Chapter 784

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
"Twenty six, twenty-seven, a total of twenty-seven people. Is there anything missing?"

"There are twenty-seven people without omission."

Gao Yang counted the number of guards he could see. After confirming with Jason, Gao Yang pointed his gun at a guard standing by the river and whispered, "Jason, you have 12 people under the tree. Can you kill them with one shot?"

Jason nodded and whispered, "there's no problem. They all get together. Playing a drum will definitely get them."

"Radar, I deal with those scattered guards. If they hide, you need to help me attack them so that I can shoot them. In addition, you have to gather those people who are working and don't let them run around. Is there a problem?"

Bantuna whispered, "no problem, you fight first. I'll handle what I can't fight."

I've killed many people, but I haven't saved much. I mean strangers. Today, we're going to be heroes, guys

Jason looked a little excited and said, "yes, we are heroes and more than 100 poor slaves. If we can save these people, I will go to heaven after I die."

We're all going to shoot, but looking at those men and women who are naked, monotonous repetitive movements in the water, and miserable slaves, Gao Yang really doesn't understand why they can still sing.

After sighing, Gao Yang said curiously, "I really don't understand why those people who work are so miserable. Why can they still work with songs."

Bantuna said faintly, "life is so miserable. Of course, you have to sing when you work. Otherwise, how can you live?"

Gao Yang shrugged and said, "well, I don't quite understand their thinking. I have to sing when they are miserable. It doesn't accord with my cognition. Well, guys, let's start now."

After that, Gao Yang aimed at a guard with a gun who was shouting at the hard workers in the river, and shot off the guard's sky cover.

The loud gunfire was a signal. Jason's machine gun opened fire. Under the big tree by the river, more than a dozen people sat in the shade. They looked very leisurely. They gathered together, and such a target was just suitable for machine guns.

The distance is not far, only less than 100 meters. Although Jason's machine gun is not very good, it is the simplest job for a machine gunner, and he can still do it well.

When a shuttle of bullets swept out, Jason's trigger didn't loosen much. Of course, he couldn't hold it all the time. He had to pay attention to skills in shooting. When he felt that he couldn't control the trajectory, he stopped shooting and hit again after stabilizing.

After three long shots, Jason basically wiped out the groups of guards under the tree, and then made a short shot to fix the leak, and the guards gathered under the tree were cleaned up.

Jason knocked out a dozen people who were caught off guard, and Gao Yang also knocked out three, but when he wanted to continue shooting, he had no target. At the sound of gunfire, those who stood by the river and watched the hard work quickly found a shelter.

After hearing the gunshot, the people working in the river stopped and waited to see that some guards had been killed on their backs. Some brave labourers threw their winnowing baskets and ran away, but most people squatted in the water subconsciously.

Seeing that there were labourers running, some hidden guards immediately shot, and then three of the labourers trying to escape were killed in the river.

Bantuna shouted, "don't run! Get down! Get down! Get down in the water!"

Immediately someone did what bantuna said, but someone stood in the river. At this time, bantuna changed his language and continued to shout.

When bantuna roared, a guard suddenly flashed out from behind the tree and wanted to shoot at bantuna, but Gao Yang, who had been searching for the target, took the first step and killed the guard who flashed out.

Bantuna changed four or five languages. With his efforts, basically no one stood, and the labourers shouted. Soon, only their heads were exposed on the water, and all the labourers were lying in the running water.

Bantuna stopped, took out a grenade, threw it at a big tree, waited for the grenade to explode, left, quickly burst in and shot behind the tree.

For a time, the gunfire was loud, but Gao Yang basically had no chance to shoot. These guards were more difficult to deal with than he had encountered before. Many people would look at them at most, retract their heads, and then just stretch out their arms and shoot at Gao Yang's position with a gun.

The enemy's shooting method will not pose a great threat, but Gao Yang has no shooting opportunity, and bantuna also has no space and opportunity to attack. If he attacks forcibly, he is likely to be beaten into a sieve.

After trying several times, they were pressed back to their hiding place and couldn't go out. Bantuna whispered in the walkie talkie: "boss, no, these people are not so idiots. I can't do it hard."

Gao Yang grabbed the walkie talkie and whispered, "I see. These people are difficult to deal with. They are experienced veterans. We can't be too careless this time. Safety first, radar, hold on. I'll try to cross the wall!"

"Through the wall?"

"As the saying goes, wear a tree! The enemy has moved. I'm not sure where they are still hiding at the beginning. If you can find the enemy's hiding place, give me some guidance."

There are many places that can provide cover for people along the river, including thick trees, ditches and ridges along the river, and there are many shrubs. After the enemy hides, he may move his position and cannot be seen.

Bantuna is about 50 meters in front of Gaoyang's left. At different angles, bantuna may see where Gaoyang can't see.

After talking to bantuna, Gao Yang put the AKM on his hand aside and picked up the shotgun that bantuna put down for him.

In the jungle, the rotary back pull rifle with large caliber long range but low firing speed was useless, but Gao Yang took his shotgun after several previous lessons. Now it seems that he has made an extremely wise decision.

. 338 lapmagnum bullet has the incomparable power of M43 intermediate bullet and the penetration power urgently needed at this time.

The bullet of the shotgun had already been loaded. Gao Yang only needed to open the insurance to shoot. He picked up the shotgun, aimed at a man hiding behind a tree and shooting with a rifle from time to time, and Gao Yang pulled the trigger.

To be exact, Gao Yang shoots at the tree. The enemy hiding behind the tree is very difficult. He will only stretch out his gun for a short time. The time when his arm is exposed will never exceed two seconds. Gao Yang can't hit his arm if he wants to.

If he couldn't hit his arm, he would hit the tree. Gao Yang didn't know. 338 whether lapmaganum's penetration was enough to penetrate the tree with a diameter of 50 cm, so he hit the edge of the tree, but he estimated that the thickness of the wood that the bullet needed to pass through must be 30 to 40 cm.

Gao Yang was not disappointed. He just tried to shoot through the trunk. A small bullet hole appeared in the trunk on Gao Yang's side, but a man fell behind the tree.

Jason was not far from Gao Yang. Before Gao Yang could say hello, he shot two bullets at the fallen enemy with a short shot of his machine gun and killed the enemy who had lost cover.

Gao Yang was very happy that the tree could pass through. He immediately pointed his gun at another big tree behind which someone shot, so he did it again.

Lesson 2 the big tree is thicker than the first one. Gao Yang's first shot hit the trunk, but no one fell behind the tree. Gao Yang moved the aiming point down and aimed at the place where the trunk is about one meter from the ground. If someone squats behind, he can hit it.

He moved down and sideways. Gao Yang fired a second shot. After this shot, a black man left the tree. Gao Yang could see that the man had been shot in the thigh. Before he could make up the gun, Jason and bantuna fired together. After the short sound of the gun, the enemy who was driven away from the tree fell to the ground and stopped moving.

Gao Yang was very happy that two shots in a row had achieved results, but he lost the target for shooting again, because not everyone hid behind the tree, and not everyone would stay in one place. As long as they could get enough safe shelter, everyone would change their position.

The enemy stopped shooting and Gao Yang said in the walkie talkie, "radar, give me guidance."

"OK, based on your position, at 10:30, see? There is a small sand pile by the river."

Gao Yang looked at the sand pile guided by bantuna. It was the sand piled up by the hard workers on the bank after washing diamonds, but there were several sand piles. Gao Yang couldn't confirm which one it was.

Gao Yang turned to Jason and said, "don't shoot. Use a drone to help me find the enemy."

After giving Jason an order, Gao Yang planned to wait for Jason to search with a drone before shooting, but then bantuna fired a shot and said, "see?"

Gao Yang saw the sand pile hit by bantuna. The sand pile was very small and only about one meter high, but Gao Yang didn't know whether the bullet had a good puncture effect on the sand pile.

After aiming, Gao Yang first fired a shot at the middle of the sand pile.

"The bullet passed through. I saw the spray of the bullet in the river, but there was a problem with the angle. The enemy couldn't hit it on the ground."

Hearing bantuna's hint, Gao Yang can't help it. He is basically at the same level with the enemy hiding. He hits the middle of the sand pile. The bullet power is enough to ensure that he can pass through the sand pile, but the angle can't hit the enemy.

Just then, Jason took off with the drone under control, and then he put the display screen in front of the lying high.

Gao Yang soon saw the people hiding behind the sand pile from the display screen. Look at the screen, and then look with the naked eye. After determining the angle and the position of the enemy, Gao Yang stood up from the ground, aimed at the sand pile and fired a shot.

As soon as the gunshot rang, Gao Yang immediately fell back to the ground and looked at the display screen. Then he found that the enemy behind the sand pile was hugging one foot and twisting in pain.