't know which country did it, otherwise I really need to celebrate."

"Could it be some terrorist organization in the Pacific? Or did it crash because of the extreme weather

"It's impossible. In that case, the Hawks will not issue diplomatic language so solemnly. They must have encountered something unexpected - but what happened? I'm really curious."

An old man, with a smile, took a cup of tea, narrowed his eyes and drank happily: "no matter what happened, it's really exciting. The UAV that people made ten years ago is more advanced than the one that we are developing now. It's really embarrassing to say that."

"Although we are all working hard, we can't help if the basic industry doesn't reach the standard."

"It has been said for a long time that talent is the foundation of the country by streamlining personnel and improving the work welfare of scientific research personnel. As a result, all the money has gone to the three public sectors for consumption. Now all the capable people have gone out. Who will give you the opportunity to develop industrial technology? Let those who sit in the office every day reading newspapers and drinking tea develop UAVs for you? "

Another old man sipped his tea, shook his head and sighed: "it's a big problem... Our orders can't reach the place at all. When we go out of the door, our taste changes. What can we do? And now the idea of official standard is deeply rooted. If they want them to work, they think they should get more benefits than ordinary people. Although they scold each other so much, they are also virtuous. "

"Forget it, forget it. I'll have to drink two cups of this good news tonight."

"How can the Ministry of foreign affairs reply?"

"Reply? What's the answer? His eagle drone crashed, none of our business? Now that their combat headquarters are busy, they have no time to make trouble on our side again. "


Although most of the earth is now busy with the eagle drone, Yue Fei is not aware of it. He is even glad to be decisive.

Because on their way to the west coast of eagles, they saw the Pacific Fleet sailing there.

"I didn't expect that I came to the world all of a sudden for this reason... Thank you very much this time. If it wasn't for your help, I'm afraid I couldn't get rid of that thing."

"Nothing. Will you come with us next time, or will you let weak water send you back to Xumi world?"

After thinking about it for a while, Bi Fang said, "you'd better send me back. To be honest, I feel very uncomfortable after staying in the mortal world for a while. I feel like I'm soaked in something greasy and dirty. I can't stand this kind of life any more."

He grew up in such a miserable environment that Yue Fei could only smile bitterly because he knew it was true. Now that he is used to staying at home, he doesn't want to go out. He has a weak water array at home, and the outside world is just like two worlds.

Yue Fei thought about it and said, "well, anyway, there's no trouble next. I need your help. Weak water, can you send him back to Xumi world?"

"Hum, it's really troublesome. What's wrong with staying here? Although it's boring and the air quality is a bit bad, there are always some inexplicable things to happen. There's also a stupid servant who doesn't go up or down. There's no courtesy, and the water below is dirty to death. But after all, there's a lot of fun here, Now and then, it's interesting to see those shortsighted mortals fighting for such a small profit

The weak water Balabala said, then Bi Fang stayed for a while and shook his head: "I don't think so."

Weak water expression stagnated, and then a boring face: "you are really boring... Forget it, since you want to go back, then send you back, originally also want to have more people."

Bi Fang nodded gratefully, then patted his chest and said, "if Shangxian has any orders, you can call me at any time, and I will come out to help you at any time."

"Go on, go on, stop talking!"

Weak water impatiently threw him into the Xumi world.

Yue Fei looked at the weak water and thought about it for half a day. Suddenly he was happy: "it seems that you have become a magic baby trainer, carrying a super master ball with you."

"Well, what do you know? It's called calling a wave Weak water disdains to curl his mouth: "what's the magic baby? If I let out all those idle farts in Xumi world and destroy the earth every minute, do you believe it

In minutes? Girl, you underestimate your strength too much

The weak water yawned and looked around, a little curious: "is this the free city of Eagle country? It looks much busier than Linjiang city. It's so dark now, and there are bright lights everywhere. There's a lot of traffic. "

"It's one of the biggest cities in the world. Don't compare it with Linjiang..."

"Linjiang doesn't have the big statue under our feet. It's so shiny. Why don't I pack it up and take it away? It must be great to go home. "

Yue Fei was scared out of his wits. Only she could think of this crazy idea - and she would put it into action if she didn't stop her!

"Do you mean to be angry with me? This statue is the symbol of other people's free market. If you just take it away, the news media of the whole world will go crazy tomorrow! "

"Bang, Ben fairy's fancy to this thing is to give them face..."

"They don't know you at all. Why give you face! Let's go

Yue Fei pulled the weak water down from the torch, and they flew invisibly into the free market.

Weak water wrinkled his nose, upset by the pungent car exhaust around him, Lala Yuefei said: "where is that man, do you know?"

"I don't know, but don't you know?"

Yue Fei stopped and turned to look at the weak water: "don't you know his appearance and breath from the memory of wantaro Fujiwara? If the spirit covers the whole free city, isn't it hard to find him? "

Weak water brain green brain straight jump: "originally you hit is this abacus?"

"What else?" Yue Fei shrugged his shoulders and looked innocent. "Although ah Huang and Xi mouse are both good at looking for people, they don't know the person's appearance and breath, and they're not here. Only you have the qualifications - why else would I bring you here? Relying on the demon detector, I don't know when I'm going to find it. If I want to complete the task, it's time to upgrade... "

"Well! I knew you didn't have a good heart! " Weakly water stamped his foot angrily, then frowned and said, "I just found out it's dark. Is it time to have dinner? Go to dinner first, and then look for it after dinner. "

"Hello, we've just had breakfast! It's jet lag! Don't match your meal with the change of light

"I don't care. Anyway, I'm hungry. I won't do it if I don't eat. I'll go to you and find out for yourself!"

Weak water lips slightly Du, humming, holding his arm, twisting his head, back to Yue Fei, shaking his head, like a little girl with a boyfriend.

Yue Fei was a little bit cute by her, but at the thought of this guy's bad water in front of him, and often doing those ridiculous things, Yue Fei choked the cute idea in his heart very decisively.

Although black belly and poisonous tongue are also cute points, Yue Fei thinks that he can't have these two attributes at all, because he doesn't shake m!

It's an illusion. Yes, she can't be so cute!

Yue Fei reminds himself in his heart that she must not take the initiative. Once he falls into the passive position, he can't tell if this guy has any bad plans waiting for him.

For the time being, it's better to satisfy her wishes first, or I don't know how long it will take.

Yue Fei thought so and nodded.

"Well, I'll take you to dinner first - I'll get down to business after supper!"