Hearing what he said, Yan Jiwen flickered slightly, their mailbox?

He picked up his phone and opened the mailbox, and sure enough, he saw an email from an unfamiliar address.

This was him and Katokiff. Although Song Beixi didn't know Terror Island as well as he did, he was sure that these people took Song Beiye away not to move them to another place to get rid of them.

They did not move for a long time, they must have wanted to make the people of the Song family anxious.

He wasn't too anxious, but Mr. Song's inaction on Terror Island made him completely anxious.

Now people are everywhere looking for Song Beiye.

However, there is still no news at all.

"But you don't have to worry about your brother being in their hands. Even if there is anything else, there is a doctor with excellent medical skills on Terrorist Island. It is an exaggeration to say that he can bring the dead back to life, but as long as he breathes, he will have 100% There is an 80% certainty that the person will be rescued, so there will definitely be no danger to his life." Katokiff said.

Mu Shaoling took the opportunity to ask, "What's that person's name?"

"I don't know about this. I just know that there is such a person who is very skilled in medicine, not only in Western medicine, but also in Chinese medicine. I also found out recently that this person wants some medicinal materials, but the medicinal materials are basically difficult to find. Maybe only Huaxia is left, but the people he sent out have not been found yet, if you can find these people sent out, maybe you can get more detailed information about that doctor." Katokiff said.

A lot of news came from his risky investigation.

Although it is not particularly detailed, it must know more than everyone here.

Mu Shaoling thought of Nian Mu's medical skills, and thought that she knew so much from that doctor.

He frowned, although Nian Mu knew so much now, but thinking of her drinking that kind of poison and suffering so much on the horror island, his heart ached, and he still wanted to find out the doctor who caused harm to people Come out, let him have a bad life in the future.

Mu Shaoling dotes on Nian Mu, that's how domineering he is.

And Katokiff's words gave him an additional direction of investigation.

As soon as Katokiff finished speaking, Song Beixi's cell phone rang.

He glanced at the call from the Song family's old house, and answered the phone without hesitation.

Before Song Beixi could speak, the butler on the other end of the phone said, "Young Master, come back quickly, something has happened."

"What happened?" Song Beixi frowned, his voice still calm.

He is now the calmest person in the entire Song family.

Song Beixi can't panic, if he panics, he will really fall into the trap of Terror Island, and the whole Song family might be ruined.

"It was the news that the kidnappers came and told the old man about the ransom request. Now the house is in chaos. Come back soon and take charge of the overall situation." The housekeeper said.

After the kidnapper called, Song's mother, Jiang Ni, sneaked out of the bedroom without knowing when, and even heard the conversation between the old man and him.

Jiang Ni listened to the conditions of the kidnappers.

She thought that Mr. Song didn't take any action because he didn't want to save Song Beiye, so she started making noises, clamoring for money to save Song Beiye.

Now Jiang Ni is hugged and pulled by two nannies, trying to lock her back into the bedroom.

Jiang Ni, who hasn't eaten much for a few days, thinks you are Song Beiye's business at this moment. She is very strong, and the nanny can't drag her back. It's a mess now.

Mr. Song was very angry because of Jiang Ni and Song Beiye's affairs. He had a headache and his blood pressure soared because of it. He had just taken the blood pressure lowering medicine.

Song Beixi could even hear the noise on the butler's phone.

There was the sound of the nanny comforting her, and Jiang Ni's crying.

Song Beixi said in a calm voice, "I'll go back right away."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, and said to the other four people apologetically, "The island of terror has already proposed a redemption condition, and I have to go home to deal with it now, sorry."

"Well, you go back first and find out the situation." Mu Shaoling said, still did not say that Nangongsi already knew where the terrorist island hid people.

He intends to see what kind of conditions Terrorist Island proposes to the Song family.

Song Beixi stood up and left, taking Li Ni with her when she left.

The four chatted again, but did not continue to discuss the matter of Terror Island, and soon this welcome feast was over.

Mu Shaoling and Nian Mu left together.

Sitting in the car, Nianmu thought that Li Ni was taken away by Song Beixi earlier, and she couldn't help asking curiously, "Why did Mr. Song take Li Ni away suddenly?"

"The person who kidnapped Song Beiye asked for his redemption. Now that the Song family is in chaos, he has to go back and deal with it." Mu Shaoling looked at her and said.

Nianmu was startled and couldn't help muttering, "So fast?"

She thought that Abep would raise conditions with the Song family tomorrow!

"Hurry up?" Seeing her like this, Mu Shaoling knew that she must know something about it.

However, due to her status, she couldn't say either.

Mu Shaoling also knew that this matter had nothing to do with Nian Mu.

After all, when Song Beiye was kidnapped, she was always by his side and had no chance to do business.

"It's nothing, it's just that the kidnapper's call came too suddenly." Nianmu was shocked, and accidentally said the wrong thing.

Sure enough, he knows too much, and when he is unprepared, he will unconsciously reveal certain information.

Nianmu suddenly understood why Abep chose to negotiate terms with the Song family now.

Because the ransom he wants must be huge.

Even if the Song family has a big business, they definitely don't have that much liquidity.

Abep wanted both cash and a transfer. For such a large amount, he must give the Song family time to prepare in advance.