I pretended to sigh: "you see, beauty, I said it, it's hard to be a man, it's more difficult to be a man, and I have to bear great pressure to tell the truth."

The beauty said with a smile, "OK. Don't tease me any more and let me eat. By the way, don't call me a beauty. I have a name. My name is Lu Yuan. You can call me path or far away

"Deer? Ha ha. "

"What are you laughing at? What's wrong with the path? "

"No problem, but it's very similar."

Lu Yuan asked me, "what do you mean?"

I said with a smile, "I don't know if you are a Sika or a giraffe? You should be a giraffe because your neck is so white and slender, but you should be a Sika because you're wearing so many colorful clothes. It's just that you don't seem to have many horns on your head. "

"Oh, no! You make fun of my name! This road is not that deer, my road is the road of the road, not the deer of sika deer. I'm not a giraffe. My neck is so long. It's like a camel. How ugly. "

"What prejudice do you have against deer?"

"I don't like it very much anyway."


Lu Yuan wanted to talk but stopped. He pretended to be pickpocketing food to cover up the past. I saw Lu Yuan's face was red and embarrassed. I couldn't guess why.

What a person taboo, most of this thing has brought her bad memory.

In ancient times, deer were regarded as gods, symbolizing auspiciousness and happiness. How could such a beautiful thing be distasteful? So there is only one explanation, that is, in Luyuan's memory, the deer once accompanied her for a period of gray years. It's just that the deer is a real deer in the zoo, or a sculpture of a deer, or even someone else once gave Luyuan an ugly nickname, which I don't know.

However, no matter what the reason is, I will not continue this topic, because it is easy to outline the past that I don't want to look back. I took a close look at Luyuan who was sitting beside me. She was a beautiful, lively, smiling girl with stories.

While eating, I chatted with Luyuan: "Luyuan, how long have you been in Manxue company?"

"It's almost five months since graduation. But I come here every winter and summer vacation to practice. "

"No, isn't man Xue a newly established company? It seems to me that it's less than five months. "

"Hee hee."

"What? I'm wrong? "

Lu Yuan said with a smile: "you are right, but not comprehensive. It's true that man Xue company was founded in recent months, but man Xue company has been operating in China for some years. "

I turned my head and looked at the road in confusion.

Lu Yuan looked left and right, then lowered his voice and pasted it in my ear and said, "I secretly told you that you should never tell others. The predecessor of man Xue company was Lin's technology. Lin's technology has always been affiliated to Lin's group, but after President Lin took office, he separated part of Lin's technology and renamed it Manxue network technology company. Manxue company is very important to President Lin. it can be said that the life and death of Manxue company is related to President Lin's life and family. "

"So serious?"

"That's not true!"

"Mr. Lin? Which President Lin? "

"Stupid. Look, you're very smart ahead of you. I don't understand. Man Xue company, as the name suggests, Mr. Lin of course means Mr. Lin Man Xue

"How do you know so much? You won't brag with me, will you


I stare at Lu Yuan without blinking, looking at her straight hair, "what's the matter? You still don't believe it? "

"It's a long way to go. It's not that I doubt you. You say that you can know so much inside information as a receptionist. If it's me, do you believe it?"

"Believe it or not." Girls are always wayward, the most annoying is that others doubt her, in fact, not only girls, even men do not like others doubt his words, right?

"Why do you tell me that? What's more, you're not afraid that I'll tell you so much? "

Lu Yuan said, "isn't this the end of chatting. I trust you. You're not a gossip man. "

"We haven't known each other for a long time, so you believe me? You're not so emotional, are you? Is it because we met in the morning

"Not really. Intuition, women's sixth sense. I tell you, women's sixth sense is very accurate, at least better than the weather forecast. "

"I believe that."

Lu Yuan suddenly asked seriously, "you won't live up to my trust, will you?"

"It's natural. I'm not a leaker. What you said just now has gone into my left ear and out of my right ear. I've forgotten all about it. "

"That's the best."

"By the way, what do you think of man Xue company?"

"Very good. What's wrong with the company directly led by President Lin? "

"You say Lin Manxue will directly manage the company?" For this problem, I am very surprised, because Lin Manxue is now the president of Lin's international group. She manages everything every day. How can she have so much energy to manage a specific company? This makes me very puzzled."Lin is always the president of Manxue company. Of course she has to take care of it."

"Isn't Mr. Lin the president of Lin's international? This I'm a little confused. "

"You don't need to know so much, anyway Anyway, as long as you remember a little bit, do well in the afternoon, strive to join the man snow company, and work hard in the future, the future will be great. " Lu Yuan quickly changed the topic. Her hesitation made me wonder what the situation is.

After that, we talked about some other topics, but I was always puzzled. At the same time, I became more curious about Lin Manxue and Manxue, and felt more mysterious about this little girl.

If a receptionist who has just graduated for less than half a year knows so much about Lin's group, I don't believe she killed me. Who is she? It seems that the water in Manxue company is very deep. A front desk is so mysterious.

After lunch, after a short break, we started the third round of interview at 1:30.

The third round is the competent department interview, which is also the most important part of the interview. If you pass this round again, you can basically be determined to stay, because the last round of human resources interview is mainly about the salary, welfare and other things.

I heard that in the third round of interview, in addition to the direct leading manager and chief supervisor of the competent department, there are also major leaders of other departments, such as the director or deputy director of the human resources department, marketing department, commerce department, technical service department, sales department and so on. In a word, they are all big winners of the company.

I never thought of the appearance of one of them. When I pushed the door in and saw her for the first time, I didn't know what I was feeling at that time, because I was confused.

The thing is, 28 of our candidates are waiting outside one office. A staff member of man Xue company gave us each a number and called in. I looked at my number. It was the 10th one.

The interview time of the people who go in front varies from a few minutes to 20 minutes. The interview results can be seen from their faces when they come out. It's estimated that the people who come out with a smile are likely to have a play. Those who come out with a bitter face are sure that they didn't perform well in the interview.

When it's my turn, I'll knock on the door first, and then I'll get permission to push in.

After I went in, I closed the door. When I looked ahead, there was a row of people sitting in front of me, four on the left and four on the right. There was a beautiful woman sitting in the middle. This beautiful woman was no one else. It was su Manyu who put me in the Hotel this morning.