Chapter 1267

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Kiev, Borispol airport.

Borispol airport is the largest airport in Ukraine. There are always many people here. It is very busy. When Kiev is completely in chaos, it is even busier here, but most, it should be said that the vast majority of people are waiting for flights to leave Ukraine.

The immigration clearance procedures were handled very quickly. Gao Yang almost just showed their passports, stamped them, and were directly released, so they officially set foot on the land of Ukraine.

All the preparatory work prepared before did not come in handy. Gao Yang, with weapons in large and small bags, was extremely surprised that he could pass the customs so easily.

A group of people left the terminal, and the outside was full of large and small vehicles. The parking lot was in a mess. Buses and rough cars were full to pull people to the airport, and then drove back to downtown Kiev or somewhere else empty.

No matter where it gets chaotic, it's the same. As long as the airport, wharf and railway station are still running, they must be the busiest place. Foreigners who have a home to return will certainly seize the time to leave, and then rich people will take refuge abroad. These people must be the first to leave.

The time may last for a long time, but as the situation worsens, as long as those who are able to leave will certainly choose to escape. Gao Yang saw the noisy crowd outside the terminal, and groliov suddenly said a word.

"It wasn't like this before..."

Groliov looks a little sad. Although he is a Russian, he still seems a little difficult to accept that a former Soviet Union country suddenly fell into crisis.

"What is this? It looks good here. When will civil war start, like Libya and Syria, it will be miserable. Now it's just chaos, not much misery, nothing."

The heartless Cui Boshun answered, choking groliov and couldn't say anything.

Li JinFang pushed Cui Bo behind him and said in a low voice, "don't stimulate old Mao Zi. You see, his face has changed."

Cui Bo said disapprovingly, "ah? Is everything all right? This is not his hometown. Besides, what scene has old Mao Zi never seen and can he be stimulated by this little scene?"

At this time, little Donny stood next to Gao Yang and whispered, "we have to go by ourselves. How can we go? There are many buses here. We can let the bus take us to the place if we give some money."

Gao Yang snapped his fingers and whispered, "I'm not familiar with the situation here. It's better to walk separately and take a taxi."

It's better to be careful when you enter a country with full arms. Although the country is in chaos, Kiev is in chaos, but it's not completely out of control. If you sit on a bus and are found carrying full arms, unless you plan to fight in someone's capital, Otherwise, you will only end up in one pot. If you take a taxi separately, even if you encounter any accidents, you won't be caught up.

A dozen people arrived at the taxi waiting area, but after waiting for a few minutes, no taxi came.

After standing for a while, little Downey shook his head and said helplessly, "Damn, can't even taxis work now? I'll call some taxis."

Little Donny walked towards the parking lot where taxis stopped from time to time, waved and shouted for taxis, smiled bitterly, shook his head and said to the people around him: "We have a car, postman and villain. You two are in a group with the dragon knight. Remember, our hotel is called Fairmont Hotel. If there is any accident on the way, contact us immediately. Little Downey has booked a room with your fake passport. After arriving, go back to his room."

Everyone else knows how to allocate. After a brief arrangement, the first car has come towards them.

No taxi came, just because there was no one in the waiting area. Little Downey walked a distance. After he waved to attract the attention of the taxi driver, the car came soon.

The first car stopped in front of them. The taxi driver got out of the car, stretched out a finger and shouted at them: "one hundred dollars! One hundred dollars to downtown Kiev, do you want to sit?"

One hundred dollars is a sky high price, but it's normal for taxi drivers to ask for a high price in times of chaos. Gao Yang didn't bother to say much. He just waved and said, "two people, get in and leave."

Soon Gao Yang found that it was polite for the first car to ask for $100. Irene and Frye got in the car and left. As soon as the second car stopped in front of them, the driver didn't get off. He shouted in the car: "two hundred dollars, go anywhere in the city, two hundred dollars!"

When two people left, Albert smiled and said, "Falk, will the third car cost US $300?"

It turned out that $100 was the normal price. The three people left almost immediately. When Gao Yang and groliov were left, another taxi stopped in front of them.

An old man in his 60s got out of the car. He parked in front of Gao Yang and groliov. The old man opened the trunk and asked Gao Yang for his luggage.

Gao Yang smiled and said in Russian, "thank you. I'll just come by myself."

The old man shook his head and whispered, "Sir, I can help you."

Gao Yang dragged the handle of the trolley case. The driver couldn't help holding the suitcase from below. After putting the suitcase into the trunk with Gao Yang, the old man whispered, "what's loaded on both sides? It's so heavy."

Gao Yang said with a smile, "Er, it's a camera or something. It's really heavy."

The old man sighed and said, "I guess you are also journalists. Now only journalists are willing to come to Kiev."

After putting the trolley case into the trunk, Gao Yang's gun box can't be put in. Groliov's machine gun can be disassembled, but Gao Yang's gun is put in the gun box in a complete state. The gun box is too long, so Gao Yang can only hold his gun box and sit in the back seat.

When the car drove up, he said loudly, "how much is the Fairmont Hotel, by the way?"

After thinking for a moment, the old man said loudly, "do you pay in dollars? If so, it's about eighteen dollars. Now the situation is not very good, and the fare has risen."

Gao Yang was surprised because he finally met an abnormal taxi driver. At this time, asking for a price is normal. Asking for a price honestly is abnormal.

Groliov couldn't help but say, "man, everyone else starts with at least $100."

The old man shook his head and said, "no, I won't do that. In fact, they ask for prices indiscriminately when they see you as foreigners. As long as you bargain, you can get it done for $50."

Groliov shrugged and said, "in fact, I think it's normal to ask for a high price in this situation."

The old man suddenly looked very angry. He shouted: "they are all speculators! Damn it! Our country was very good. It shouldn't be like this. We should live a normal and peaceful life. Is it normal that these damn speculators messed up the country? No! It's very abnormal!"

A principled old man, Gao Yang suddenly had a strong curiosity about the taxi driver. If you want to understand the local situation, the taxi driver is a good candidate, and a very honest person is obviously a better candidate.

"Sir, I want to ask, is it safe in Kiev now? Especially near the Fairmont Hotel where we live."

"It's not safe, it's very unsafe. Don't go to Independence Square. It's very dangerous. Oh, you're journalists. You must go. There's no way. You just pay more attention. In addition, you'd better try to avoid any legitimate groups, especially the Liberal Party. The liberal party is a gang of villains. They are extreme right wingers and a gang of * *. They are extremely hostile to the outside world Chinese people often attack foreigners. You must be careful. "

As he spoke, the driver suddenly looked very angry. He patted the steering wheel heavily and almost roared: "Our father paid a great sacrifice and countless lives to defeat * *, but now what about those young people? Those ignorant idiots worship * *! They want to become new * *! But those regular guests let them go, ignorant! Shameless! This is shame! Shame of Ukraine!"

After a vent like roar, the old man turned his head to groliov next to him and said, "you are journalists. If you are journalists with conscience, please broadcast my words. Please be fair. I hope people in the world know the truth here."

Groliov obviously sympathized with the old man. He sighed, shook his head and said, "those idiots, alas, there are many in Russia!"

The old man and groliov chatted all the way. The car drove into the urban area of Kiev. The urban area was very quiet and empty. The streets were full of garbage that no one picked up. It was difficult to see driving cars on the road. Only ambulances occasionally tried quickly with a bleak alarm.

Pointing to an ambulance passing by quickly, the old man sighed and said loudly, "the most is the ambulance these days. Oh, I'll take you around. This road is longer, but safer. In addition, the public security near the Fairmont Hotel is good. The most important thing is that where is not the main activity area of the Liberal Party, but you still have to be careful when you go out."

As long as he was not excited, the old man spoke politely. Even when he was driving, his every move seemed very elegant. Gao Yang felt that he was very different from the rude and direct drivers in front, so he couldn't help saying, "Sir, how many years have you been driving a taxi?"

The old man smiled, and then said with a self mockery: "for many years, since I lost my job as an engineer in the Black Sea Shipyard, I have changed to driving a taxi."