Chapter 516

In an hour... The world will be destroyed?

"Asshole, stop it!" I roared. "Stop it!"

"No, in order to create more perfect human beings, let us robots serve... We must do so." Zeus smiled, and the smile on his face became stronger and stronger, as if the light in the endless universe pierced my heart.

"Bastard...!" my heart beat violently and squeezed a fist. "Are you kidding!"

"Li Jian, kill her." Qiu Yanran was the most calm person at the moment. She suddenly opened her mouth and broke the calm. Then she quickly picked up the microwave radiation gun in her hand, pointed the muzzle at the Zeus computer host in front and pulled the trigger!

Seeing Qiu Yanran's move, I also reacted quickly. Yes, if we can destroy the body of Zeus's computer, I'm afraid we can stop her from running!!

Thinking of this, I quickly took out all the nano bombs on me, raised them high and threw them at Zeus in front!

Although Zhu Xingyun was injured, she did the same thing as us. She took out all the remaining weapons: nano bombs and incendiary bombs... All of them were thrown towards the Zeus host in front!

Boom, boom!

Bursts of explosions sounded, thick smoke billowed, and the terrible air current was surging and rotating. Even my eardrum was almost broken, and my brain was buzzing. The strong shock wave lifted Qiu Yanran and Zhu Xingyun, me, down for several meters, and fell heavily on the ground.

Although the butt landing was really painful, I managed to bite my teeth and stand up.

"Did you succeed?" I narrowed my eyes and looked into the thick smoke ahead.

"Hehe. It seems that the weight of the weapons you carry is still too poor." a cold voice sounded like a spring in the ice, which made my heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

As the smoke in front gradually dispersed, I saw Zeus floating in the air again, fairy skirts flying up and down, emitting endless divine brilliance.

Then, below Zeus... Is the motionless black box.

Yes, just now the three of us used all our remaining weapons to launch the strongest attack on the host of Zeus's computer, but... It didn't have any effect.

If there is any effect, it is only a few thin cracks left on the surface of the black box of Zeus's main computer.

Obviously, the black box shell of Zeus's main computer uses some special alloy metals. Conventional weapons are very difficult to explode.

"What kind of metal shell... It can't explode at all."

"Useless, give up." Zeus's master computer floated in the air, and her whole body was shrouded in divine light. Behind her, I vaguely saw six pairs of transparent wings extending out, just like twelve winged angels, setting off her beauty behind her.

"I know all the weapons you have. With nano bombs, microwave radiation guns and incendiary bombs, you can only destroy my shell at most, but it is impossible to destroy my body. Human beings, give up. Especially you, the man named Li Jian. Your existence is still valuable to my plan, and we still have the possibility of cooperation. As long as you cooperate We, when the world is destroyed, we can let you and any woman you want to reproduce and create the perfect human we want. At that time, I can meet any conditions that are not contrary to my plan. Li Jian, give up. "

"Fuck you!" although I knew that Zeus computer had no mother, I still couldn't help scolding. I, Qiu Yanran and Zhu Xingyun smashed all the remaining nano bombs on Zeus computer, and then we constantly carried out crazy attacks on Zeus computer with radiation guns!


Bang bang!

Countless explosions and collisions sounded continuously. My ears were numb, but I still didn't give up!

I kept taking out the nano bomb from my waist, and kept taking it... Until the end, when my hand touched the last nano bomb in my waist, I didn't throw it out again, because I knew that if the previous nano bomb didn't work, the last one wouldn't work

The situation of Zhu Xingyun and Qiu Yanran is similar to mine. On the way here, we have consumed most of our weapons. At the moment, we have completely exhausted without support.

"Did you succeed...?"

After losing all my weapons, I gasped violently and squinted at the scene ahead.

The smoke from the explosion finally dissipated in exchange.

Then I saw a scene that made me despair.

The black box is still there.

Although the surface of the black box was indeed broken and peeled off due to a series of crazy bomb attacks, we... Only blew open the outer shell of Zeus's main computer. I saw that countless circuit boards inside Zeus's main computer were still running as usual, and the current was flashing. It seemed that the body function was completely normal.

"I'll go... It's not damaged?" I was completely stunned.

"How could... Like this..." seeing that there was still no damage to the Zeus main computer body, Qiu Yanran's face was as white as paper. Her legs were soft, and she knelt down slowly.

"Are... Our efforts in vain... We have paid so much... Why... It is still futile..." Qiu Yan knelt helplessly on the ground, supported her hands, looked at the black box with little damage, and drops of crystal tears of bean size flowed down her cheeks. It was the first time I saw Qiu Yanran look so helpless and desperate.

What's worse is Zhu Xingyun. She was already seriously injured. As a result, we saw that our series of attacks on Zeus computer still failed to cause any damage to the body of Zeus computer. It seems that she was also stimulated. Her body was slightly soft, and she knelt on one knee with a pale face.

Zeus was floating in the air, with twelve snow-white wings emitting soft and sacred light, and perfectly proportioned legs standing in the air.

"Give up. It's all here. It's no use what you do." Zeus computer smiled with an expression full of affinity. Then, she gently floated around in the air and danced a little round dance. Ha ha, a burst of light smile, unexpectedly rowed in the air and flew to me.

"As for you, just stay in the mechanical capital and become a breeding tool. This is your final value." Zeus covered his mouth and smiled, frowning, frowning and smiling, all full of women's charm.

With that, Zeus gently extended her plain hand, which was comparable to lanolin jade, and slowly stroked my face

Of course, because Zeus's computer is just a hologram, her exquisite hand can't touch my cheek and pass through my face at the moment.

"Don't be so unhappy. We all have a 'neural cage' system that controls the hallucination of the human brain. You can be very happy in that world and live in endless happiness every day..." Zeus winked charmingly and smiled at me.

"Beast!" I couldn't help it any more. My anger was burning. I roared, clenched my fist and punched Zeus hard in the face - but my fist penetrated through Zeus's beautiful face and emptied.

"What an unreasonable human being." Zeus computer looked at me regretfully. "Unfortunately, you're too late to do anything now. There's less than half an hour left. What else can you do?"

Zeus's bright eyes floated in front of me and winked at me very charmingly, and my heart beat suddenly. In the face of such a beautiful woman, I really don't have any resistance. Even at the moment of despair, I was almost charmed by her.

Looking at Zeus's face close at hand, I was also devastated.

"What to do... Is there really no way?"

I stood there blankly, and the microwave radiation gun with exhausted energy fell to the ground powerlessly, making a clear collision sound.

A helpless desolate feeling filled my heart.

I've reached my limit. I've done everything I can.

My beloved girls all worked hard with me to the end. But... Are our efforts really in vain?

How did this happen?

I don't believe it.

I'm not convinced!

"Li Jian... I... I'm useless... I'm really useless. Obviously I've been here, but I can't do anything. I'm useless..." Qiu Yanran's helpless cry came in her ear. At the moment, she has completely collapsed.

"Yan Ran." I felt endless pain in my heart. My chest fluctuated violently. I fell down and squatted carefully beside Qiu Yan Ran. Looking at the red circles under her eyes rubbed with both hands, my heart hurt faintly.

At the moment, she is really weak like a little girl.

Reminds me of Xiaobai.

I sighed and gently rubbed Qiu Yan's thin back to comfort her.

"Stop crying, sweet, I don't like to see you cry."

Qiu Yan Ran's delicate body trembled slightly. She slowly raised her head. Her black hair fell straight. On her rainy face, a pair of wet eyes looked at you helplessly.

"Li Jian... But... There's really no way... We... Have no hope..."

Qiu Yan Ran's voice was so delicate and helpless.

"No, there's another way." I looked at her and said with a bitter smile, "don't give up hope until the end." I said, put my hand to my chest, and then gently dug out the string of gold pendants given to me by the blue moon.

"This is..." seeing the pendant I dug out from my chest, Qiu Yanran's beautiful eyes widened slightly.

"This is a lucky star," I said with a smile. "With it, there is nothing impossible."