Li Ni nodded, unwilling to discuss Song Beiye's affairs.

However, it was Song Beiye who she mentioned first, so she also nodded to what Qin Xiaoxi said, which was regarded as an answer.

"After so many days of kidnapping, has the kidnapper not heard from you yet?" Qin Xiaoxi asked again. Generally, after a kidnapper kidnaps a person, if he wants money, he will definitely contact the family member who helped the family to negotiate terms.

It is rare for someone like Song Beiye to be kidnapped but not contacted by anyone.

"No." Li Ni understands Qin Xiaoxi's doubts, like a kidnapper, usually either asks for a ransom, or is a human trafficking.

For a person as old as Song Beiye, human trafficking is unlikely.

So when they learned that Song Beiye had been kidnapped, everyone thought that those people wanted a ransom, so the general investigation was waiting for the kidnapper to call.

But after waiting for so long, I didn't get it.

Many people are already speculating whether Song Beiye was kidnapped because he offended some people. If this is the case, the other party will definitely not ask for money, and he must be in danger.

But because of the Song family, no one dared to make such an inference.

Nianmu flipped through the photo album samples, but didn't speak.

Tomorrow, Abeipu should contact the Song family to ask for money. This matter can be regarded as some progress.

Thinking that Amur was going to get the cash in person, Nianmu's hands couldn't help shaking. She was worried that Amur would be in danger.

"Nianmu, why are your hands shaking?" Li Ni raised her eyes and noticed that Nianmu's hands were trembling slightly.

"Is there? No." Nianmu pretended to glance at his hands, then smiled, "You read wrong, I just exercise my hand joints."

As she spoke, she moved her knuckles.

Li Ni was puzzled, did she get it wrong?

But just now, she did see Nianmu's fingers trembling, and the expression just now, with a slight frown, seemed to be worried about something.

Thinking of the topic discussed just now, Li Ni felt that it was impossible for Nian Mu to be worried about Song Beiye's situation, so she felt that she was wrong.

The three of them helped Li Ni choose. In the end, Li Ni determined five shooting styles among a bunch of photo album samples.

"It's finally chosen. Fortunately, you are here." Li Ni smiled, and glanced at the door of the private room again, "I don't know what happened to them over there."

"It's impossible for them to discuss things so quickly. There is karaoke here. Why don't we sing and wait for them?" Qin Xiaoxi suggested. Anyway, the sound insulation in this private room is good. What are the three ladies doing here? Noisy, the people in the private room over there can't hear it.

So the three of them sang and sang, and it couldn't affect the people in the private room.

When Li Ni picked up the microphone, there was a knock on the private room door.

"Are they done talking?" Li Ni looked at the two of them and said again, "Come in."

The waiter came in pushing a dining cart, "Ladies, I'll bring you some fruits and drinks."

After finishing speaking, she brought in two plates of seasonal fruits, "Please take your time, if you ladies need anything else, just ring the bell."

There is a phone for talking in the private room, if you need to communicate with them directly by phone.

After the waiter exited the private room, Li Ni walked to the karaoke machine, turned around and asked Nian Mu and Qin Xiaoxi, "What song do you want to sing?"

"I don't sing well, why don't you sing with Ms. Nian." Qin Xiaoxi smiled softly, and glanced at Nian Mu again.

Throughout the night, Nianmu seemed to be preoccupied and didn't speak much.

"Nianmu, what do you want to sing?" Li Ni put her eyes on Nianmu.

Nianmu shook his head and said, "I can't sing either."

"The two of you can't sing? I don't believe it. The sound quality is so good, so don't be modest." Li Ni said, the voices of Nian Mu and Qin Xiaoxi are both gentle and gentle.

When those rough guys heard their voices, they all softened a bit.

"I am tone deaf." Nianmu smiled helplessly. She is not tone deaf, but everyone sings with a certain characteristic.

Li Ni is too familiar with her singing habits, transposition, high pitch, falsetto...

Because the two have known each other for too long, it is not good for Nian Mu to sing in front of her, so as not to remind her of Ruan Bai...

Qin Xiaoxi also waved her hand, "Me too, but I can sing, but you can't laugh at me!"

"They're all my own people, how could it be a joke? I can't sing well either." After Li Ni finished speaking, she clicked on several songs that are popular today.

The prelude to the first song sounded, and Nianmu looked at the MV on the big screen and found that it was Xiao Yani's song.

Li Ni's voice was clear, singing Xiao Yani's song probably would have a different taste.

Nianmu picked up a glass of juice, took a sip, and acted as an atmosphere group for Li Ni and Qin Xiaoxi.

Li Ni sang Xiao Yani's song.

Nianmu smiled, and it really sounds good. Although Li Ni's voice is not as gentle as Xiao Yani's, it brings a little vitality to the song.

She couldn't help shaking her body slightly with the singing.

The private room on the other side.

The five men coincidentally did not intend to choose to drink, but sat around the tea table, intending to drink tea to digest food.

Moreover, drinking tea and talking about things makes you more sober.

Because there are two Russians, the other three are talking in Russian.

Mu Shaoling already knew Russian, and Song Beixi and Yan Jiwen had also taken Russian courses, so there was no obstacle in their conversation.

Moreover, Mu Shaoling also said that before they came, they had conducted a comprehensive inspection of the hotel's private rooms, and found no wiretapping or monitoring equipment, so it was safe for them to talk here.

"How much information about Terror Island do you have now?" Katojieff asked lazily. He had already learned about the few people present through Mu Shaoling's introduction during the meal just now.

It can be said that apart from Yan Jiwen who was not provoked by Terror Island, the other two also had enmity with Terror Island.

So he didn't shy away from speaking.

"I don't know much, Terror Island is too cunning." Mu Shaoling said, his system screened the entire night and morning, and after investigation, none of the people who screened out had any connection with Terror Island.

That's why Mu Shaoling said such words helplessly.

Song Beixi's gaze became gloomy.

He also knew that Mu Shaoling had searched for so long but could not find the person behind Terror Island based on the images provided by Song Beiye.

"I know a little more than you. I have sent the information to your mailbox five minutes ago. It is not suitable to discuss too many things about Terror Island." Katokiff is very cautious.

After he knew the identities of Song Beixi and Yan Jiwen, he easily found some relevant information about them.

So during the meal, a file was set to be sent regularly, and just five minutes ago, all the information he knew had been sent to their mailbox.