Chapter 1201

"I know you're not paranoid."

"You're right."

"Then why are you following me?"

Liu Yuemei lowered her voice. "Your elder brother sent so many killers. Maybe I can help you avoid them."

Xie Linzhi's heart is tingling again. He really doesn't want to see the situation of fraternity.

"Let's eat quickly. We'll be on our way when we're full."

But Xie Linzhi has no appetite

Liu Yuemei sighed and took the package beside her. "Look what I have prepared for you."

Hibiscus cake!

After lunch, the three went on the road together.

Liu Yuemei sat in the carriage, closed her eyes, in order to summon the system again.

But after a long time, the system did not respond.

Liu Yuemei began to feel uneasy and E-Mei began to frown.

"What's the matter?" Xie Linzhi asked.

"I..." Liu Yuemei wants to talk and stops. She doesn't know how to explain to him, but she's afraid that he won't let herself follow him.

"You can't feel it?" Xie Linzhi still saw her mind.

Liu Yuemei forced a smile and said, "it's only temporary. Give me a little more time."

Xie Linzhi did not speak, Liu Yuemei continued to close her eyes.

Another hour later, she still didn't get the response from the system, and she couldn't help scolding: this junk computer!

Restlessness also showed on Liu Yuemei's face.

Xie Linzhi took her hand and said with a smile, "it's OK. Even if you don't feel it, we can think of other ways, can't we?"

A word awakens the dreamer.

In the past, didn't she complete many more arduous tasks without the help of the system? Why do you want to rely on the system now? What are you afraid of? Without the system, she can complete the task smoothly.

Thinking of this, Xia Xiaoran is more peaceful

It was dusk, and the setting sun dyed the clouds in the sky bright red.

The bleak wind rolled up the dust and smoke on the mountain road, which misted the sunset.

The crows on the withered branches of the cliff sang hoarsely.

It's like an emissary of the underworld calling for the souls of the dead.

On the high hillside, a pair of sharp hawk eyes searched every mountain path.

Finally, it found the prey - a walking carriage.

The steed stood up, hissed and flew out. If an eagle spreads its wings, shows its claws and pours down.

"Did you hear anything?" Liu Yuemei asked.

"Yes, crows." Xie Linzhi replied.

"I don't think so..."

"It's your thoughtfulness. Let's take a path. No one will think of it."

Liu Yuemei didn't say anything. She was just worried.

At this time, the sound of the system finally rang up, "run, someone's coming!"

Liu Yuemei was startled by the system, but she had no time to curse, because she received the map image of the system in her mind. A red dot on the map mountain is approaching them at a high speed.

"Someone's coming. Run!" Liu Yuemei almost roared out.

Although Xie Linzhi didn't know who she was talking about, he didn't dare to hesitate because of her nervous appearance. He immediately told Li Si to speed up.

Liu Yuemei was more worried because there was only one road on the map, which made them have nowhere to hide.

What did you do just now, you broken system?

Liu Yuemei was more anxious.

Suddenly, with a "do", an arrow shot through the carriage of the carriage and nailed to the other side of the carriage, penetrating the wall of the carriage.

The carriage shook for a while, and Xie Linzhi immediately felt bad.

He got out of the carriage and found that the arrow had just hit Li Si who was driving.

Li Si died, but he still held the reins tightly in his hand.

Liu Yuemei looked out of the back window and saw the black armor man approaching quickly.

The black armour has a bow and an arrow.

"Be careful!"

Liu Yuemei pours forward on Xie Linzhi, shoots his arrow through the carriage and flies over their heads.

The bow and arrow hit the horse in the neck.

The horse galloped in pain.

The car was thrown out of the mountain road when the wheel hit a raised stone.

The outside of the mountain road is a very steep slope.

The slope is full of raised rocks.

Liu Yuemei was thrown into the carriage.

The carriage slid down and pulled the horse down.

The horse struggled around and brought down a lot of rolling stones.

Although these rolling stones are not big, they are powerful. If they are hit in the head, they will surely die.

Liu Yuemei couldn't find any support in the carriage. She was bumped around and felt that her bones would be scattered

Seeing that the carriage and the horse are out of control, if it goes on like this, the carriage will fall apart sooner or later. At that time, the only result is that the car will be destroyed and people will be killed... Judging from the current situation, only jumping can be saved. Liu Yuemei knew this very well, but she lost her balance and couldn't stand straight, let alone walk out of the car... At this time, a hand came in“ Take my hand Xie Linzhi said in a high voice. Liu Yuemei grabs hard and holds fast. Xie Linzhi lifted her hard and pulled her out of the car. Then he picked her up and jumped to one side. The carriage soon bumped into a raised stone, rolled over and fell apart. Fortunately, Liu Yuemei and Xie Linzhi jumped out of the car in time, but that doesn't mean they can be saved... The inertia of landing after jumping makes them also rolling. Xia Xiaoran was completely deceived... She thought it was over now... She was very afraid, afraid that everything would come to an end. At that moment, he put his arms around her. Xie Linzhi hugged her and protected her head. But what's the use of that? Below is the cliff, damn or can't live... But strange is, she suddenly not so afraid... She got a sense of security from Xie Linzhi. At that moment, she felt that death was nothing. After rolling for a while, Liu Yuemei's body emptied... Because she had already rolled out of the cliff. But she didn't fall because Xie was still holding her waist. Xie Linzhi holds Liu Yuemei in one hand and a small tree on the edge of the cliff in the other. But after all, the tree was too small to bear the weight of the two of them, and the root of the tree gradually swelled. The black beetles stopped on the mountain road and looked at them“ Get up, you can get up Xie Linzhi said. Liu Yuemei grabs Xie Linzhi's clothes and climbs up little by little. All of a sudden, a burst of gravel rolled down and almost hit them. It turned out that the black armour provoked the rocks on the side of the mountain road and tried to shoot them down with stones. Liu Yuemei immediately thought of it. What if she climbed up in time? The black armor man was on the mountain road with a terrible bow in his hand. It's also a dead end. Liu Yuemei felt very helpless. At this time, she seldom felt helpless. Just then, the voice of the system sounded in my ear: "jump down, you will not die!"“ Elder brother Xie... "What's the matter?"“ Do you believe me? " Xie Linzhi was surprised why Liu Yuemei asked, but he quickly nodded. Liu Yuemei said, "let's go down then!" Then he pedaled the cliff. Xie Linzhi takes off his hand and they fall off the cliff together.