Before Jimo and Chen Fang had a talk, there was a noise outside the yard. Then someone called at the door, "people inside come out. Someone reported that there was an explosion here. We need to go in and check."

"I heard that Chen Fang was helped back to the house to have a rest. Sister Wu and I went to see those people."

"Yes, little brother, you go to have a rest first. We'll deal with the rest."

After hearing the shouting, Jimo and Wumei ask Wen Ren to help Chen Fang go to the tree house to have a rest, while they go to the front to see those who should be on patrol.

With the help of Yiyi Yaya, Wen Ren sends Chen Fang back to the tree house and helps to feed him some pills. Seeing that Chen Fang is burned in a large area, she goes back to her room to get the medicine, leaving two of them to take care of Chen Fang.

"Uncle, does it hurt?" Yiyi looked at the burning on Chen Fang's body, and said with great pain.

Bud bud is also looking at the wound on Chen Fang's body, no longer just happy, with tears in her eyes.

"It doesn't hurt. I'm very strong, your uncle. It's just a small injury. I'll keep it for two days. I won't cry." Chen Fang raised his hand to wipe away the tears on the faces of the little sisters standing in front of the bed, and comforted them.

When Chen Fang comforts yiyaya in the tree house, Jimo and charming are dealing with the patrol outside. It happens that Augustus lake is also there somehow. Because they are familiar with each other and have something to tell him, Jimo and charming take them to the yard, then tell them what happened, and hide the old glory in the city. It's possible I also mentioned the use of statues to attack the city.

"Is that true?"

August lake face with doubt, just a few people want to rely on the statue to seize the city, are you sure you are not joking with me? Is it true that the gangs in red earth city are made of clay? Let's think that it's not a person who has lost his intelligence.

Seeing that Augustus Lake didn't believe it, Jimo pointed to the remains of the ghost of the eater in the pit smashed out of the yard and said, "have you ever seen such a monster?"

"It's all mud. Even if I've seen it before, I can't tell anything now." Said augustalec with a glance.

Well, it's true that his face fell to the ground and turned into mud. I really can't see anything. Jimo rubbed his temples with a headache.

"I won't believe what you just said without any other evidence."

Augustus Lake said that he wanted to take people away. They just came to see what happened. As long as it was not a threat to the public security of red soil City, they would not take care of other things. As for the old glory of seizing the city, they would only listen to it as a joke.

Before turning around and leaving, Augustus lake suddenly thought of something, and then turned back to Jimo and said, "by the way, is that guy here? When will he accept our challenge? If you don't dare, give me a definite word to save time. In this way, I can let people drive you out of red soil city together. We don't welcome cowards here."

If you don't accept the challenge, you will drive people out of the city. The crazy orcs are so direct that there is no room for relaxation. At the first moment, you think that you may become friends with them, and at the next moment, you will become enemies or unpopular because of their ideas. This kind of character is very unbearable.

As for what Augustus Lake said, Jimo shouldn't answer it. After all, it needs Chen Fang to decide.

"I'll take the challenge, but it'll take me five days to prepare." Chen Fang's voice came from the tree house.

Augustus lake turned his head and saw a guy with a bandage all over his body and a big bow behind his head, standing on it talking to himself.

"Are you..." Asked augustalec suspiciously.

"The person you're going to challenge." Chen Fang pulled down the bandage to show his burned face.

"Well, I'll see you at the challenge arena outside the city in the morning five days later. If you don't come then, don't blame me for bringing people here to rush people."

For Chen Fang's five-day time, Augustus Lake simply agreed, but then also said ugly words.

"No problem." Chen Fang nodded, and then he said, "you'd better take it seriously about the old glory that may capture the city with statues, or this may become the next new city."

"It's up to you to be the winner of our challenge and win our respect."

"Wait, if I win the challenge, you'll believe me?"

"We always respect the strong." Said augustalec solemnly.

"Well, I'll go to the challenge arena the day after tomorrow morning." Chen Fang changed the time he had set before.

Jimo and charming are in a hurry. Chen Fang is still injured. They can recover in two days. Is the challenge in the past a death? The challenge of the orcs is not a joke. It's impossible. Except for special circumstances, their so-called challenges are life and death.

They just want to stop, but Chen Fang shakes his head and stops them.

"Cheery, I'll see you the day after tomorrow morning."

With that, Augustus Lake left the courtyard with a man, without looking back.

Chen Fang was very upset when he saw that Augustus lake had taken people away. "These crazy orcs have a hole in their brain. They don't shed tears when they don't see the coffin."If there is a place to go, Chen Fang will not accept the challenge, but also go through the muddy waters of old glory.

Even if the red soil city is occupied by the old glory people, it's none of their business. Unfortunately, it happens that a few of them have no money, and the nearby city is the territory of the Terran. Because of the federal ban on the Terran, Jimo, they can't enter the city, so they can only find a way to solve the crisis here.

"Two days, how do you think, this time your injury can be better?" Hearing people coming out of the tree house, he said angrily.

"Or else? The other side said, "if you don't accept the challenge, you'll drive us out."

"Even so, after five days, why did you change it to two days? Are you sure you can recover?" Charming said.

"Because I'm afraid that if it's too long, people of old glory will act, and then it's too late to act."

Chen Fang can see that the crazy orcs don't feel comfortable. You have to convince them, or they won't pay attention to you, so Chen Fang can only shorten the time in order to be in a hurry.

"I think it's better to leave red soil city. The big deal is to stay in the wild for a long time and go to the next Orc border city." Heard people say.

She thinks that even if Chen Fang wins the challenge, it doesn't necessarily stop the old glory plan. After all, she only knows that the statue is the key to the plan, but we don't know exactly what the situation is. If we can't stop it, we will still suffer. It's better to leave as soon as possible.

Chen Fang wry smile: "you think I want to ah, you don't see what season is now, the tide of freezing wind is about to rise."

"It's winter. The first cold wave will come down from the north. It's really not suitable to stay in the wild. It will take at least half a month from here to the next Orc border town. It's not enough time." Jimo said.

After Chen Fang's reminding, Jimo women realized that it was almost winter time. Although the red earth plain was still very hot, the temperature dropped sharply in winter. The day before, the sun was still shining and the temperature was very high. After one day, the wind was biting. The reason for this was because of the "freezing wind".