Chapter 783

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang can speak very limited Arabic. He can say a few words such as raise your hand and hand in your gun. Looking at the soldier, he finally understood. After raising his hand, Gao Yang shouted to bantuna, "help me translate, I can't speak Arabic."

Bantuna looked at Gao Yang and said helplessly, "I won't, I will say so."

Gao Yang was completely helpless and said to the soldier holding his hands, "can you speak English? Or what language can you speak?"

The soldier looked blankly. Bantuna asked several times in Amharic and other languages Gao Yang didn't understand. He said helplessly, "there's no way. It seems that this guy only knows Arabic."

Gao Yang felt very unlucky. No wonder these people were so brave. It turned out that they didn't understand what Gao Yang said.

Language barrier, want to ask also can't ask what, Gao Yang held for a long time, finally helpless way: "how important it is to learn a foreign language."

Bantuna looked at Gao Yang and said, "it's strange that many people at the previous post can speak English, but none of the people in this post can speak English."

After thinking about it, Gao Yang waved and said, "I think captain Sadik did it deliberately. He arranged people who can't speak English around him. Many things he doesn't want the soldiers to know won't be easily leaked out."

Bantuna shrugged and said, "it should be like this, boss. Listen to my idea. Let's leave and let him do what he wants. You hope he can attract captain Sadik's attention here. Although we don't know the language, if we leave without doing anything, this guy must inform Sadik, so we can achieve your goal."

Bantuna's idea was almost the same as Gao Yang's. after giving bantuna a thumbs up, Gao Yang smiled and said, "yes, that's it. Let's go."

Although he intended to give the soldier a way to live, Gao Yang said they could not turn around and give the soldier the chance to shoot them. It would be foolish to do so. He had to ensure his own safety first.

Gao Yang stared at the soldier who raised his hands, put the muzzle of his gun and said in Arabic, "go! Go!"

There are too many guns in the house, so it's hard to clean up. Gao Yang means to drive the soldier out so that he can't get weapons immediately. However, after Gao Yang scolded twice, the soldier holding up his hands moved forward from the bed twice. After standing on the ground with his feet, he suddenly reached out and touched a grenade under the pillow.

Gao Yang was helpless to shoot. Before the left hand of the soldier could reach the pull ring of the grenade, Gao Yang shot him in the head.

If the grenade was detonated in the house, it was too dangerous. Although Gao Yang kept the soldier alive, he still had to fire.

"Fark, I'm going to let him live."

After Gao Yang scolded angrily, bantuna also sighed: "what's the matter with these people? They have the courage to fight to the end. I've never seen such brave guys before."

The plan was broken, and there was no one alive. Gao Yang said helplessly, "let's go and find their radio. Since no one can contact us, we'll inform Sadik ourselves."

After searching in several rooms, Gao Yang and bantuna found a short wave military radio, but after seeing the radio on the table, Gao Yang had an ominous hunch.

The radio is off, and as long as the radio is still working, it must be on. Otherwise, how can we receive calls from others.

Bantuna picked up the radio microphone, reached out and turned on the switch. The radio could be powered on. It looked normal, but after two people took turns for a long time, they finally reluctantly confirmed that the radio could not transmit and receive signals. It was broken.

After smashing the microphone on the radio, he shouted, "let's go. There's no way. Let's go to the mining area."

Is Gao Yang interested in diamond mining? There must be.

But Gao Yang is more concerned about the chiefs. They can't run away from the diamond mine. They can go at any time when they know where they are, but they can't live anymore when they die.

Gao Yang still wants to lead sadika back by luring the tiger away from the mountain, which is faster than he can track Sadik and relieve the chief's crisis. Therefore, without knowing Sadik's position, it's better to let Sadik take the initiative to find him instead of going to Sadik immediately.

Sadik's diamond mining area is very close to the post, and the mining area should not only have radio, but also have special significance for Sadik, so going to the mining area has become Gaoyang's only choice.

Having made up his mind, he couldn't delay any more. He ran out quickly. After calling Jason, the three men set out again and went straight to the mining area.

The mining area is very close to the post, only three kilometers away, and it is very easy to find. As long as you see a hill, you can find the diamond mining area. Gao Yang clearly remembers what Randall said.

Three kilometers away, Gao Yang could have trotted all the way, but bantuna and Jason slowed him down.

Gao Yang doesn't run very fast, but he has good endurance. He can run for a long time. Of course, he can also walk for a long time. However, bantuna moves very fast, runs very fast and has very strong explosive power, but his endurance is not very good. Compared with Jason, he is half a weight, or even slightly worse.

Gaoyang they have been walking for a long time. Gaoyang feels very relaxed, but bantuna and Jason can't catch up, and they are getting slower and slower.

After walking three kilometers for almost an hour and a half, I found that bantuna and Jason couldn't keep up. Gao Yang could only let them rest for half an hour, and then move forward slowly. After all, they must continue to fight after reaching the mining area. Bantuna and Jason walked slowly, just to recover their strength.

After approaching the hill and feeling that it would not be too far away from the mining area, Gao Yang and them moved forward carefully and slowly for fear that they would be found by the sentry guarding the mining area. After walking in the woods for a while, bantuna suddenly stopped, made a sign to Gao Yang and Jason to stop moving forward, and whispered, "I heard the voice of singing."

Gao Yang listened attentively, but he didn't hear any sound. After listening for a while, Jason shook his head and said, "I can't hear any sound."

Bantuna said solemnly, "I can hear it. It's very weak, but it's absolutely right. The singer will not be too far away from us. I guess it won't be more than 300 to 400 meters."

Gao Yang believed bantuna's ears. He whispered, "can you determine the location?"

After listening with his head tilted for a while, bantuna whispered, "the forest scattered the sound too much. It's difficult to identify the specific direction. I'm not sure, but I judge it should be over there."

Looking at bantuna, pointing in a direction, Gao Yang said to Jason, "can you use UAV to investigate first? As long as you can find the river, you can determine the location of the mining area."

Jason looked at the canopy above his head, nodded and said, "yes, the UAV can fly out, and if it's not too far away, although it's in the woods, there should be no problem with control and video signals."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "then go and have a look with the UAV."

Jason took off his backpack, took out the UAV, tried the camera and display screen, and carefully controlled the UAV to fly out of the gap in the tree crown from the top of his head.

After the drone flew out, Jason breathed out: "well, we have successfully released it, and we will have results soon. Wait, I have money now, and I will buy a better drone and a better camera."

Gao Yang took the display screen and carefully looked at the image sent back by the UAV. Just two minutes later, Gao Yang said in a hurry: "there is a river! The mining area is right there, Jason. Can you fly closer and have a look?"

In the dense woods, a small river appeared. The river opened a gap in the woods without canopy, which can be easily found.

Jason controlled the UAV to descend some height, and then pulled the camera closer. Bantuna also excitedly pointed to the display screen and said, "look, someone is in the river. I heard right. It's there!"

After Jason controlled the UAV to fly back and forth along the river for several times, Gao Yang also knew what he wanted to know. Now it has not entered the rainy season. The water in the river is very shallow. In the river about 200 meters long, many people are bending over and working, using things like bamboo baskets to repeat the action similar to gold panning, but Gao Yang did not see anyone there with guns, It must be because the people guarding the workers were on both sides of the river bank. After they were covered by trees, the drone couldn't shoot them.

Jason pointed to the display screen and said, "the straight-line distance from the mining area to us is 360 meters, and the people working occupy about 150 meters of the river."

After thinking about it, he said in a low voice: "all right, take back the UAV. We'll go right now. Radar, you continue to be a sentry. Jason, follow behind us. Be careful. I think there may be an enemy sentry ahead."

After Jason took back the drone and put it away, the three people began to move carefully towards the mining area. Bantuna walked in the front and moved forward very carefully. Then, Gao Yang also heard someone singing.

Bantuna never gave any warning, and the voice of singing became louder and louder. When bantuna finally raised his left fist and signaled to stop moving forward, Gao Yang could see the river not far ahead and the people working in the river.

Of course, there are guards with guns walking around the river.