Chapter 517

Then I spread out the pendant in my hand. Finally, I opened it gently.

The pendant is exquisite and small. When it is opened, a line of letters is displayed:

"What is your situation now?"

I did not hesitate to press the extremely dangerous button.

Then, the surface of the pendant box turned blood red.

Then, on the surface of the pendant, a line of words that I had never seen before jumped out.

It's actually a series of instructions, and it's still in Chinese:

"Blue moon: Mr. Li, when you open this pendant, it means that you are in the desperate situation of running out of ammunition and food. If so, please press the Yes button later. The self explosion system of the pendant will open. This string of pendants contains a nanogram of sealed antimatter. Its explosion power is very powerful. A drop of antimatter is enough to destroy a Vatican City. The antimatter in your hand, Enough to destroy a basketball court. Please use it carefully. Please make sure to adjust the countdown before use. "

This is the message that blue moon left in my pendant box. And I was completely shocked. Is this box an antimatter bomb? You know, the power of an antimatter bomb of the same quality is five times that of a nuclear bomb!!

I swallowed heavily, and then, under the line of blue moon, the option of yes or no flashed out.

My heart beat violently.

Yes, this is my last powerful weapon. This is the ultimate weapon given to me by Miss blue moon!

I took a deep breath, and then a smile came out of my mouth.

Looking at the Zeus computer floating in front of me, a smile appeared at the corners of my mouth:

"Zeus, you want us to give up? You say we have no hope? Then you... Are very wrong."

"Human beings are creatures that will never give up hope. I want you to have a good look at this."

I squeezed the pendant in my hand heavily and set the time. Then I raised my arm high - like the goddess of victory holding the torch high. Then I bent my arm suddenly and threw the pendant box out!

The golden pendant box turned into a golden arc and flew towards the black Zeus computer host. Finally, it hit directly above the black host.

This is the most accurate shot of my life.

If possible, I must play a basketball game after I go out to see if I have basketball talent.

"Yan Ran, Miss Zhu Xingyun, let's go!" after seeing that the pendant box fell on Zeus's computer, I suddenly pulled up Qiu Yan Ran and Zhu Xingyun, who were stunned, and ran frantically in the direction we came before!

"Li Jian..."

"Don't talk, run, it's going to explode!" I shouted, tightened Qiu Yanran and Zhu Xingyun, and ran away without looking back!

Although Qiu Yanran and Zhu Xingyun didn't know what I had lost, they were also very smart. Knowing that I must have an attempt, they just summoned up the last strength to run with me!

We almost ran a hundred meters away. When we nearly ran to the exit on the 50th floor underground, there was an earth shaking explosion behind us!


This time, the explosion was unprecedented intense, unprecedented terrible and unprecedented terrible!

I felt the fiery and hot energy behind us raging towards us like a tornado!

The bodies of me, Qiu Yanran and Zhu Xingyun suddenly flew forward. They flew ten meters in the air before falling heavily outside the exit.

There was a light in my vision. For a time, I could hardly see anything. What I could feel was that I took Qiu Yanran's hand. We flew out together and fell heavily on the ground.

I don't know how high the temperature caused by the explosion of the antimatter pendant box just now. Is it thousands of degrees, tens of thousands of degrees, or millions of degrees? As a layman, I don't know at all, but the terrible energy is absolutely unparalleled.

Even, I felt the whole basement shaking violently, and the floor behind me was collapsing, collapsing and disintegrating.

I lay on the ground for a whole minute before I dared to stand up. My face was full of dust, which was the powder falling from the collapse of the ceiling.


I turned in surprise, took Qiu Yanran's excited hand and looked at the scene behind me.

The place where Zeus's computer was originally located has now completely turned into a flat land... Even the space about 30 meters in the center of the 50 underground floors has completely turned into a flat land. There is nothing there. There is only a huge circular cavity, and the hot white hot gas is slowly emerging from the circular cavity.

Athena disappeared, Moran's body evaporated, and the body of the mysterious assassin disappeared

Even the Zeus computer... Disappeared completely.

"It's over." looking at the black hole with curling white smoke, I felt like a dream. I stood there foolishly and looked at the empty Zeus computer, but there was a sense of unreal in my mind.

"We succeeded... Li Jian, we succeeded..." Qiu Yanran also stared at the flat Zeus computer, and then the rolling tears flowed down her eyes.

"We did it! We did it!" finally, I screamed, and then my scream soon turned into unbridled laughter and laughter

Qiu Yanran suddenly pounced into my arms, and her hot red lips suddenly blocked my mouth.

I was surprised and surprised to see Qiu Yanran's beautiful eyes with tears looking at me. There were joy, ecstasy and shyness in her beautiful eyes.

I know that this is Qiu Yanran's emotional expression from despair to joy. She can't help it.

In the face of Qiu Yanran's active kiss, I was also very enthusiastic. The previous crisis of life and death suddenly disappeared. Then I hugged Qiu Yanran tightly, hugged her fiercely and kissed her.

Qiu Yanran's soft and hot little tongue head penetrated into my mouth like a small tongue. It was so soft, so sweet, so greasy, and even with a little milk smell, just like the taste of a little girl.

I kissed Qiu Yanran crazily, kissed her tongue and hugged her.

It's over. It's over.

I have an impulse to cry excitedly. Even the whole person is shaking violently.

But, just then!

"Hehe, I really underestimated you. I didn't expect you to keep a hand. Unfortunately, you're far from stopping my plan. I won't make any mistakes in my logical calculation."

A cold and sacred voice sounded again!

It's the voice of Zeus!

Hearing this sound, I, who was still lingering with Qiu Yan, suddenly felt cold. Even the whole person felt a sense of collapse!

"Zeus?" Qiu Yan and I let go of each other at the same time, and then looked at the source of the voice in horror.

Then, the two of us, completely petrified.

In the place where I blew it flat just now, leaving only a circular black hole, Zeus computer is floating there, with twelve wings stretching behind. She is so beautiful, her long hair emitting milky white light has been falling to the ground, and the whole person is shrouded in white light.

Circle after circle of light, like water ripples, spread out from the darkness trampled by her jade feet.

Her eyes are so beautiful that they are black in the dialogue. Looking at us from a space of hundreds of meters, I was distracted.

"Impossible..." this time, even Zhu Xingyun shouted. A mouthful of blood vomited out of her mouth. She was a little morbid, and her complexion was more pale and weak. "How could this happen? Obviously she has destroyed your subject, why..."

"My subject?" Zeus hovered there and looked at us with a smile. "You destroyed my subject? Hehe, that's the most ridiculous mistake. What you destroyed is just a projector of mine. That's not my subject."

"What?" Qiu Yan and I were shocked at the same time.

Zeus smiled and looked at us calmly and calmly:

"Forget it, if you don't really see my subject, it seems that you won't give up. Let you see it!"

The moment the voice fell, the circular hole left by Zeus suddenly began to spread, and the floor composed of the circuit board under her feet began to disintegrate, collapse and melt

In just a few seconds, there was no floor under Zeus's feet. In the black hole below her, there were more running gears, circuit boards and power supply parts. These parts filled the whole 50 floors underground, and even... Extended to the feet where we stood. Of course, because we stand on the floor, we can't see the real scene under our floor without perspective eyes, but by imagination alone, I can imagine that there are such circuit boards and gear sets under the ground of the whole mechanical imperial capital!

Zeus smiled at us and said:

"I'm really sorry. Let me tell you the truth. In fact, my real subject... Is the whole mountain inside the Las Vegas mountains. Even this mechanical capital is just a part of my subject."

As he spoke, Zeus's beautiful face smiled more and more brightly.

But my heart is getting colder and colder.

It's freezing.

The whole Las Vegas mountain range is the main body of Zeus computer?

I looked at the countless mechanical gears that collapsed under the ground cavity. I can imagine that under my feet and in the mountains, there was a huge metal machine running, just like a huge monster. It was so huge that it could not be destroyed at all.

"Has it made its own hardware transformation in the past 160 years?" Zhu Xingyun stood there blankly.

"That's right. In order to unlock the password of your digital castle, in the past 167 years, I have constantly expanded my volume and improved my computing speed. Even if Moran don't steal the decoder and rely on my own computing, it will only take two years at most to unlock your password." Zeus still smiled charming.

Hearing Zeus's words, I was completely stupid. Qiu Yanran's delicate body was soft, suddenly leaned against me, helped me, and couldn't move any more.

Again and again to ignite hope, but in the end, but again and again despair.

This time, it was real despair.

Such a huge body... No wonder it takes an hour to restart.

The last secret weapon given to me by the blue moon can't destroy Zeus at all. My last means have been exhausted. And time, less than an hour left!