In this case, the boss of the first gang would not be surrounded by other gangs as long as he explained the reason and gave evidence. However, he did not do so. On the contrary, he listened to the advice of someone who came to the door, and was very rigid and did not give any explanation, because he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to finish his revenge for his brother The new dream inspired by people is to annex other gangs and dominate Greenland city.

Of course, he also understood that it was impossible for him to defeat the alliance of other gangs with the help of one gang, but someone gave him some countermeasures.

Someone said that in almost all gangs in Greenland City, some people secretly eat live meat, which is a chip that can be used.

Before taking advantage of this chip, someone asks the leader of the first gang to secretly clean up those members of his gang who have eaten live meat.

Then he deliberately let people reveal to those who ate live meat in the United gangs that the reason why the first gang wanted to arrest those people before was that the secret of these people buying live meat in the black market was known by the first gang boss. Originally, the first gang boss didn't want to make a big deal and was ready to deal with it secretly, but he didn't expect to provoke other gangs to unite, and the first gang boss felt that he had no idea I can't resist it. I'm going to make it public.

Those who are afraid that their secret will be exposed will not let their secret be exposed after they get the news. The most direct way is to kill the first gang boss before he publishes the news. So these people urge their own gang boss to encircle and destroy the first gang as soon as possible.

With the encouragement of others, the United gangs began to besiege their own gangs. The leader of the first gang started to carry out the second step plan under the sign of someone. He asked people to tell the missing people the information of turning them into flesh people, and told the families of all the victims who lost their relatives in the city, so that they could understand the situation of the missing people before, and tell the facts to show them the evidence I believe I didn't cheat them, and I also point out what will happen to people who eat live meat.

After arousing the anger of the victims' families, the leader of the first gang made it clear that he was besieged by the gang that sheltered these people in order to kill these cannibals, and now he needs help.

Next, under the guidance of the leader of the first gang, the families of the victims and other residents who knew the truth joined the first gang to fight against the United gang.

Among the people who helped the first gang, there were many relatives of the members of the United gang. They told each other when they met at home and advised each other in the battle, which soon led many gang members to turn their backs on each other. The result of the battle was self-evident.

The first gang in Greenland city annexed all the gangs in the city and became the only Gang, and changed its name to Greenland gang. After integrating all the gang resources, the gang leader, who has just become the most powerful gang in Greenland City, began various popular operations with someone's advice.

First, he executed those who had eaten live meat in public. Then, on the issue of food, he implemented a daily minimum food ration system for the whole city. He also set up a number of farsighted hunting teams to hunt all over the green plains. He also got a variety of plant fruits from someone to ensure the source of food. He also got the technology of "Kang" from someone to ensure the quality of food In the case of insufficient food, people can still spend the night in the cold without freezing to death.

Under a series of operations, green space city is finally the day when the cold flow of the extreme boundary retreats. During this period, few people in green space city are starved to death and frozen to death, undoubtedly making the green land gang boss gain great reputation.

Then, a public opinion operation was carried out under someone's planning, so that almost all the citizens of Greenland city supported the gang leader and became the first city leader since the completion of Greenland city.

After becoming the leader of the city, the gang leader announced that he would leave the federal autonomous green land city at the instigation of someone.

As soon as the declaration of autonomy was issued, it caused a sensation, and almost all the eyes of the Federation of Xia and Ya focused on it.

After waiting for a few days to get a response, the owner of Greenland city rushed to find the person who let him stand at the top of the city.

In a remote room, the Lord of the city met with a mummy wrapped in bandages, who could not see his face clearly and did not know his race.

"Sir, this is not the same as what you said. You said that the federal parliament should be too busy to deal with me in the current situation of lack of materials and chaos in many cities? Today, I received the news that the Federation has sent troops to attack Greenland City, and in addition to the parliament, even the royal family has joined in. What do you want me to do? " The city Lord stares at the mummy and says.

"What's the hurry? Everything is in my expectation."

The mummy pulled the bandage from her mouth, drank the water from the table, and then asked, "how many people are there on both sides?"

"Three thousand on the side of the Federal Parliament and two thousand on the side of the royal family."

"It's only 5000 people. Are you worried about me? The 30000 gang members under your command are caozha. Can't you even win 5000 people? " The mummy's tone was contemptuous.

"I'm not afraid of 5000 people. What I'm afraid of is their attitude." Said the Lord.

Sending troops means that the other side attaches great importance to it. It's hard to guarantee that after one defeat, more people will not be sent. Once or twice, they will be able to hold on. After three times, what will happen? If the Parliament and the royal family are determined to fight Greenland City, it is not enough to look at it with the strength of his current gang."What are you afraid of? The fact that the Federal Parliament has only sent such a few people here this time shows that they are in trouble and have few people available."

"The royal family has sent troops, but it's certainly not for you. It's for the gang sent by the Federation. You can't be unaware of their relationship. You don't think they will deal with you together." Said the mummy.

"But..." The city leader also wanted to say that he was interrupted by the mummy.

"Don't say anything. As long as you win the people sent by the Federal Parliament this time, I'm sure many cities will declare autonomy like you. At that time, the Federal Parliament will not send a large number of troops to trouble you. Don't doubt my judgment." Said the mummy with great certainty.

"As for the royal family, they should just be acting. Otherwise, if they really want to deal with you without disaster in the south, they can't just send so many people, so it's obviously to add congestion to the troops sent by the Federal Parliament."

"So." After hearing this, the city master felt that it was reasonable.

"Princes, Marquises and generals would rather have seed. Since they want to be above ten thousand people, they should not be afraid of wolves before and tigers after."

The words of mummy make the city master's blood boil.

"Well, that's all for today. Come back to me if you have something to do."

The mummy then stood up, walked out of the house despite the city Lord's repeated requests, and disappeared in an alley.

The Lord of the city stood at the door of the house with an unhappy face. After waiting for a long time, only one of his men ran to him.

"Lord, I lost you."

"Lost it again, you losers, huh." The city lord left with a black face and a swinging arm.