Chapter 1202

Xie Linzhi can't believe they survived.

In the process of falling, they first fell on the vines hanging on the edge of the cliff, and then fell into the river below the cliff.

Although he survived, Xie was not lightly injured.

Because when he was rolling down the hillside, he almost wrapped up Liu Yuemei, and he suffered big and small impacts.

The night has enveloped the earth, and the sky and the earth are dark.

In the dark, there's a little light.

Liu Yuemei found it, then ran back to the beach and told Xie Linzhi that there might be a family nearby.

Liu Yuemei holds Xie Linzhi up and they walk towards the family together.

"How do you know we won't die when we fall?"

"Have you forgotten that I can sense danger?"

If Xie Linzhi had been dubious about Liu Yuemei's prediction ability before, he would have been completely convinced now

"Why do you have this ability?"

"I don't know... How is your injury?"

"I feel fine."

As they talked and walked, they soon came to a farmhouse.

It was a very elegant farmhouse, surrounded by a fence, with some scattered jokes planted between the fences. The evening wind blows, with a faint fragrance of flowers. There are three or four small trees in the backyard of the farmhouse, under which is a vegetable field. Not far from the vegetable field, there is a chicken coop. The rooster in the coop buries his head and occasionally makes a dull cry or two.

Liu Yuemei couldn't help but sigh: "only when I live in seclusion here can I know what it means to be contented."

When Xie Linzhi looks at Liu Yuemei, he seems to have the same idea as her.

Liu Yuemei comes forward and taps on the door of the fence.


After a while, the door opened. A white haired old man stood at the door, and the lights poured out.

Looking at Xie Linzhi and Liu Yuemei for a long time, the old man seemed to guess their identities.

Liu Yuemei said politely, "Hello, master. We met a mountain bandit and ran for our lives. I hope you can take us in for one night. We will leave at dawn tomorrow. We will not bring you any trouble. "

The old man did not make a sound, but went to open the gate.

"Thank you, master."

Liu Yuemei holds Xie Linzhi and follows the old man into the room.

There is food on the table. The old man is eating.

"You didn't eat, did you?" Asked the old man.

"Not yet." Liu Yuemei replied.

The old man laughed and said, "do you think it's strange? When I was about to cook today, I made three people's portions, even the dishes. It's like feeling like you're coming. "

Xie Linzhi looks at Liu Yuemei.

Liu Yuemei also felt strange, but she soon figured out that maybe it had something to do with the system.

Afterwards, the system contacted Xia Xiaoran again, which confirmed this point.

In order to make up for their own mistakes, the original system not only found out their way of life, but also interfered with the brain waves of the elderly, allowing them to receive them.

After this, Liu Yuemei can forgive the system

But the system told her a bad news - that the system will no longer be able to provide any help to Liu Yuemei

As for the reason, it's a common maintenance upgrade.

The old man investigated Xie Linzhi's injuries and treated them to dinner. I didn't ask much about why they had fallen so far.

It's late at night.

The cottage in the mountain is ablaze with lights. In the grass outside, autumn insects are singing.

The light is still on in Xie Linzhi's room.

The pain all over his body made it difficult for him to fall asleep.

"Duo Duo Duo" knocks on the door.

"Come in, please."

Liu Yuemei came in with a bucket of hot water. "I knew you couldn't sleep," he said with a smile

"Why didn't you sleep?"

"Because you didn't sleep."

Xie Linzhi suddenly had no words to refute her, so he was stunned.

"Here, wipe your body, bubble feet."

"I'll do it myself..."

Xie Linzhi appears very flustered and nervous.

Liu Yuemei said with a smile: "what are you flustered about? I won't eat you. Not to mention... "

She wanted to say that she would be his wife sooner or later, but she said, "besides, it's not convenient for you now."

Xie Linzhi wants to refuse, but he can't say it again. Maybe he doesn't want to refuse either. I'll be served by Liu Yuemei

As Xie Linzhi sits on the stool, Liu Yuemei drags his clothes to reveal his strong muscles.

It's hard to imagine that a scholar who looks gentle should have such a strong constitution.

Said Xia Xiaoran has seen the strong male body many to go, but now saw still can have a little heartbeat, even some heart ape.

Liu Yuemei wrung a hot towel to wipe Xie Linzhi's body“ I can't see that you are so beautiful, but you have such a good figure. " Liu Yuemei said, with a slightly teasing tone. Xie Linzhi became even more nervous, and his speech became a little bit huff and puff“ In fact, I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child. I want to join the army... "" Oh. " Liu Yuemei talks lightly with Xie Linzhi and gradually embraces Xie Linzhi from behind. The towel in his hand rubbed Xie Linzhi's abdomen. Just as he was about to continue to go down, Xie Linzhi grabbed her hand“ Well, Miss Liu... I can do it myself... "Liu Yuemei smiles," OK, here you are. " Xie Linzhi was relieved. When Xie Linzhi finished washing, Liu Yuemei told him to have a rest early and went out with a bucket... Liu Yuemei went back to her room and lay on the bed, thinking about what to do next. Without the help of the system, it means that their journey will be more dangerous. But the premise is that the people who are after them don't believe they are dead... How can we make the killers think they are dead The next day, Liu Yuemei asked the old man to help her get two sets of farm clothes. Then she threw her clothes and Xie Linzhi's clothes into the river and let them go downstream“ Will they believe it? " Asked Xie Linzhi“ Maybe not, but it should confuse them for a while. Let's go. " The two left the cottage in the mountains, pretending to be a couple and continuing their journey to Qingchuan. On the way, they kept vigilant and didn't meet the killers. Thanks to Liu Yuemei's careful care, Xie Linzhi's injury has gradually improved. After getting along with Liu Yuemei for a long time, he began to feel that the girl was good from the bottom of his heart. One night, they were drinking in the room. Xie Linzhi finally tells his mind through drunkenness. He said to Liu Yuemei seriously, "I want to marry you!" Liu Yuemei was a little surprised and asked, "are you talking about wine or the truth?" Xie Linzhi said: "I, Xie Linzhi, swear to heaven that I will not marry Liu Yuemei in this life; I only love Liu Yuemei this life. If I disobey this oath, heaven will strike thunder... "" well, I believe you. " Liu Yuemei blushed. That night, Xie did not sleep on the ground. He was sleeping in bed, of course. A man and a woman love each other and sleep together. It is inevitable that something will happen, and Xia Xiaoran also hopes that Xie Linzhi and Liu Yuemei will have some relations. In this way, she has finished two-thirds of her task