Because of the extreme cold, Chen Fang and his party stayed in Greenland city for several months, and Gong Xiaobai missed his rite of passage.

In recent months, Chen Fang had a hard life. In order to get food, they had to go out of the city to hunt in the daytime against the freezing wind. In the previous month, they were able to hunt a lot of prey.

However, as the cold current in the polar region continued for a longer time, the food stored in Greenland city and the corpses obtained from several attacks by mutated animals were exhausted. Many residents of Greenland city came out to look for prey. Chen Fang sometimes failed to hunt mutated animals for several days.

Later, even the polar ice birds that used to turn pale were captured by the orcs who were hungry, green eyed and fearless of life and death. For a long time, there was no mutant beast in Greenland city for more than ten kilometers, and even the grass and trees on the ground were gone. Chen Fang had to change their diet and rely on the plants planted by the buds to relieve their hunger.

The lack of food is one of the reasons why Chen Fang's life is not easy, and the increasingly chaotic green city is also the reason why they are in a difficult situation.

In order to survive, the gangs in Greenland city began to snatch the resources of other gangs. At first, only one or two gangs were fighting. Later, more and more gangs joined in. After the chaos came into being, smashing, looting and the dead could not be avoided. Among them, the most serious casualties were the ordinary people in Greenland City, and later the people who could not bear to kill The war spread throughout the city. For a long time, battles were going on everywhere in the city.

Many people died, and almost all the food was consumed, so some hungry people began to eat corpses secretly, and the epidemic began to spread.

When the epidemic spread, everyone felt that something was wrong. At the same time, they began to thoroughly investigate and execute those who ate corpses and were infected with the disease. Finally, half of the city's population died before the epidemic was brought under control.

However, this is just the beginning. After the epidemic, on the surface, all gangs in Greenland City reached a consensus and issued a notice. If there were any more dead meat eaters, there would be no amnesty. However, hunger still made some gangs or some powerful awakened people do the most immoral things.

In a period of time, there are often missing people in Greenland city. The lucky ones will be found, but they always lack arms and legs, bad The remains are unidentified.

At the same time of the disappearance of the people in Greenland City, there is also a black market for meat. Batches of meat pieces that have been deliberately processed are put on the stand for people to buy. The price of these meat is not very expensive, but people who want to buy them need to be introduced by acquaintances, and they must keep their mouths shut about the existence of the black market.

It's self-evident what meat is in the black market. Buyers know it, but everyone knows it. Since eating dead meat will lead to disease, it's OK to eat live meat. Besides, it's none of my business to kill people. Between living evil and starving to death, many people will choose the former. When they are hungry, conscience and reason have been swallowed by them It's not digestible.

Panic once again shrouded over Greenland City, but it was only the ordinary city residents who were panicked. Those gangs didn't pay attention to these. They were more concerned about annexing hostile gangs to get more materials to tide over the difficulties. The Gang War didn't stop because of the missing people, but still continued.

Greenland city is becoming more and more chaotic. Chen Fang feels that the wild is safer than the city. When they can't stay and are ready to leave the city at risk, something happens in the city, which makes Greenland city end the chaotic situation in a very short time and makes Chen Fang continue to stay.

To stop the chaos in Greenland City, we need to start with one gang in the middle of Greenland city and wipe out another Gang which is not strong but has abundant materials and is not plagued by hunger.

When the powerful Gang happily went to receive the goods from the defeated Gang, it found that the gang secretly arrested many people, forced them to drink oil every time, and then cut meat to eat after some time. These arrested people were called meat men by the gang members.

Among the people who were regarded as meat men, there happened to be the younger brother of the leader of the first gang in Greenland city. The younger brother was put on the chopping board to cut his stomach, and his meat was cut down a lot. According to the prisoners, the meat had been sent to the black market while it was fresh, and asked someone to help sell it to the guests.

Looking at the younger brother of the first gang boss, who is lying on the chopping board, still alive with his will, but dying, the leader of the winning Gang realized that he could not carry the pot, so he immediately sent someone to inform the leader of the gang.

When the first gang boss who received the news rushed to come, his brother just swallowed his last breath in front of him.

Looking at his favorite brother's tragic death in front of his eyes, and many parts were missing from his body, as the first gang boss, his brother frantically pressed the prisoner, and got his brother's flesh and blood from him. Later, he called all the gang's brothers and went to the black market.

The heartbroken eldest brother, holding the corpse cloth wrapped around his brother's broken body, rushed into the black market with his men, where he found the man who was selling his brother's flesh and blood.When he learned that his brother's flesh and blood had been sold, and it was divided into many parts and bought to different people, and because the people who came to the black market were wearing masks to hide their faces and didn't know each other's identity, the brother couldn't collect the whole body because of his brother's tragic death, so he was completely furious.

Later, the black market was destroyed by the elder brother and his subordinates. In the process of destruction, many gangs who made use of the black market to gain benefits came to stop it. As a result, they were annihilated by the powerful strength of the first gang.

After the destruction of the black market, the brother still did not stop, because his brother's Revenge has not been finished, and those who bought his brother's flesh and blood are still there.

In order to avenge his brother, the elder brother, who is the first gang boss, launched all the gang members to pursue him. However, the final result of the investigation is that there is no way to find out who bought his brother's flesh and blood.

However, it is not without harvest. Through investigation, they found that as long as the wild orcs and real orcs have eaten live meat, their bodies will show very recognizable features.

For example, the wild orcs who have eaten live meat will not stop their saliva, their teeth will turn black, their eyes will turn yellow, their nails will turn purple, and so on.

The real Orc's word is constant hair loss.

The brother, who was eager to avenge his brother, immediately ordered the whole city to search for people with such characteristics after hearing the report from his subordinates, and ordered them to be executed on the spot in case of resistance.

His move will undoubtedly cause dissatisfaction and resistance from other unidentified gangs, because many of the people caught under his command are middle-level members of various gangs. They all think that the first Gang wants to capture all the other gangs, dominate Greenland city and enjoy the goods and materials alone, so other gangs unite to fight against the first gang.