After receiving the news about the robot's rampage, sitch was surprised and paced anxiously for a while. He immediately edited a mass text message and sent it to all the heroes with special mobile phones of the hero Association.

"The world needs you. Please pick up your glory and fight for justice again..."

"Heroes, go fight!"


S city.

"Now let's invite QIANZI to perform on the stage..."

At the piano performance conference, Qian Zi, the sister of the metal bat, dressed in an elegant princess skirt, saluted the audience slightly.

"Qian Zi, come on, Qian Zi..."

The metal bat is placed in front of the mouth in the shape of a trumpet with the palm of the hand to cheer up QIANZI loudly.


QIANZI looked at his yelling brother with a little embarrassment.

People around also looked at the noisy metal bat in surprise. This is a piano performance, and loud noise is the most taboo.

"Ah? Sorry, sorry to disturb you... "

The metal bat noticed the strange eyes of people nearby, suddenly realized it and apologized to everyone. If other king and others saw him, they would be surprised. The ruffian metal bat knew how to apologize.

Pa Pa!!

However, the audience at the bottom applauded with goodwill.

"I planted a seed and finally grew fruit. Today is a great day. I picked the stars and gave them to you. I dragged the moon and gave them to you. Let the sun rise for you every day..."

The elegant and charming piano sound sounded leisurely with the rhythm of QIANZI's fingers, flying in the quiet venue, making people slightly close their eyes and enjoy the beautiful and pure music.

Woo woo!!

When the metal bat saw that the other audience appreciated QIANZI's piano sound, it burst into tears of joy and wiped its own tears with paper towels.

"I'm so moved that I can finally enjoy QIANZI's piano concert. Wow ~"

He cried uncontrollably.


At this time, a slight SMS ring came from the exclusive British Association mobile phone in his pocket.

His whole body was stiff, he quickly took out his mobile phone, cried like a peach, and his eyes were red. His eyes were frozen, "mechanical people go wild?"


There was a faint sound of explosion outside the venue.


"What happened?"

"Explosion? What's going on? "

The audience in the venue looked around uneasily.


QIANZI on the stage also had to stop playing, and the piano stopped suddenly.

"Audience, calm down!"

Seeing that QIANZI's piano performance was going to be bad, the metal bat suddenly stood up, carried his weapon, the metal bat, on his shoulder, and said angrily: "I'll handle the things outside. I promise it won't affect you."

"All the bastards who dare to destroy QIANZI piano concert, I will break their heads!!"


J city.


In the smelly prison, the sexy prisoners clearly and uninteresting depict one horizontal after another on the wall. Since Lord meow robbed all the prisoners in the smelly prison, the smelly prison was completely clean, and even once he was alone. He began the calculation journey of lonely days when he was bored.

It has been a month and a half since the weirdo Association invaded the city.


Just as he was concentrating on engraving his lonely heart on the wall, his body shook and the information came. His palm shook slightly and the horizontal on the wall was distorted in an instant.

However, he didn't care. Instead, he took out his mobile phone with expectation.

"The mechanical people are running away, and the tolerable boys are in unknown danger?"

He suddenly jumped off the bed, his muscles bulged high, his fist clenched and waved firmly, "in order to save the tolerable boys, let's go... Execute justice!!"


"One, two, one, two, change your posture and do it again!"

The vest venerable is taking a group of his idle little brother to do in-depth exercise in a park to constantly tap and develop the potential of vest strength.

"Let's work hard. We follow the call of vest strength, gather together, exercise together, make progress together, and improve our strength..."

He looked at his more than a dozen younger brothers squatting with their heads in their arms, sweating one by one and nodding with satisfaction.

"Venerable, what's the use of exercising so hard? Now the government has deprived us of the right to use force. Even if we become stronger, I'm afraid it won't help. "

The vest tiger sat down on the ground and was dejected. Once he was just a little gangster and was despised by others. Later, he tried to become a hero and respected by others. Now he has become a fallen hero who is not recognized by the government. His life experience has ups and downs, but so on.


The vest venerable slapped on the shoulder of the vest tiger, stared into each other's eyes, and solemnly said: "we become stronger to be ready to perform justice, because you never know when everyone will need you to save, maybe the next second, the next minute, the next hour..."


He took out his cell phone, showed a trace of dignity and said to the big guy, "everybody, it's time to show our strong vest."


The vest tiger and others were shocked and looked at the vest venerable.

"All the robots of the government are gone, and the citizens are in dire straits. They... Need heroes!!"

"And what are we?"


The vest tiger and others shouted in unison.

"So what should we do?"

"Execute justice!"

"Very good."

The vest venerable waved his big hand, "go... Execute justice!"


D city.


Lei Guangyuan was wearing his complete protective clothing and was repairing the damaged circuit in the city. In the dark space, only the flickering electric fire reflected his focused eyes.

After half a ring, he quickly repaired the circuit, who was very familiar with the circuit.


"Mechanical rampage?"

He narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath. His eyes gradually brightened. He threw away the tools in his hand, opened his toolbox, took out the large battery hidden at the bottom of the toolbox and installed it quickly.


After a moment, he held his two special electric rods and touched them slightly. The electric arc flashed, setting off his high spirited eyes.

"Execute justice!"


Magic show.

Magic experts are holding a huge magic feast.

"Thank you very much for your support. Next, we will present you the famous Magic - big change into a living person!!"

Guru Guru Nagetto!

They pushed up a rectangular box.

The magic hand bowed slightly to the audience, then opened the box and let someone lock him in.

"Ladies and gentlemen, next is the time to witness miracles."


The box opened and the magician had been replaced inside.

"Next, our new magician will perform for you..."

The magic hand has already rushed to the urban area where the robots roam.

"Robots? You will also be fooled by me. "

"Execute justice!"


In addition to the above heroes, the heavy combat vehicles carrying bricks on the construction site, such as crotch cloth, great King Kong and great philosopher, also killed the raging robots.

This time, the heroes officially returned to prove to the world that heroes and citizens share weal and woe in this special period!