Chapter 1079

"You ride a horse and cross the opposite mountain. I'll wait for you at the foot of the back mountain. Let's go." Without saying a word, Li mushui raised his hand and whipped the horse on Lin Su's crotch.

In Lin Su Su's scream, her figure also disappeared in front of Li mushui with the painful war horse.

If you want to cross the mountain before sunset, you can only shuttle through the forest. However, no one passes through the forest all the year round, and most of them are high and low branches. If you are not careful to be rowed, you will surely break the flesh.

It was a bit unexpected at the beginning, but when Lin Su was getting better, she could easily control the horse under her seat. When she first met the sudden branch, it was clear that it was far away, but she had already passed through the branches before she had time to respond. The feeling of being scratched by the branches and leaves was really frightening.

After several times, Lin Su gradually mastered the trick. He looked straight ahead. If he saw a sudden branch, he would quickly lie on the horse's back, so that he would not scratch his eyes.

Moreover, the more he walked up the mountain, the steeper the roads became. Sometimes Lin Su felt that he was about to fall off his horse. The feeling that he could not fall off was really frightening.

My mind has been echoing what Li mushui said. If you don't want to fall down, give all your trust to your warhorse. Only if you believe in it, will it be your best partner.

Trust is the beginning of mutual cooperation.

So keep this sentence in mind, whenever the road ahead is very steep, Lin Susu will tightly lie on the horse's back and clasp the horse's neck with her hands. Even when she feels that she has really fallen, she will close her eyes tightly, because she believes that her horse will protect herself.

At sunset, Li mushui stood at the foot of the back mountain and waited patiently.

Lin Susu's identity is special. Li mushui knows that. Because of this, he is especially strict with Lin Susu. Only when he reaches the level that others can't reach, can Lin Susu be qualified to be a better Imperial Guard.

The imperial army is the last barrier to protect the emperor and the palace. If you are careless at this point, not only the emperor's life will be lost, but the whole Feilong kingdom will be in dire straits.

Everything just looks calm on the surface, just like the clouds in front of us, so colorful, but tomorrow will surely be rainy.

Quietly waiting, Li mushui quietly watching the sunset, a little bit hidden in the clouds, and then disappeared.

As the night sank, Li mushui was also a little restless. It was already this time, but Lin Su still didn't come. Would anything happen to her.

But how can it be? There are no big beasts on that mountain at all, and there are often people walking on the mountain. If Lin Susu really had an accident, there would have been people shouting everywhere. How could there be no news now.

Lin Su must have been delayed by something else. Maybe she couldn't overcome the difficulty of going up the mountain and went down the mountain to find another way.

Thinking of this, Li mushui's heart was a little dreary, and he felt a lot more transparent.

After all, Lin Su Su has never been to that mountain. Will she go the wrong way?

Thinking of this, Li mushui no longer hesitated, then turned over and rode to the mountain.

The night is getting darker and darker, and nothing can be seen on the dark mountain. With many years of walking experience, Li mushui rides his horse quickly through the mountain forest.

"Where are you, Lin Su?" At this time, even Li mushui could not help worrying.

Just when Li mushui blindly followed the path to look for the mountain, suddenly there was a horse's hissing sound in the forest. Although the sound was very small, he found it.

In his heart, Li mushui made a big alarm, and immediately tightened his reins, staring at the dark mountain forest with his eyes, watching the movement inside.

It's terrifying to be quiet all around.

Click, in the originally quiet and unusual mountain forest, suddenly came the sound of dead leaves being broken. It seemed that someone was very careful to approach Li mushui, but still accidentally revealed his whereabouts.

In silence, Li mushui grasped the reins of his horse and focused on the direction of the sound. He could be sure that he had a pair of eyes staring at himself in the forest.

Step by step, the hidden shadow is getting closer and closer to him. The atmosphere is too oppressive, which makes Li mushui's heart tense.

Bang bang, it's very quiet around. Li mushui can only hear his heart beating.

It's getting closer. It's getting closer.

Just when Li mushui was ready to make a move, a black shadow suddenly jumped out of the branches behind him and hugged him from behind, making him unable to move.

Almost reflexive in general, Li mushui clenched his fist and waved back heavily, almost using all his strength to give each other a fatal blow.

Although the man behind had been prepared for a long time, his reaction was slow. He was swept to his shoulder by Li mushui's boxing style. Then he turned over and fell off the horse with a scream, and was almost trampled by the horse's hooves. From the exclamation just now, Li mushui also realized that it was Lin Susu's voice. He quickly pulled up the reins of the horse and let the horse turn around. Only in this way could Lin Susu escape. One turned over and stood up, with a proud smile in the corner of her mouth. After all, she succeeded in the sneak attack just now, which is a very happy thing for her. But as soon as Li mushui got off his horse, he rushed directly to Lin Susu and scolded him, "are you looking for death? You are playing such a dangerous game at this time. Do you know that if I hadn't turned the horse's head just now, the horse's hooves would have crushed your internal organs and left you dead. Lin Susu, you think you are very capable, but you have to see clearly, This is not Lin's house. This is a training ground. No matter which soldiers are training for their own lives, it's not for you to use a little cleverness to succeed! " Leaving Lin Su stunned, Li mushui immediately turned over and rode away. It can be seen that Li mushui was really angry this time, but Lin Su didn't understand why Li mushui was so angry because she had succeeded in the attack. This time, she didn't believe it because Li mushui lost face in front of her. When he returned to the training ground, Lin Su heard that Li mushui rode back angrily, and shut himself in the room without eating. Looking at the dark room inside, Lin Su didn't feel sleepy at all. This time, she realized that she had done something wrong. When Lin Su came to the training ground, she didn't really treat herself as a soldier. Her only purpose was to protect the emperor of Feilong Kingdom and his safety.