As soon as the Taoist priest, one of the two saints in the west, showed his birth form, his huge Western religious spirit spread hard and rushed directly to Aoqing.

At the same time, a huge colorful merit aperture emerged above the head of the Taoist guide, showing the terrorist strength of his Saint's peak.

Still in the distance, Aoqing clearly felt the terrible pressure of the Taoist priest, but what made Aoqing incredible was that the pressure released by the Taoist priest was not his own original strength, but the luck of the whole western religion!

In the face of the provocation of the Taoist guide, Aoqing gently greeted him with the education movement. The huge and strong Tianlong education movement took Aoqing as the center and spread around in a moment.

The spread of the huge Tianlong education movement has formed an extremely terrible shock wave, and more than a hundred feet of air waves have been stirred along the way!


The Taoist priest's face changed slightly. I didn't expect that the luck of the first religion was so strong at this time, which was far more than my imagination. When there was a twelve grade merit Golden Lotus in his hand, he could block the teaching movement of the Tianlong religion. However, he withdrew several steps and even almost stumbled and fell to the ground.


The two huge religious movements collided fiercely. The terrible energy directly made the whole hall of the Council crumble and collapse, and the flying debris was all over the sky.

"Er..." seeing the two dignified leaders of the first religion, King Wu of Zhou cautiously said to them, "if you have friends from afar, don't hurt your harmony! Let's discuss the matter of the national religion in the future, how about it?"

The voice of King Wu of Zhou fell. The Taoist priest snorted coldly and sat directly aside. With a faint smile, Cao Qing also sat aside.

However, their inner activities are completely different at the moment.

In particular, the inner activities of the people who receive and guide the Taoist priest have enriched them.

The original guide thought that although the little dragon Saint Aoqing stepped into the realm of saints a few days ago, his strength may not be his opponent who has practiced more for several generations.

But what he didn't expect is that although the surface strength of the Dragon Saint Aoqing is not as good as him, the speed of its strength improvement is really amazing.

You know, Aoqing was just a five clawed Golden Dragon at the beginning. Now it has entered the realm of saints. It has only been a year before and after. It is far beyond all geniuses and children of destiny in the mythical world.

The Taoist even believed that the strength of Aoqing might surpass him at their next meeting.

Such a terrible talent, even the person who receives the Taoist guide is extremely afraid.

In addition, he established Tianlong Shenjiao and began to practice the power of incense and virtue like them. His inner thoughts can be imagined.

Even a fool knows that if the dragon god religion makes the Dragon Saint Aoqing achieve all his wishes and become the national religion of Aoqing, then... Give Aoqing a little time and no one will be his opponent in the whole mythical world!

Therefore, this time, the state religion of the Zhou vassal state, his Western religion is inevitable!

Compared with the Taoist priest, Aoqing's inner activities are much simpler. That is, he thought everything could go smoothly, but he suddenly killed a Taoist priest.

However, Aoqing thought about it carefully. After all, the western religion in King Zhou of Shang Dynasty has been severely suppressed. If it is suppressed again, the western religion will lose the opportunity to deduce Salmonella and establish Buddhism again!

You know, western religion and Buddhism are basically two concepts. Once they become a big religion like Buddhism, their strength will rise with the tide.

While they were thinking about each other in their hearts, some anxious Taoist guides suddenly and slowly opened their mouth and said, "it must be that Aoqing, the leader of Tianlong Shenjiao, is also for the national religion of the state of Zhou?"

"That's nature." Aoqing said softly.

"Well, that's better. Once you and I start, I'm afraid that the whole Zhou vassal state will be destroyed. At that time, let alone the merit of incense, it will create a pile of killing karma for ourselves. From a narrow point of view, we'd better do this. You and I publicize the teachings of the sect in front of King Wu of Zhou and let everyone present vote. Who wins, who wins It's the state religion of the state of Zhou. How about it“

"In that case, it would be reasonable."

The passer-by suddenly suggested.

Preaching doctrines? How can Aoqing not figure out what the Taoist guides are doing? However, for a small western religion, his Tianlong theology has already surpassed him in doctrines. Why should he be afraid?

This time, I just took this opportunity to plant demons directly in the hearts of the Taoist guides. I see that the Taoist guides dare to regard themselves as the two saints of western religion in the future.

"This proposal is very good." Aoqing nodded slightly and his eyes fell on King Wu of Zhou.

King Wu and his attendants carefully looked at the faces and expressions of the Taoist and Aoqing. They were secretly relieved to see that they didn't show any unhappy look.

He was afraid that one of them would agree on the surface, but in fact he didn't think so, and he was angry with the princes around them!

"Pick up the guide, you can start, please first!" Aoqing waved his hand.

Hearing the speech, the Taoist priest was stunned. I totally didn't expect that Aoqing would let him say it first. Moreover, seeing that Aoqing was so confident, the Taoist priest always felt cheated and cheated.

He put aside all the complicated thoughts, and then the Taoist slowly said, "the teachings of our western religion are very simple, including origin, Dharma seal, four truths, eight righteous paths, twelve karma, karma, three realms and six paths, 37 Taoist products, Nirvana..."

When the Taoist priest opened his mouth, the civil and military ministers in the whole hall calmed down and listened carefully. Even King Wu of Zhou was agreed by the Taoist priest and nodded heavily.

One side of Aoqing listened, his mouth slightly hooked, and his heart said that he could not imagine that there were such rich doctrines in the Shang and Zhou dynasties. It can be said that it is very perfect. No wonder so many believers can be developed.

However, Aoqing was not flustered, but let the Taoist guide speak slowly.

I don't know how long later, the Taoist priest slowly finished talking about his Western religion doctrine. All the ministers of culture and military couldn't help applauding. Even King Wu of Zhou agreed and wanted to join the western religion and become a believer of the western religion!

"Tianlong sect leader, it's your turn!" looking at the stunned expression of the people, the Taoist couldn't help feeling a little proud.

It wasn't long before Tianlong Shenjiao started teaching. He didn't think that Tianlong Shenjiao could win over itself in doctrine, so when he spoke, the Taoist priest deliberately accentuated the nasal sound above the words "Tianlong sect leader"!

"Before the religious leader publicizes his doctrine, the religion mainly talks about the eight crimes of western doctrine!"

Aoqing got up slowly, and his powerful voice was excited. Especially when it came to the words of several major crimes, all the civil and military people changed their faces slightly, especially the Taoist priest's eyes!

Six counts?

Six counts of western religion?