Yes, yes, six counts.

Although Buddhism is still a western religion at present, Aoqing was surprised to find that the doctrine of western religion is almost the same as Buddhism.

In fact, he was very interested in Buddhism, especially in Buddhism at the beginning. In order to publicize, he did everything, and it was not until later that he was a little better.

"Six crimes! Hum, how could it be!" then the Taoist priest gave a cold hum, his face was incredible, and his eyes were also full of anger. In his opinion, boil Qing's words were tantamount to slandering the western religion.

If it weren't for the strong strength of the Dragon Saint Aoqing, I'm afraid the Taoist priest would have already started.

"Yes, actually, the sect leader can collect ten charges for you!" boil Qing slowly opened his mouth, and his powerful voice rang through the whole hall.

"One of the crimes is to teach people to escape. You Western religions say that life is like a sea of suffering. Only by practicing western teachings can we get rid of it. Ask, what is it that everyone is born to practice Western teachings without going up and working?"

"If you practice your western teachings, you will escape and shrink back when you encounter anything, because you say that everything is empty, everything is empty, and the sea of suffering is empty. If you don't go up and work, what's the difference with useless people?"

Aoqing just said this, the Taoist priest's face turned white, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Unexpectedly, Aoqing saw at a glance the loopholes in their Western teachings and the adverse effects!

King Wu of Zhou and the ministers of civil and military affairs heard the speech, which was an instant inspiration.

Yes, taking the western religion as the national religion, everyone thinks that life is a sea of hardship. Only by practicing the western teaching method can we get rid of it. How can this country prosper!?

Seeing everyone's surprise, Aoqing gently smiled. In fact, he despised this sect because of these points. It is because of these beliefs that a Sanguo, a populous country in previous generations, lost his upward courage?

They all point to the afterlife, but it's only good now. Isn't this putting the cart before the horse!?

"You, you!" the passer-by was dumb.

"Don't worry! There are several more! Second, the crime of western religion is hypocrisy. Your western religion says that all sentient beings are equal and there is no distinction between nobility, but you say that six samsara, hard practice of Buddhism, can reincarnate a good family! Even samsara has upper and lower levels, how can you talk about people's lives?! how can you teach people to believe such hypocrisy?"

Aoqing just said this. The Taoist priest's white face became more white, and his eyes became red.

"Third, the crime of western religion is unfeeling and heartless. You Western religions say that once you convert to religion, you can ignore all worldly affairs. Once you put down the butcher's knife, you can become a Buddha. Does this mean that once you practice Western religious teachings, you can abandon human relations, abandon your family and children, and have no father and no mother? How can such unfeeling and heartless believers be believed !?”

Aoqing slowly opened his mouth, sentence by sentence like a knife, and mercilessly poked into the hearts of everyone present, especially the Taoist priest himself. He was speechless and just felt ashamed.

And King Wu of Zhou and others began to rejoice at the moment that they did not let the western religion become the national religion. Once it became the national religion, it would be good!?

"The fourth is greed! Western religions enjoy the incense of the world, but they never want to give mercy to the world. Their believers do not work hard. They are all at the foot of the mountain. They get something for nothing, not greed. What's the matter?"

"In the long run, what kind of friars the Western church will cultivate, I'm afraid the religious master can't imagine!"

"You!" the passer-by felt that his voice was sweet and a mouthful of sweet blood was about to gush out.

"The fifth is desire. In the Western religious doctrine, it is said that everything is empty and there is no desire. Later, it is said that practitioners can pursue eternal life. While making themselves white lotus, they say they want everything..."

"It's hard to imagine what kind of believers your sect will cultivate in the long run..."

As he spoke, Aoqing quietly watched the Taoist priest. When it came to this, the unbearable Taoist priest shouted, "enough!"

At the moment, the Taoist's face was much paler than white paper, and his eyes were full of anger.

There is no doubt that Aoqing's words made the Taoist priest lose his adult. It can be said that he lost his face.

Even now, the passer-by wants to have a crack in the ground

"Originally, I wanted to help the western religion collect ten charges, but such a dirty sect would also dirty the leader's mouth." Aoqing shrugged his shoulders. Just now, the Taoist priest burst out. Immediately, he felt his voice sweet and spit out a mouthful of fresh blood.

Seeing this, all the civil and military ministers were surprised and widened their eyes, especially King Wu of Zhou.

It is almost impossible for saints to spit blood. If they spit blood, it can only explain one thing, that is, things are too impact and shatter the saints' three outlooks.

Can it not be broken!?

Originally, as one of the two saints in the west, he has been running for the things of western religion and working hard to develop western believers all his life. It can be said that he gambled on his own life and his own faith all his life.

However, such belief was easily pierced by others, and his heart can imagine.

"You, you and Ben Sheng have to see what the doctrine of your Tianlong Shenjiao is!" the guide reluctantly returned to God with the help of a minister and opened his mouth angrily.

"This Tianlong theology is not as many as Western religions. There is only one doctrine of this Tianlong theology, that is, I hope everyone can be like a dragon, do not yield, do not give up, walk in heaven, and a gentleman can constantly improve himself!" Aoqing slowly replied.

Although the doctrine is just a word, when Aoqing said that he would not give in or give up, that he would be strong and that a gentleman would strive for self-improvement, the ministers of civil and military affairs inexplicably felt the power of self-improvement and that everyone was like a dragon.

Even King Wu of Zhou felt that he had energy and spirit in an instant, unlike the subconscious escape when listening to the teachings of western religion.

"Is everyone like a dragon..."

"Heaven is healthy, and a gentleman keeps improving himself..."

The Taoist priest was stunned. He just felt that this sentence was a little enlightening. I don't know how much higher than their Western religion in the realm of doctrine.

Half a ring, the Taoist priest took a deep breath, and a pair of eyes were filled with unwilling: "Ben, Ben Sheng lost..."

Immediately, the Taoist priest couldn't bear it. With a puff, he ejected a mouthful of sweet blood again. His body stumbled and nearly fell!

His pale face at the moment has explained everything.