At night, the soldiers with bright lights in their hands are converging debris in the self exploding pit. Chen Fang stands at the edge of the pit and looks at it quietly.

All the cavalry units of the ole awakeners are destroyed.

Apart from some of them escaping back to the Everglades, the totem orcs are almost completely destroyed.

The result is that the threat to the West will be removed, and there is no need to worry about the situation here.


facing the dead, Chen Fang was so happy.

Dusi came to Chen Fang with a look of shame.

"I'm sorry for the heavy casualties caused by your trust."

Chen Fang said with a bitter smile: "it's not your fault, Dusi. It's because I didn't think about it when I arranged the plan. It's also because I didn't pay enough attention to the totem crazy orcs, which leads to the present result."

Dusi shook his head. "No, the plan can't keep up with the change. You arranged me to come here just to avoid accidents. But I'm incompetent. When the army is in danger, I can't help but watch the soldiers die. This is an unshirkable responsibility."

"I don't deserve to be the commander of the army. When I go back, I will resign from the army and become an ordinary soldier again to make atonement for the war."

Dusi made a firm decision.

A commander can't play any role in the war. He can only be a spectator and watch his troops fight. When there is a crisis, he can't do anything and can't think of a way to rescue them. This is a major dereliction of duty. He feels that he has no face to lead the army as a commander.

When LV Yichuan heard that Dusi was going to resign as commander-in-chief, he tried to persuade him, but in the end he kept his mouth shut, because he thought that he was the same as Dusi and was a useless spectator in this battle.

Chen Fang is silent.

To be honest, he was really disappointed with Dusi.

This time, we asked Dusi to come here, not to command the battle, but to let him take charge of the whole situation. We thought that he could avoid accidents, but the other side failed to see through the abnormal behavior of the totem crazy orcs. This is too wrong.


Chen Fang exhaled sullen breath in his chest and adjusted his mood.

"This is not the time to blame yourself. Although almost all the totem crazy orcs in this battle are dead, we don't know how many people are still in the Everglades."

"But I guess they should be afraid to come out again, but they should still be careful, just in case, the troops can't withdraw for the time being, and I have to go to the south to solve the last problem, so please give it to you here." Chen Fang said solemnly.

All department a Leng, he didn't expect to appear after this kind of situation, Chen Fang also entrust the defense here to him, surprised after some Zheng key nod.

"I'll be careful this time. I won't be as careless as before."

I don't have much to say, but they are serious and firm.

Chen Fang didn't say much. At last, he took a look at the big pit and drove to the south.

On the road, Chen Fang looks heavy. Because something happened to Dusi, he worries about the situation in the south.

Originally, Chen Fang thought that the East and the north were the most likely to have an accident, and the casualties would be the most. What he didn't worry about most was the swamp side.

With the cooperation of two cavalry units and the presence of Dusi, Chen Fang felt that there would never be any big problem, but it was precisely where he was most relieved that there were heavy casualties and 1000 awakened cavalry soldiers were killed, which was a bit unbearable for the new town.

"I hope you don't let me down. Otherwise, I don't think it's a wise move to settle down here. It's better for us to share our gifts and go our own way."

Chen Fangxin is tired.

Chen Fang put forward the idea of settling down here. He didn't think too much at that time, just to find a place to settle down.

But when he thought that he really settled down, he found that he used to think that he only needed to focus on the South and guard against the north, but it was a four battle position. Now in retrospect, he really regretted it.

Unfortunately, it's no use regretting, and there was no choice at that time. So many people couldn't trek to other places. Raofeng City, which was destroyed by totem crazy orcs, was the most suitable choice at that time.

"I really want to find a place to live in seclusion."

But it's a delusion.

With Gong Xiaobai and charming people around him, everyone's relationship is intertwined. He is not a ruthless person. It's impossible for him to give up this love, so it's almost impossible for him to get rid of it.

Chen Fang sighed, then sped up and headed south.

In the morning of the third day, Chen Fang finally came to Dahe stronghold.

Chen Fang was relieved to see that the broken bridge on the river was still there, and soldiers were constantly patrolling the river bank.

Hearing that he was not disappointed, Chen Fang was gratified that he did not cross the river successfully for eight days.

Entering the stronghold, Chen Fang finds the person who is doing morning exercises.

"You dance every day."

When Wen Ren, who was sweating in sword practice, saw Chen Fang appear, he was stunned at first, and then his face showed joy."Here you are. Is everything else done?"

Chen Fang nodded and handed the towel to Wen Ren.

"It's almost settled. How about your side? Has anything happened these days?"

The reporter put down his sword, took the towel and said: "there were several illegal immigration operations launched on the other side, but they were all found by the patrolmen and failed. Later, when they saw that the illegal immigration could not be done, they changed to forced immigration. They were blown back by my plant bomb with bud bud, and they stayed on the other side without any action."

Chen Fang than a thumbs up, "or you reliable, did not let me down."

Wen Ren looked at Chen Fang strangely and asked, "what do you mean by that? Did someone disappoint you? Didn't they just say that everything has been solved?"

Chen Fang said with a bitter smile what happened in the swamp.

"I thought Dusi was reliable, but he used to be an audience. To tell you the truth, I endured it at that time. In fact, I wanted to push him directly into the pit and bury him."

Hearing that a thousand dead people were calculated by the totem crazy orcs, they were forced into a desperate situation and lost their lives, people felt very heavy.

But there was one thing that people had to say: "I don't think it's his fault. After all, no one thought that the totem crazy orcs would be so cunning. They even came up with a way to dig a hole in the ground to trip the horse's leg. In this case, everyone would have the same result."

"And I think it's very good that he didn't take part in disorderly command when he was fighting without knowing how to play cavalry."

Chen Fang couldn't help shaking his head.

Although it's true to hear that Dusi didn't know how to play cavalry. He didn't do what laymen command. He let olai and Ni Dazhu play freely. They really did a good job.

On the surface, it's really commendable, but is it?

Not necessarily.

"If you don't understand, you can participate, you can learn."

"As a commander, can you stand outside the battlefield as a spectator?"

"I didn't fight in person at the scene. How can I find the calculation of totem crazy orcs?"

People retorted, "I didn't go there myself. I just sent out soldiers to patrol, but I can still sabotage the enemy's plot."

Chen Fang black line, "this can be the same."

The terrain is different. One is digging a pit and the other is repairing a bridge. The implementation time is different. The response time is different. The fault tolerance rate is different. Can we talk about this?

"I can see that. At your level, any pupil from my family can hang the whole world."

Chen make complaints about Tucao.

"Oh, so you can hang the world?"

Seeing and hearing people say that, Chen Fang said with a rather confident smile:

"ha ha, of course it can't be done."


Then you say chicken! My son.