"Dear viewers, you can watch the no man's land of Z city behind me through our camera. The originally dilapidated streets have now become ruins. According to the information disclosed by the hero Association, they dispatched most of the S-class heroes, including King and the trembling tornado, in order to eliminate the strange people association entrenched here and the hungry wolves who attacked heroes many times, After a series of fierce battles, the head of the freak association was successfully captured, and all the other freaks were wiped out. The hostages were brought back without injury, and none of the heroes died. It was a perfect action. The only regret is that the hungry wolf was badly hit and fled, and has not been arrested so far. Zejinger, the head of the association, said that more people have been sent to search for the traces of the hungry wolf, I also hope that if the general public finds clues about hungry wolves, they will report them immediately... "

On the big screen, news reports about the heroic action of rescuing wagangma and encircling and suppressing the freak association were broadcast. The hosts and reporters of major TV stations did not hesitate to say a lot of praise to the hero Association.


Zezinger turned off the big screen and smiled at the senior members of the association on the conference table. "Everyone, I'm very happy. I didn't live up to everyone's expectations. I successfully fought a beautiful war of annihilation and brought back wagangma..."

Pa Pa!

At the bottom, a group of senior executives applauded with a smile.

"Now, I'd like to announce the purpose of our meeting to discuss the achievements and ranking of your heroes and the subsequent rewards..."

The meeting became a monologue of zezinger. He read out the contents already written according to the book. "There is no doubt that the three people who have made the greatest achievements in this action are Tong Di who gave advice, the dragon scroll who" uprooted "the base of the freak Association, and king who killed many cadres of the freak Association. I suggest improving the hero ranking of Tong Di, dragon scroll and king. Of course, Other heroes also contribute a lot and can be rewarded in terms of money, material and spirit. At the same time, in order to reflect the care of the association, I think we can hold a celebration like the last time we eliminated alien invasion... "

"I'm finished. If there is anything inappropriate, please correct it. Thank you."

After half a ring, he nodded to everyone and sat down properly.

"If the ranking of tornado rises again, it will be the first S-class hero!"

"I don't think there's any problem. The blasting hasn't appeared. Many problems faced by the association are solved by tornadoes and others. There's no need to reserve the first position for him."

"It is said that king is almost the biggest player this time. How much should he be promoted in ranking? At present, he is already seventh. If you mention it, he is sixth? Fifth? Or fourth... "

The top leaders whispered and discussed and exchanged their views.

"As the director of foreign disaster strategy and operation Department... Let me say something!"

Xiqi slowly stood up, looked around at the top of the association and said seriously, "I think we should ask about the meaning of the tornado to improve the ranking of heroes, because... The tornado is likely to refuse."

"Ha? Why? As far as I know, the tornado is a very strong child. King is recognized as the strongest man. Therefore, the tornado is not convinced of king and challenges him many times. How can such a strong person be willing to be the second hero? "

The other senior managers looked at Xiqi puzzled.

"Because blasting is different from King." Xiqi shook his head and told the inside story, "you may not know that blasting once saved the lives of tornadoes, so she has always been able to succumb to blasting without any opinions."

"It turns out that there is such a secret. We really need to ask for the opinions of the tornado."

"Blasting can save the life of the tornado. I'm afraid she's willing to stay second!"

"Not necessarily. King and the tornado are also rumored to have feelings of fish and water? Not fighting and killing? Look at the meaning of the tornado! "

Other high-level officials have agreed with sitch's proposal.

"In addition to the S-level heroes, we also need to pay attention to the remaining heroes, such as the sweetheart mask of the A-level heroes, juhe'an, the human demon sickle weasel, the drill warrior, the snow blowing of hell and the bald cloak among the B-level heroes..."

As a hero information manager, Colson immediately stood up and said, "the credit of most of the heroes is indisputable. However, there are two difficulties. First, sweetheart mask and the snow blowing in hell have always been the first in their respective stages, making it difficult for the following heroes to improve their ranking. This time, too, sweetheart mask is still reluctant to rise to level s, so, I'm afraid the three juhe'an, who have been photographed as two, three or four of the class a heroes, still can't improve the ranking of heroes, but their achievements and strength can't enter the class of class s heroes. Therefore, the reward for the three needs to be reconsidered... "

"Second, on the strength of the class B hero bald Cape, there are different opinions about his strength, which is difficult to grasp. King said that he exceeded the limit of the human body, which is well deserved first. Of course, this statement can be regarded as a joke. King is familiar with the bald Cape, and he has the possibility of over boasting and recommending his friends, We don't think it's true. "

"Silver Fangs also said that the bald cloak man has unimaginable strength. We know that the escape of the hungry wolf is the result of the indulgence of the bald cloak man. Silver Fangs may be grateful to each other, so the credibility of this statement is not high."

"In addition, Janos once said that the strength of the bald cloak is almost invincible in the world. However, as far as we know, Janos is the other party's disciple. As for why Janos worships the other party as a teacher, we don't know. We try to ask what Janos learned from the bald cloak? He said frankly: spirit! Therefore, we speculate that the bald Cape man may have a great impact on Janos' life thought. Therefore, Janos highly praised him. As for the statement of strength, we don't believe it because his subjective factors are too strong. "

"It has to be mentioned that flash Fleisch has a high evaluation of the bald Cape man's dynamic vision, reaction nerve and hand grip strength. He said that as long as he thought about it a little, the bald Cape man has the potential to become an S-class hero. In view of the fact that flash has nothing to do with the bald Cape man, we think this statement is more true."

"However, Tong Di is skeptical about his strength, because the information they extracted from King's conversation with the bald cloak shows that he is suspected of using King's power. Of course, Tong Di also shows that this is only his guess without empirical support. Moreover, it is too strange to use other people's power for his own use. Therefore, The credibility of their statements is naturally not high. "

"Finally, heroes such as honey's mask reported the battle between the bald Cape man and the hungry wolf in detail. From this, we can see that he has the strength to crush most of the S-level heroes. However, because the hungry wolf was defeated by King twice, was seriously injured and fought fiercely with flash, the bald Cape man took over other heroes. It is worth explaining that King's strength was not lost at that time, The person that the hungry wolf wants to challenge is also king. The bald cloak man forcibly intervened. This scene reminds me of the time of the deep sea king. At the beginning, the strength of the deep sea king has been greatly reduced after successive wars. He belongs to a strange man who is strong outside and weak in the middle. He was knocked down by the bald cloak man with a punch and successfully picked up the leak. Therefore, we think that he is also suspected of picking up the leak when he fought with the hungry wolf, which can not be used as a strength reference. "

"Moreover, the bald Cape man has a low rating among citizens and heroes. He is called a rogue hero, an asshole hero and so on."

"However, when taking the hero test, the bald cloak broke all the test records at one stroke. Considering that he participated in a number of dangerous heroic actions after becoming a hero, we presume..."

"He has at least a certain strength, but the specific strength is unknown and still needs more facts to support and prove."

"Of course, his achievements are enough to be promoted to A-class hero, which is beyond doubt."


Just at this time, the conference video sounded the connection sound.

"Huh? It's Tong Di who is connecting to our conference video. "

"As a think tank of our association, Tong Di may have some ideas," said Xichi

"Connect now!"


After approval, the big screen lights up again, and Tong Di's small figure appears on the screen, licking a lollipop.

"Hello, Association cadres."

"Tong Di, you are so anxious to contact us. Is there something urgent?"

"Oh, that's right. Didn't I guess that the strength of the B-class hero bald Cape man is not in line with the facts? Since there is no evidence to support my point of view, after I returned to the laboratory, according to the experimental results left before, I developed a small prop that can test the strength of the human body overnight, called the ugly mask. I hope to get the support of the association to help me test the ugly mask. Once I succeed, I think I can judge the real strength of the other party. "

"Ugly mask?"

Tong Di's small eyes twinkled with wisdom, "yes, although I guess his strength comes from King, I'm not sure whether his strength is low. After careful thinking and verification these two days, I found an amazing situation. King may know that there is a shortage of people in the hero world, so he intends to cultivate future generations of heroes. As far as I know, The girl in yellow who is about to be promoted to a B-level hero has been identified as king's disciple. Of course, we won't mention some of the secrets. However, it is an indisputable fact that the girl in yellow has learned super abilities from King. In addition, the rookie glasses among B-level heroes have also been instructed by King, and their strength has improved by leaps and bounds. These two people are recruited by King himself, so it's understandable to teach some skills, However, axel, the recently famous Self Defense Force captain, also consulted king, which he personally admitted. In addition, we learned that King taught the martial arts of hungry wolves and intended to cultivate hungry wolves. In the process of fighting, king showed mercy twice and again and did not kill hungry wolves. Afterwards, King admitted that he had already recruited hungry wolves as disciples, so, We believe that the hungry wolf is also one of the younger heroes King intends to cultivate. However, although the hungry wolf has a righteous heart, his thoughts are too extreme, leading to a wrong path and irreparable consequences. The bald cloak man and King... After the battle, the bald cloak man personally asked king for moves. However, they look like they are clasping each other, It also shows that they are not teachers and apprentices, but more like friends. Therefore, I dare to guess that they are also teachers and friends. In addition, there are also signs that king has some influence on others. However, it is impossible to verify for the time being. "

"From this, we can see that among the people instructed by King, only three people have the closest relationship with king, namely the yellow girl and the hungry wolf who determine the master apprentice relationship, and the bald cloak man who has an ambiguous relationship. Then, we analyze the abilities of the three people. The yellow girl is super ability, the hungry wolf is martial arts, and the bald cloak man is pure flesh, I'll take another look at King's abilities - his body that must be killed with one punch, his exquisite martial arts, his amazing super abilities and the ultimate unique skill "Inferno's unparalleled explosive heat wave gun"“

"You can find that the girl in yellow inherited King's super ability and the hungry wolf inherited King's martial arts. There is no doubt that the bald cloak man is the successor of King's strong physical ability, and his physical exercise method should come from King."

"Therefore, I can boldly predict that in the near future, there will inevitably be a successor who will inherit the 'Inferno double explosive heat wave gun'."

"Let's return to the theme. Do you know King's rich history? According to my investigation, king was once just an ordinary citizen without any powerful ability, but suddenly one day, King seemed to awaken. When he met God, he killed God and Buddha. Since then, King has the ability to be invincible in the world. Therefore, we can infer that King's physical cultivation method may have a stage similar to "awakening", Let's take a look at the bald Cape man. The strange man disaster has lasted for so many years, and our hero association has been established for more than three years. This man has been unknown before. However, with the sudden rise, the hero ranking has risen rapidly. This experience is just the same as king. "

"Therefore, even if I find that the bald Cape man also has terrible strength after testing, I am not surprised, because he may be the lucky one to get the true story of king!"

"Moreover, this may be magnifying infinitely!"


The high level of the hero Association suddenly took a breath of air conditioning, King II? It's unimaginable to have a king in the world. If there is a guy with the same terrorist strength again, it's just a strange man's despair.

"Well, don't be so surprised. I'm just guessing. Everything needs to be verified. This time I invented the ugly mask. In fact, I also plan to test King's real strength..."

"Oh, ignorance!"

In the dark conference room, a crazy voice suddenly sounded, "how can machinery really test people's strength..."


Hickey got up and shouted.

"I, hungry wolf!"

In the shadow of the conference room, the hungry wolf put his hands in his pockets and wore a black tights to show his exploding muscles incisively and vividly

"Hungry wolf?"

The senior members of the association were scared to death“ The headquarters entrance is equipped with an identification system, and each channel is equipped with surveillance cameras. As soon as you appear, you will definitely be found. How can you sneak into the association headquarters? "

"Well, it's a very simple thing. When your speed is too fast for the naked eye to catch and the mechanical reaction can't come over, you can achieve perfect invisibility and sneak into the headquarters of the hero Association, which is an easy thing."

The hungry wolf carelessly pulled a chair and sat down with a joking expression on his face.

"Originally, I just wanted to steal the detailed information about King and the bald cloak from the headquarters of your association. I didn't expect to hear such shocking news..."

"I see!"

He played with the information on the conference table and his eyes flashed a complex look. He originally thought king was playing the enemy cultivation game as a piglet. However, he misunderstood him. It turned out that he only had to cultivate himself into a hero and place great hopes on himself. However, he just embarked on the road of being a freak. What would he feel when he became a freak? Hate iron not steel? I beat him up and couldn't bear to kill him. Oh, how much like the old man. I'm not good at expressing my feelings in words. I can only rely on my fist to wake me up.

"Hungry wolf, what are you doing?"

"I warn you, this is the headquarters of the hero Association, where the most elite heroes are stationed. As long as we give an order, king, tornado and others will come to the rescue quickly," Sikh shouted bravely


The hungry wolf took a deep breath, slowly stood up and said seriously, "I want to be a hero!"


The senior members of the association were dumbfounded.

"Don't be kidding. Where are you qualified to be a hero?"

He let out a loud drink when he was in Hickey.

"Hey, hey, you should promise him for the time being. After stabilizing him, we'll plot slowly."

Zejinger and other senior executives were in a hurry for fear that Sikh would annoy the hungry wolf.

"It's impossible. It's a matter of principle. Even if I die, I can't agree."

Hickey shook his head firmly.

"The minister is right. How can the heroes of our hero Association allow to take in ferocious people such as hungry wolves?"

Colson also firmly supports cich's decision.


The hungry wolf laughed, "although I expected it, I'm still disappointed, but it doesn't matter. Just as I want to be a freak, no one can stop me. I want to be a hero, and I won't be bound by you... When did I care about your views?"

"Hero, it is destined to be a more difficult road than a freak. I will not be afraid of the hungry wolf from now on!"


The door of the conference room suddenly opened, and tornadoes, super alloy black light, vest dignitaries and others came one after another.

"Where is the hungry wolf?"

The tornado rushed in with its hands on its hips.

"Wait a minute, hungry wolf..."

She suddenly looked at the door, raised her small hand, gave a slight meal, and put it down, "Damn, let him run away."


The others fixed their eyes and saw that there was only a rotating chair left in the conference room, where there was the shadow of a hungry wolf.

"Sister tornado, did you catch the hungry wolf?"

Tong Di reappeared on the big screen. It turned out that he was sending an alarm to tornado and others at the other end of the screen.

"Hum, run away!"