Chapter 495

I ran as fast as the wind. Qiu Yanran was big and didn't run slowly, but what surprised me most was the little Laurie lanyue. Obviously, she was only half my height, but she didn't fall at all. There was even a tendency to surpass me. Let me go. Is this little guy a natural athlete?

The female wolf head was the first to bear the brunt. She rolled and climbed quickly under the city gate. In fact, purple butterfly waited under the gate before the female wolf head, but she waited there to ensure the safety of the rest.

Zhu Xingyun picked up the computer on the ground, ran like a child, and rushed into the city gate with us. In addition to the little princess, the eight of us smoothly passed through the city gate of the first inner wall.

Ran into the second level of the mechanical capital.

"Lola, pick me up!" seeing that we all rushed through the city gate smoothly, the little princess pulled out the virus hardware on the city gate controller, then jumped from the city gate and jumped down!

Seeing the little princess who jumped down, Lola immediately opened her black wings behind her. Her tall and slender body flew up, hugged the little princess in mid air, and then fell slowly.

As the little princess pulled out the virus hardware on the controller, the gate of the first inner wall began to fall slowly again, and finally closed in the rumble.

"Done! I'm awesome, ha ha." the little princess jumped down from Lola's arms happily, smiled and gave a big hug to the female wolf head and purple butterfly.

I'm very pleased to see the little princess alive.

This petite looking girl is much more powerful than I thought.

"After all, it's the thinking of mortals. It's just breaking through a city gate. I'm incredibly happy to be like this."

Just when we were a little relieved, Moran's voice sounded again in the whole city!

It seems that this woman is watching our movements at any time!

When I heard Moran's disdainful and indifferent voice, I took a deep breath, and then shouted out boldly:

"Moran, stop playing tricks on me. I'm a man and have the ability to get out of here?"

Unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, I didn't hear Moran's answer.

"I'm very sorry that you didn't accept the small gift containing my curse blessing. In that case, it seems that I'm going to give you a bigger gift. Humble beings, don't think that a man bewitched by your thoughts is fearless in your position. Those who lose piety and recklessness will be despised by the light of God. On the ground Struggle in the fire of prison, sad mortals. "

Moran spoke in a serious tone, which made Chinese teachers have a headache.

"Idiotic words... Did she make complaints about the performance at the Shakespeare dance show?" the little princess mumbled with her mouth wrapped around her chest.

"It seems so." the obscene girl said solemnly.

The voice of the little princess and the obscene girl had just fallen, and the earth under our feet began to vibrate violently, as if something was going to drill out under the ground.

And the next scene is definitely enough to make me unforgettable.

"Something... Is moving. It seems very big." the suddenly trembling earth created a very tense atmosphere, and all of us looked forward involuntarily.

Then the most terrible thing happened.

The whole city is moving.

Yes, the buildings, tall buildings and even the huge hemispherical base in front are shaking violently, and then, suddenly, the ground in a corner of the city suddenly cracked, and a round metal head suddenly drilled out of the ground.

That huge head is almost as big as a KTV box.

The head is spherical, the surface is silver metal, and is covered with all kinds of strange spikes. In the front, there are sharp triangular insect eyes emitting red fluorescence. Even, they have huge hollow mouthparts. Inside the mouthparts, there are strange devices like fans rotating, which seems to be some kind of earth boring machine.

It's a metal centipede, or a strange mechanical creature similar to earthworms and centipedes.

The body is tens of meters long, and the nodal limbs covered with metal scales wriggle on the ground. On both sides of the metal insect body, there are countless slender appendages, which open in steps to support the huge body of the metal centipede.

"Er, what's that thing? It's disgusting." the little princess stuck out her tongue when she saw the huge metal centipede coming out of the ground.

"It's not that thing, but 'those'. I don't think there's only one." Lan Yue corrected. Sure enough, the voice of the blue moon is still falling. From the corners of the streets in the northwest and Southeast, huge tubular metal creatures have been drilled one after another. These creatures are huge, but they can see that their bodies are very flexible. From their twisting bodies, I immediately thought of the "drilling beast" in transformers in the 21st century!

My God, why do you even have this kind of thing?

This... How to deal with it?

"Lola, what are these robots...?" I turned and asked Lola.

"Sir, this is the 'diamond Earth Dragon', responsible for excavating the land of the city and assisting in the construction of urban underground buildings." Lola truthfully replied, "it has very strong destructive power."

"To put it bluntly, it's a monster!" the obscene girl scolded.

Looking at the huge "Vajra dragon" wriggling and wriggling out of the road ahead, I was sweating on my forehead because there were too many of them, and there were no less than ten in a rough sweep.

Just one doesn't look like we can solve it. Now there are so many in one breath. Moran clearly wants to destroy my people!

"There's no way. We can't deal with such a large number. Use a booster!" zidie said nervously. There is no time to hesitate at this time. Although I had never used any booster before, I had no choice.

Click, click, click.

The girls around me took out the booster from their backpacks and installed it on them. It was a device similar to a metal turtle shell. There were air vents at the bottom of the device and triangular wings on both sides. This is a bit similar to the aircraft used by David in "Hai Bian Li" when he finally killed the big boss. In short, it should be something similar.

"Li Jian, be careful, we're going to take off. When we take off, we should pay attention to hand in hand, so that there won't be a situation." Purple Butterfly gave me an encouraging look.

Purple butterfly is always so smart that she can get along at the first time every time.

"HMM." I nodded firmly, took out the booster, put the booster on my back and fastened my seat belt. When I put the booster on my back, all the other girls were ready.

"Take off!" lanyue shouted first, and then we pressed the take-off button at our waist.

The booster behind me suddenly emitted a strong flame. I felt my body suddenly light, and then... The whole person flew off the ground!

The earth under our feet quickly wants to go away, and the buildings on the ground quickly shrink to the size of building blocks.

The night wind blew over my face. I looked down at the earth under my feet, and my heart almost came to my mouth. Fortunately, I don't have phobia. If I have phobia, I'm afraid I'll go crazy on the spot.

It's really flying. But for the special circumstances, I'm afraid I would be so excited that I would dance in the air at the moment.

"Fly, fly." Qiu Yanran flew beside me, covered her mouth and exclaimed. Her beautiful eyes were full of surprise and surprise. I think people who fly off the ground for the first time can't help this sense of surprise and freshness.

When it reached an altitude of almost 50 meters, the aircraft no longer rose, but suspended there.

Then a mechanized voice came from my ear:

"Please select the direction of flight."

I was stunned. Then I looked at the second wall door in the distance and ordered, "ahead... Nine o'clock."

"OK." the mechanized voice immediately disappeared, and the flame direction of the booster behind me suddenly changed, which suddenly tilted me, and then flew towards nine o'clock.

"Wow..." I almost screamed when I suddenly changed the track. After all, it was the first time to use it. I haven't been able to master the trick immediately. Fortunately, I didn't fly far. A soft and warm hand held my right hand.

I looked sideways and saw Qiu Yanran's firm and comforting eyes.

Looking at the comforting color on Qiu Yanran's face, I also gave her a smile.

Just then, my left hand was suddenly hot.

I turned around and saw the little princess beside me, winking and winking at me.

I smiled at her and said nothing. Everything was silent.

The biggest problem is the female wolf head. She can't use a booster. Fortunately, with the help of little Lori, Lola and obscene girl holding her hand together, she didn't panic and fall from the high air.

A large number of metal dragons on the ground raised their heads one after another, looked at us flying in the sky, and frantically twisted their bodies, as if they were very dissatisfied.

"Hum, want to chase us... There's no door!" looking at the metal dragon on the ground, the little princess made a face.

"The flight time is related to the energy consumption, which is linked to the weight of the pilot. Based on the flight time of Li Jian, who is the heaviest of all of us, the remaining energy can only fly ten kilometers at most. Please note that we will find a place to land in five minutes." data controller Zhu Xingyun keeps watching the changes of booster reproductive energy, Keep reminding us. "The rest of the energy is used for us to escape."