G city.

Click! Click!

Janos landed quickly and destroyed the runaway robots one by one. However, as the military base camp, the number of robots in G city is very large, and the citizens are scattered everywhere, so he can't release the spiral combustion gun to clear the robots at one time, so he can only clean them up one by one in a stupid way.

Boom! Boom!

In front of us, there was a fierce battle.

"Huh? Other heroes? "

He frowned, bent his knees, suddenly kicked out like a rocket.

"Robots vs. robots?"

The battle ahead is very strange. The two robots are fighting fiercely.

"Civil war?"

He looked cold and stretched out his palm. "No matter what you fight, there is no time to distinguish at present, so it's best for you to go to hell together."

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, a robot fell from the sky and landed in front of jenos.

"Huh? Support? "

Janos stared warily at the new robot.

"The devil transforms people. I'm a metal Knight..."

The robot said coldly.

"Metal knight?"

Jenos suddenly, sure enough, when the world needs heroes, even the procrastinating metal knights in the past sent their own robots to fight.

"It's me."

Through remote manipulation of robots, the metal Knight mechanically said with electronic synthetic sound: "the devil transforms people. The current situation is that robots in G city and rumored to be kamperon disaster freaks are attacking the military station, so I hope you can support the military and prevent the military station from falling. Remember, we must ensure the safety of the military robot research institute, Because there are precious research materials in it, I think you should also be very interested, because some of them can make you stronger. In addition, give me the runaway robots in this city. My robot army has been mobilized enough to deal with those runaway robots. "

"OK, you have the runaway robot in the city!"

Jenos agreed. The metal Knight's proposal was just what he wanted. As for becoming stronger and unchanged, he didn't consider it for the time being. He just wanted to find out where the violent robots that destroyed his hometown came from? Has it been destroyed now?


Janos took a deep look at the representative robot of the metal knight. In fact, he doubted not only the military, but also the metal knight, because they all have the ability to make powerful robots.

However, at present, he can only focus on the military. As long as he knows the military situation and finds that the original violent robot has nothing to do with it, he will start investigating the mysterious metal knight.


On the streets, teams of robots poured out to fight the runaway robots and escort the citizens to the shelter.



In city y, rampant robots are rampant everywhere.

"Hide in the shelter!"

"Hero, hero, we need heroes..."

A group of citizens shivered and hid in the alley, watching in horror as robots abandoned machine guns because the bullets were empty and rushed towards them with two hands wide swords.

"Mankind... Destroy!"

The mob robot people repeat their program tasks and execute them meticulously.


However, before they got close, they suddenly twisted into a piece like a twist.


The citizens were stunned and looked around for the hero who saved them.


However, they only saw a figure passing quickly in mid air.


In the hero world, only king and tornado have such flying ability, and the figure just now doesn't match the tornado, then there is only one possibility - King shot.

"We are saved, the city is saved..."

They embraced excitedly and wept with joy.

"From now on, I can't be a shit government anymore. Only the hero association can really protect us. Only heroes such as king can save us... Woo woo!"

After this battle, the reputation of the government in the hearts of the citizens has become negative. I'm afraid that if someone provokes it later, the citizens can smash all government organs.

When the military came out, it forcibly suppressed the British Association and forced the heroes to leave one after another. For the sake of the robot army, they did not have extreme news. After all, the efficiency of the robot army was indeed higher than that of the heroes. Unexpectedly, the robot army was so stupid. Only a few days later, it rioted collectively. The once popular urban protection army suddenly became an executioner.

At this moment, they really realized the benefits of heroes.


The citizens did not guess wrong. The man who passed by just now was indeed king. He was separated from the tornado and others to clean up the robots scattered in every corner of the city. Like a cleaner, he was "cleaning" the city and creating a clean urban atmosphere.


At this time, a robot flew towards king with a flame behind it.

"Hey, attack me?"

King waved his hand, twisted the robot directly into a twist, and taught it to be a man with an energy gun.


The metal Knight looked at the suddenly snowflake like screen.


As king was moving on, the telephone rang.

"Hello, huh? Did the robot just destroyed belong to the metal knight? " King was embarrassed. "After all, it's a robot rampage. I can't tell the difference between the two for a while, huh? Let me deal with the robot in Y City, which can rival the Dragon disaster monster? Well, I see. "

After he hung up the phone, he moved and rushed to the position provided by the metal knight.

As a man who has witnessed the death of poros dozens of times, the Dragon disaster Freak is not enough for him.


Not only in cities y and G, but also in other cities, the robot army hidden by the metal knight for many years also dispatched one after another. Moreover, when it was magical, his robot army seemed to be hidden under the shelter. No wonder no one found it. After all, the important buildings of the shelter and other associations were built by him.

Of course, the number of his robot army is far less than that of the government. However, the addition of his robot army has greatly alleviated the shortage of heroes in major cities, so that S-class heroes such as sexy prisoners can get out to deal with the robots put into major cities by the military.

Therefore, there is a strange scene in major cities. Robots fight robots. Both sides execute their own program instructions and fight to the death with scrapping.

Heroes of the hero Association and the new hero association also joined in this wide-ranging battle to protect citizens from evading to shelters.

On this day, the world fell into the flames of war.

This disaster caused by the government

"Above the dragon!"

Xichi sighed and defined the disaster level of the mechanical people's violent walk.

"In addition, we should also guard against the metal knight, his robot army... It's terrible. If it gets out of control, it will be a big disaster."