Chapter 1080

Lin Su's practice changed her original purpose. She regarded herself as a real soldier. As long as she could win, she would be successful. However, when the emperor's life was in danger, what was the meaning of success?

Everything is useless. Lin Su doesn't need to join the battlefield. She just needs to stay behind the scenes and protect the emperor.

Therefore, all Lin Su had to do was to learn fighting and riding skills, as well as horse tactics. As for other strategies to win, it was a waste of time.

After tossing and turning, Lin Su always couldn't sleep in bed, but he put on his clothes and came to Li mushui's door again.

Looking at the still dark room, Lin Su raised his hand and knocked on the door. He said in a low voice, "Captain, I'm here to admit my mistake with you. I forget my task and just want to defeat you, but ignore that you are my helper. My real enemy will not care about my life. I'm using your worry about me to defeat you. I'm wrong..."

With a click, Li mushui suddenly opened the door, which startled Lin su. "Team leader, I'm sorry..."

Li mushui's expressionless face was like a millennium frost, "what are you still doing here? Don't you need to train tomorrow?"

After being severely reprimanded by Li mushui, Lin Su's face turned to smile, "en en, I'll go back to rest now!"

After hearing that Li mushui had forgiven Lin Susu, several people in the dormitory were happy for her, especially Guo Dajiao, the oldest, with a trace of doubt.

"Before I entered the training camp, I heard that Captain Li was selfless. As long as his recruits made him angry, it was tantamount to betraying the death penalty. Lin Su Su, you are lucky enough to let captain Li forgive you."

Looking at the suspicion in Guo Dazu's eyes, Lin Susu just smiles.

Li mushui doesn't look as cold-blooded and merciless as the rumor from the outside world. As long as he is willing to take the initiative to explain and apologize for his mistakes, he will certainly be open-minded.

The next training for Lin Su Su is much harder. For her opportunistic ideas, Li mushui severely punished her.

Most of the time, Li mushui watched Lin Su tumble and fall on the hillside alone, without even a trace of pity in his eyes.

If you want to succeed, you must bear hardships. No one can accept the help of others for nothing. What's more, between life and death, everyone will choose to protect themselves. No one will care for you!

This is Li mushui's original words, but also because he wanted to remind Lin Susu that if you can't defeat him in skill, you have to wait for him to be killed at any time.

Everything happens in a flash, so more often than not, Li mushui is just a professor of Lin Su Su's skill operation, attack and defense.

"Look at the sword On a sunny morning, Lin Su was riding on a horse with a bright sun overhead. Sweating, he practiced a set of horse sword techniques taught by Li mushui yesterday afternoon.

Who knows, when Lin Su is concentrating on her practice, Li mushui suddenly pulls out his sword and attacks her secretly.

Fortunately, Lin Su's quick reaction, a long sword block, surprised to say: "Captain, you!"

Before he had finished speaking, Li mushui's long sword was wielded again, and his moves were fierce without leaving any room. In order to protect himself, Lin Su had to fight by force.

In terms of strength, Lin Su Su is absolutely inferior to Li mushui, but she also knows how to find another way out. Since she can't meet the tough, she is trying to enhance her flexibility and at the same time use her strength to transfer all the strength that Li mushui has exerted on her to him.

When you come and I go, Lin Su can't bear it any more. After all, she has just started training. Her long sword has some weight. In addition, Li mushui has been fighting with her several times, which really makes her a little weak.

"Dangdang." The sound of long swords touching each other is more and more frequent, and Lin Su Su is forced to retreat, barely resisting Li mushui's attack.

The more so, the more merciless Li mushui's men were, "what are you backing away from? Don't you have a meal with such a little strength?"

"With your ability, how can you become a royal army and protect the emperor and the capital?"

Li mushui's words pierced into Lin Susu's heart. Since she was born with a heavy burden, she must take up her own responsibility. There is nothing wrong, only stronger!

There was no answer, but Lin Su's strength was getting stronger and stronger. She had been in training camp for some time, but she was ridiculed and satirized by others every time.

In the training camp, Lin Su never heard a word of appreciation and encouragement. But the more she was hit, the more unwilling she was. She didn't believe that she would be so unbearable. She insisted that she wanted to prove to everyone that she would be able to do it!

After several struggles, Lin Su had no idea that the sword in his hand was so vulnerable. Not only was the sword beaten away by Li mushui, but his right hand trembled slightly.

But Li mushui's eyes on the other side didn't have any color. He just looked at Lin Su coldly. A gust of wind, blowing the broken hair in Lin Su's ear, will cover her face, so that she can not see the beautiful grassland. Li mushui's indifferent voice rang out, and Lin Su closed his eyes and waited for all the criticisms“ What do you think you're doing? You can only attack the enemy while protecting yourself. I just want to say something about you. You don't even have the patience. What else can you do? Mentality is the most important, no matter how powerful the enemy is, you must believe that you can do it! No matter what the other party says, you can't shake your original intention! " Once again, Lin Su learned something from Li mushui that was not on the battlefield, but much more important than those in actual combat. In the evening, after dinner, Lin Su sat on the training ground and watched the sunset. He sat quietly and watched the sunset in the sky“ What are you doing here alone? " A woman soldier suddenly appeared beside Lin Su and asked softly. Lin Su Su embarrassed smile, "nothing." No one would like to talk about his own thoughts. The female soldier did not ask, but said to herself, "I also like watching the sunset, but I also hate the sunset, because it represents the end." It's true, but Lin Su Su has his own idea. As the sunset comes to an end, he will show his best side. The woman soldier continued: "I know that your father is the Minister of the Ministry of war, so your father is also loyal to the new emperor, right?" As soon as he heard about his father, Lin Su felt the alarm in his heart.