In winter, there will be a cold current coming down from the northern boundary of the Federation, affecting most areas of the Federation.

The area under the influence of cold current will blow the polar boundary freezing wind from time to time. Whenever this wind blows, the outside temperature will become extremely low. You can touch the ground and form a column by standing outside and urinating.

However, cold is not the biggest threat. The most serious threat in the wild is the polar ice birds coming with the freezing wind and the ice swimming fish among the empty swimming fish wandering in the fog forest.

The polar ice bird group is a hunting army composed of populations of ice mutant birds living in the polar ice accretion. In winter, "every time you see the moon, you will think of me."

Middle two's lines came from Chen Fang, who was bending over to cover his face. Then he gave a nervous laugh, and the sound was not so loud, which caused the resonance of nearby dogs. Then it spread to the distance, and all the dogs in the city barked for a moment.

"Chen Fang, you are crazy. Shut up quickly. Don't you hear that all the dogs in the city follow you crazy? And let people sleep. " I heard a raging roar.

Chen Fang quickly shut up, but without the leadership of the commander, the dogs also shut up under their master's shoes, and the red soil city gradually recovered.

"I laugh at the dogs barking. They're sick."