"No, the cavalry is trapped."

Seeing that the troops of olai were attacked by the totem crazy orcs in the distance, the division yelled that it was not good.

"When did the totem crazy Orc become so clever that he came up with such a way to deal with cavalry?"

Dusi felt incredible.

But the truth is in front of us.

It's true that totemism orcs are mentally retarded.

But just because they are mentally retarded, they can't feel that other people can't think of a way out. They have rich hunting experience and the wisdom they have learned from their survival. That's not what they put in their heads.

LV Yichuan is extremely anxious, "no, go to help quickly."

But Dusi held him, "we only have a dozen people here. What can we do after we pass?"

LV Yichuan looked at the dozen cavalry accompanying them, and his face was pale.

"Is that how we see our soldiers killed?"

Dusi is silent, he also wants to save, but there are few people who can't help it. If he goes, he just dies.

"The most urgent thing is to call Ni Dazhu back. They don't have much effect now. If we wait for the totem crazy orcs to free up their hands, we will die more than a thousand people."

Dusi made a very cruel order and asked the soldiers to call Ni Dazhu back.

Lu Yichuan said sadly, "do you really have to give them up?"

On the surface, Dusi was calm, but in his heart, he was also in deep pain.

If there is any possibility, how can he give up not to save people.

The soldiers quickly ran to Ni Dazhu.

"The commander orders you to take your troops out."

Ni Dazhu couldn't help but shout: "what, how can it be? Does the leader let OLE and them die here?"

The soldier was speechless, and he didn't want to, but that was the order.

"My Lord, I can only withdraw now. I won't wait for Lord ole When the totem orcs free their hands, we will suffer. " Ni Dazhu side of the hand said.

Without Aolai cavalry as a check, those beast totem crazy orcs will play speed without hesitation. With the riding range of ordinary cavalry on Ni Dazhu's side, it's easy to catch up. If they stay longer, they may be completely annihilated.

Ni Dazhu naturally understood the above, but he was not willing to let him leave and let the totem crazy orcs kill all the troops of OLE.

I'm not willing to do anything. I know I can't help if I stay here. Moreover, I may kill another thousand people.

Ni Dazhu finally only gritted his teeth and ordered the troops to withdraw.

"I'm sorry, brother. I'll take revenge for you when I have a chance."

Here, Ni Dazhu's troops begin to withdraw. There are soldiers who are fighting with the totem crazy orcs in olai's troops, and they are constantly being pulled down and hacked to death by the totem crazy orcs.

In the chaos, Ole fought hard and tried to unite the soldiers to fight against the totem crazy orcs.

After all, there is a big difference in individual combat power between the two sides. Only when there are many people united can we stick to it for a long time in the fight with totem crazy orcs.

However, the totem orcs are not stupid either. Seeing that there are many people on OLE's side, they focus on taking care of them. On the contrary, the speed of soldiers' casualties increases a lot.

Watching the assembled soldiers fall one by one under the butcher's knife of the totem crazy orcs, Ole, who knows that he has no reinforcements, falls into despair.

"Damn it, I hurt you."

Looking at the fallen soldiers in front of him, Ole cried with tears on his face.

Seeing his grown-up scolding himself so much, one of the men fighting beside him said:

"grown-up, it's not your fault."

"No one thought that these guys were so cunning. We underestimated them and didn't notice that they were deliberately luring me to this dug place to fall like this."

Ole grinned bitterly.

How could it not be his fault.

As a commander, the most basic accomplishment is to keep an eye on the eight routes in battle, always pay attention to the enemy's movements, and never underestimate the enemy even when he runs away.

This is what Chen Fang once warned him when he was teaching him the battle.

But recently, with the army, I suppressed the totem crazy orcs back to the Everglades again and again. Every time, I was undamaged and my heart swelled.

As a result, when pursuing, I only think about how to kill more totem crazy orcs, but ignore the holes on the ground, which are not obvious in the twilight, but can be seen as long as I pay attention to them.

This is very wrong.

Ole knew that it was too late to regret. The whole army and the totem crazy orcs were entangled together. It was impossible to escape. Under the comparison of the strength of both sides, it was only a matter of time before they were destroyed, so he summoned up his last courage and cried out:

"brothers, Ole didn't see through the enemy's tricks and had a bad command of the battle, which implicated you to die here with me today I'm sorry. Even if I go to hell, I can't redeem it. "

"But I beg you to listen to me one last time."The soldiers around OLE and the soldiers nearby should drink one after another, "my Lord, we don't blame you. If you have any orders, we will follow them."

Seeing the response from the soldiers in this situation, Ole was red eyed.

"Brothers, we can't live today, but we have to kill these totem crazy orcs before we die. Would you like to blow up the core with me?" Cried ole.

The soldiers responded quickly.

"Explosion, must explosion, anyway, can't live."

"Before you die, you should take away some totem crazy orcs. Kill one for one, kill two for one."

"Yes, blow up these sons of bitches."

Ole glanced at the soldiers who shared the same hatred around him, and he was full of pride.

"Come on, let's blow up these animals and let them know that Terrans are not easy to bully."

With that, Ole mobilized her elemental energy to attack Suyuan's heart.

Under the impact of energy, Suyuan's heart began to gather energy. Olai's skin cracked, and there was light coming out of the crack. At the same time, his body began to expand.

The same is true of other soldiers, whose bodies inflate like balloons.

The totem crazy orcs were shocked to see that the Terran soldiers actually made a self explosion. Some people directly attacked the expanding soldiers with weapons and tried to stop them. However, the self explosion could not be stopped if it was stopped. In vain, the totem crazy orcs could only run away.

In the previous battle, 300 or 400 soldiers were lost, and there were 600 or 700 wounded or uninjured soldiers left. If they explode together, their power will be immeasurable. It's a dream for the totem crazy orcs to escape from the explosion area in a short time.

"Hahaha, what's the use of running now? Can you run through the explosion?"

"Die, and go to hell with us."

Ole laughed wildly, as did the other soldiers.

Just then, there was a shout in the distance.

"You're crazy. Stop it."

Ole hard to turn, has expanded to the pumpkin like head, from the swollen squeeze of only a slit in the eyes, see the distance running from a figure.

"Mr. Chen Fang, here you are."

"I'm sorry that I failed your teaching."


Before he finished speaking, Ole's body reached its limit and was the first to explode.

"Bang bang"

it was like a signal. As OLE blew himself up, other soldiers blew up.

The bright light of elements, in the last light of the western sun, tints the sky before the night.

"Ah, damn it."

Chen Fang, who just arrived, let out a roar.