Chapter 496

"I know. Five kilometers is enough to get rid of these slugs. Then we'll speed up into the second inner wall and walk a little further, and we'll be able to enter Athena tower." the obscene girl said confidently.

I kept calm and looked down at the metal dragons on the ground from time to time, but I found that they still kept on chasing up from the rear. To my surprise, their travel speed was very fast - no less than those of us "pilots" with boosters.

"They really don't give up. And their speed is really fast." Qiu Yan pursed her lips and frowned at the metal dragon chasing us on the ground.

I nodded.

We flew in the air for almost five minutes, but the metal dragons on the ground kept up with us, and even exceeded us!

"No. It seems that we can't get rid of them." the purple butterfly covered a thick cloud. "We have to find a dead corner that they can't attack first."

"How about the roof?" I suggested.

"No, if we land on the roof, we will enter an isolated island and die."

I was a little stunned, and then nodded to show that purple butterfly was right. If we fall on the roof, we will be besieged.

The original five minute flight plan failed. In order to find a suitable landing as far as possible, we continued to hover for almost four minutes. Zhu Xinghui reported:

"Li Jian, your remaining energy is less than 7 percent."


This time, the blue moon decisively ordered the landing.

The landing place is a cross intersection in the middle of four houses. The entrance is narrow and can't rush in with the huge body of a metal dragon for the time being.

"Here, here." the little hand of blue moon pushed my back and urged me to land in the gap.

The nine of us fell from the sky like iron man and landed in the middle of a narrow and small intersection. The nine stood back-to-back and looked around with sharp eyes - they looked very handsome, but faced us with a very difficult choice... What should we do next?

I looked up and swallowed.

Because I saw that at the end of the road in front of me, the huge metal dragon was hitting the building at the entrance with its huge head several times larger than the siege hammer. The stones splashed and the harsh metal friction stimulated my eardrum.

"How... How to do?" Qiu Yanran nervously held my hand, looked frightened and looked right and left. The road entrances in the East and South were surrounded by metal dragons, which were very fast. If they opened the way, I'm afraid we couldn't escape at all.

"I... I don't know." I took Qiu Yanran's hand and my heart pounded. I really felt like I was forced to a desperate situation.


"What to do, sister swallow, Li Jian... Li Jian, they are going to be surrounded by those monsters!" on the other side of the earth, the six little Taimei gathered in front of the wide screen projection TV and looked at the scene on the TV nervously.

Beside the little sister Li Qing, the swallow's pink lips opened a slight crack. At last, she closed her fist nervously and prayed. Her pure and gentle eyes were full of worries. Even, because he was too sad, the corners of the swallow's eyes were red.

On the right side of the swallow, the iceberg beauty Xu Liuli sits with her legs crossed in an ice blue skirt wrapped in net socks. On the tea table, there are cigarette butts piled into a hill. Even some cigarette butts have fallen onto the glass tea table, and the transparent tea table is covered with a layer of light ash. Judging from the amount of ash, she has smoked all night.

A drop of cold sweat slowly slipped down her white Yueyu like neck, and finally penetrated into the shoulder sling of the long skirt.

"Li Jian... Please, be safe..."

The fragrant incense exhaled slowly condenses in the cold air and becomes fine ice crystals floating in the frozen space.


A coastal commercial port in China.

The sky was shrouded in gray clouds. There were no large black clouds, but the whole sky was gray. Under the gray sky, there is a city shrouded in the shadow of war.

There is no bustle and bustle in the city in the past. At the moment, there is only chaos and panic.

In front of a tall commercial building hundreds of meters high, thousands of citizens have gathered there. The citizens seem to be inspired by some kind of inspiration, looking up at the huge TV screen on the wall of the building.

What is playing on the TV screen is the processed picture captured by the high-altitude aircraft.

In the center of the picture, there is a narrow intersection. In the center of the intersection, a circle of people of different shapes stand back to back, while at the end of the other side of the intersection, there is a large group of metal dragons like terrible monsters.

The length of these metal creatures alone is more than 40 meters. Not to mention immersive, it is enough to frighten people to see such a picture on TV.

The crowd stared nervously at the horror monsters on the big screen, and their faces full of female characteristics were full of panic and fear. Even from time to time, there will be screams and irrational cries in the crowd.

The pale faces looked so tired and sick in the same weak gray sunlight.

Such a scene is just a microcosm of countless cities. The same scene takes place all over China... And even all over the world.

People all over the world are staring at the scene of the brave team entering the mechanical imperial capital live on TV. Everyone is worried and trembling.


I don't know what the people all over the world are like at the moment. I only know that when I face the huge silver figure 100 meters away, my heart almost stops.

"What should we do? I'm afraid we can't escape." Qiu Yan was at a loss.

"Hoo, it seems that we have to put all our eggs in one basket." Purple Butterfly looked at a large number of metal dragons surrounded by them, sighed and said, "fortunately, these metal dragons are not equipped with long-range attack weapons, otherwise none of us can escape. I guess Moran has also modified the speech recognition system of these monsters. Even Li Jian's orders may not be effective for them."

Hearing purple butterfly's words, I looked at them with some guilt. Although my life safety is guaranteed, purple butterflies will be attacked at any time.

And how could I watch them get hurt or even injured?

"Can you interpret the language of the speech recognition system?" Lan Yue turned to ask Zhu Xingyun.

"It's hard. It's preliminarily estimated that each earth auger dragon has a specific speech recognition system. To locate the speech system, they must be implanted with identification programs or find the authority information body to give instructions to them." Zhu Xingyun replied with sentences composed of computer terms found in a lot of dictionaries.

"Well, it's really troublesome... It seems that we have to find another way." little Laurie wiped the sweat on her face and reluctantly smiled. Her huge blue eyes searched around, and finally stopped looking at a high tower not far away.

It is a tower building about 300 meters high. Although it is high, the building itself is very "thin", just like a water tower used to store water.

"There seems to be a way." Lan Yue said with a smile, "let's take out the 'molecular sound wave concussion bomb'."

Molecular acoustic shock bomb?

This is the most powerful ammunition in the weapons we carry.

This kind of ammunition has very terrible explosive power. It can instantly destroy the molecular composition of all buildings and blow up a large hole. Its lethality is far from that of ordinary grenades. According to the instructions... Well, the destructive power of such a molecular concussion bomb seems to be 100 times that of an ordinary grenade.

"What are you going to do?" I asked as I handed the molecular concussion bomb to LAN Yue. "We only have nine molecular concussion bombs. I'm afraid we may not be able to solve these monsters."

"It doesn't matter. We can use the buildings in this city to deal with them. You know, the buildings between the first inner wall and the second inner wall are all funded by our Luo family. I know very well, Mr. Li." Lan Yue took our molecular concussion bombs one by one, then made a face at us, and then she suddenly started the booster, The petite body flew up. Like a fluttering elf, it flew towards the place where the water tower was not far away.

"Wait, you don't have enough fuel to fly for a few minutes!"

"It's all right. I'm light and burn less. I can last five minutes!" blue moon turned her head and gave me a V-sign.

I saw the blue moon fly to the side of the water tower not far away, and then install an acoustic shock bomb at intervals on the middle wall of the water tower hundreds of meters high.

"I see, she wanted to do that." looking at the blue moon constantly placing concussion bombs in the front of the water tower, purple butterfly also showed a smile.

"I'm back, everybody." almost seven minutes later, LAN Yue flew back with a smile, but the concussion bombs in her hand were completely missing. Obviously, they were installed on the side wall of the water tower by her.

The blue moon fell on the ground and said to us solemnly:

"The next step is the most important step." Lan Yue looked at the metal dragon coming in from the end of the road at the intersection and said, "draw them under the water tower later. Then, I detonate the water tower and press them all under the water tower."


"Well, there's no time to explain. Come on! The rest of us fly together for another 30 seconds and lead them to the bottom of the water tower!" the blue moon shouted. The other girls didn't talk nonsense and flew off the ground directly.

The visual ability of the metal dragon is very good. Seeing us flying off the ground, we immediately shifted our direction and no longer continued to squeeze into the intersection, but flew towards the area outside the intersection where we flew away, that is, the water tower at the east end of the intersection.

Dozens of metal dragons quickly followed us flying in the sky like swimming snakes.

Worried that my energy would run out, blue moon and purple butterfly held my hand tightly while I was flying.

The metal dragon swarmed towards the water tower and quickly chased it, just like a dragon boat race.

We were suspended 300 meters in front of the water tower, while the metal dragon twisted its body under US and looked up at us in the sky. They face the water tower behind them. From their perspective, they can't see the water tower.

"OK, blast!" seeing the metal dragons gathered under the water tower, little Lori smiled viciously, then suddenly pressed the detonating button in her hand, and then the earth shaking explosion suddenly sounded!

Boom, boom!

There were seven or eight explosions in a row, coming from the middle of the water tower, and then a shocking scene happened.

How powerful is the sonic concussion bomb? A series of sound wave concussion bombs instantly blew a huge gap in the wall on one side of the originally standing water tower, and the remaining water tower body was naturally insufficient to support the weight of the upper part, and quickly tilted down!

The shock of this scene is like the Titanic sinking into the sea!