Chapter 1268

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
The Black Sea Shipyard is the only aircraft carrier assembly plant in the former Soviet Union. All Soviet aircraft carriers are assembled from here, including the Kuznetsov in Russia.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia lost its Black Sea shipyard and was no longer able to build aircraft carriers.

At the personal level, there is no demand for aircraft carriers, and it is impossible to build aircraft carriers by itself. Ukraine is unable and unnecessary to support a huge team of engineers. Even if those engineers are extremely valuable wealth, the temple can't accommodate the Buddha. That's the truth.

Groliov didn't mean to be surprised at all. He just sighed, but Gao Yang was a little surprised, because he knew that since the collapse of the Soviet Union, scientists and engineers who even had problems with their lives had been solicited by countries with needs and ambitions in the world, and China had indeed recruited a lot of talents.

"Sir, I'm curious. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many countries in China, South Korea and other countries solicited talents like you with high treatment. Why didn't you leave?"

The old man turned around and looked at Gao Yang. Then he twisted back. After a bitter smile, he said in a deep voice: "I'm Ukrainian. I don't want to go anywhere."

There was a brief silence in the car, but before long, the old man smiled bitterly again: "Sorry, I think I lied out of self-esteem. Well, if I could choose again, I would certainly leave Ukraine. My ideal, my efforts, my dead father, my wife, my son and daughter, everyone wanted me to be an engineer instead of driving a taxi here. I once chose loyalty to this country, but My loyalty can only make me a taxi driver. I think this is fate. I used to be a promising and respected engineer, but now I drive a damn taxi here! Drive this damn taxi! "

The old man was excited again. He unconsciously raised the volume and said excitedly: "Gentlemen, I've experienced the disintegration of the Soviet Union! The motherland I'm going to pay for is gone. I've become a Ukrainian, okay! Now I have to face these fucking things again. I'm watching my country be made like this again! But I can't do anything. I have to drive this car to support my family. Damn taxi, because I That's not enough to eat. My pension often doesn't get paid to me! "

The old man was out of control, because he suddenly began to cry. After wiping his tears, he stopped the car to the side of the road and quickly wiped his face. At the same time, he said in a trembling voice: "I'm sorry, I'm a little too excited. Please don't get off. It's too dangerous here. We'll go right away. We'll go right away."

"It doesn't matter, sir. You can have a rest here."

The old man buried his face on the steering wheel, shrugged his shoulders and sobbed, "it's all destroyed. Again, everything will be destroyed."

After staying for about three minutes, the old man looked up, picked up a towel to clean the car and wiped his face. After that, he still had a self mocking smile on his face, shook his head and said, "sorry, I'm a little too excited. You see a complaining old man crying here. Oh, I can only say sorry."

"It doesn't matter, sir. We understand you. Please don't be ashamed of it. In addition, I must tell you that there are too few people like you who know what their country will face. Wise people in this world are always lonely."

The old man shook his head, wiped his hand with a clean white towel, held out his hand to groliov and whispered, "nice to meet you. Thank you for listening to an old man's complaint. My name is Nikolay yashkov."

Groliov whispered, "you can call me Yuri. Nice to meet you, Mr. yashkov."

"My name is Peter. Nice to meet you, Mr. yashkov."

Gao Yang shook hands with Nikolay after reporting the false name on his passport, which was also the pseudonym he had always used in Ukraine.

Nikolay forced a smile and whispered, "sorry to you again. Now let's continue on our way."

After waiting for the car to drive again, he raised his voice and whispered, "Mr. yashkov, can I ask why you didn't go to other countries when the Soviet Union collapsed? I think your most suitable position should be an engineer, not a taxi driver."

Nikolay said with a wry smile: "Fate, this is fate. I was young, under 40, in my prime. At that time, I was already a senior engineer in the Black Sea Shipyard, but many people left, but I didn't, because I was regarded as the hope of the Black Sea Shipyard, so they left me a position. Although I couldn't compare with the treatment abroad, I still wanted to stay 。

At that time, many people had fantasies that the Black Sea Shipyard could survive, even if it built civilian ships, but later proved that these were fantasies. We were fooled. In 1995, the aircraft carrier was handed over to the Black Sea Shipyard for full disposal, but what could we do? We couldn't finish it. That year, our old captain maklov retired , the Black Sea Shipyard is getting worse year by year. We have no work to do. We rely on the bottom of the seller to pay the employees' salaries. Although the meager salary is small, we can barely make a living. Until there is no cash to sell and the employees' salaries can not be paid, I can only be forced to retire early, and that is 2000. "

Waving his hand, Nikolay sighed: "The Americans fooled us. Watching the aircraft carrier that I had worked hard for half my life was first disassembled into an empty shell and finally dragged away as scrap iron, my heart was broken. I lost my job and couldn't get my retirement gold. It was not as good as watching my hard work dragged away as scrap iron. But fortunately, the aircraft carrier was reborn. Anyway, it was better than staying in the dock It's better to finish the rust.

The Black Sea Shipyard has nothing. Why don't I go? Because I'm valued, gentlemen. Sometimes it's not good to be valued, and I'm reluctant to go. My family and everything about me are in Ukraine. How can I leave easily? "

Gao Yang nodded gently, but before she could express her opinion, Nikolay smiled bitterly again: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I lied again. I've talked so much these years that I'm used to it. In fact, where can I go? I haven't worked for a long time, and my professional knowledge hasn't been applied. I'm out of date. Just like the Black Sea shipyard, we are out of date together. China and South Korea have trained their own projects Division, they no longer need us old men, at least not as much as they used to. Now the new engineers have more knowledge and use new machinery and equipment. Yes, the new people build new ships in the new shipyard, and the old people decay with the old shipyard. This is the end of us. "

It was so sad that Gao Yang couldn't help feeling uncomfortable. He said in a deep voice, "don't say that. Every engineer is a precious asset."

Nicholas said with a smile, "thank you for your comfort, but this is really fate. In 1992, I was invited by Chinese people to go to China, but I didn't go, because I think the Black Sea Shipyard needs me more. Unfortunately, if I miss that opportunity, I won't have another chance. Who will see an engineer who hasn't done any practical work in 20 years? Yes?"

Gao Yang couldn't answer Nikolay's question because he knew nothing about the field of the problem.

Unable to hear Gao Yang's response, Nikolay smiled and said: "I was forced to retire, but my pension was not enough to eat, and my wife was ill, so I came to drive a taxi. I earned a lot more money from driving a taxi than my pension. Speaking of it, I started this business in 2003 and have been doing it for 11 years. In fact, I should thank this profession and the car for providing me with work."

Gao Yang couldn't help but say, "don't you have children?"

Although he knew that he had different ideas about providing for the aged, Gao Yang still asked his questions.

Nikolay said with a smile: "yes, he just passed the professional engineer examination last year and became an engineer. I trained my son into an engineer and used the money I earned from driving a taxi. He became an engineer when he was only 27 last year, which is much better than me."

After that, Nikolay sighed again: "At this point, my mood is getting worse. My son has become an engineer, but he can't find any job. Ukraine can't provide him with job opportunities. He has been looking for a job for a long time. Moreover, in the current situation, he may not be able to give him any job opportunities for a long time. He wants to drive a taxi like me. After being scolded by me, he gives up the idea now, I hope he can look for opportunities abroad and maybe find a job suitable for him, but it's very difficult, very difficult. "

After thinking carefully, Gao Yang said to Nikula, "Mr. yashkov, I have a proposal. I hope you can consider it. Well, we are outsiders. We need a reliable driver to take us to many places. Compared with your peers, I think you are very suitable. What do you mean?"

Nikolay hesitated and said, "do you want to charter a car? Well, it's OK. There's no problem. I just have to ask what the price of charter a day is now. If you want to use a car at night, the price has to be higher. Now the situation is bad and the price has risen. I don't know if you can accept it."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "don't ask. What do you think of a thousand dollars a day? Oh, we're journalists. Sometimes it's inevitable to go to some dangerous places. If you go to dangerous places, you'll get a danger allowance. How about it?"