"Geez… Penny, did you really have to switch the wine…!?" Tanya was visibly sweating with bright red cheeks as intense as flames. Whatever she had drank would be enough to knock the other girls out without even so much as a sip.

Yet she had drunk the entire cup.

"It's just wine, surely you can handle it. My beloved Tanya~" Penelope had never seemed more confident in her life. In front of the shaking Tanya which had just gone down on her knees to propose, Penelope felt fearless tonight. It was like new blood had been injected into her body.

"Okay, here is the game. The wine should wear off within the next three hours, until then, you just need to make sure you don't do any lewd things to me. You start off with three chances. If you ask me to go to our room, that is one chance gone…" Penelope's grin was very powerful on Tanya's heated mind. Every feeling she had towards Penelope was amplified tenfold, overflowing with love and lust.

"If you want me to strip, that is another chance gone. If you touch me, that is the last chance gone~ do you know what happens when you lose all of your chances?" Penelope walked around the table, stopping beside Tanya. Her body gracefully arched towards her fiancé, allowing her to whisper these words seductively into Tanya's ears. The hot breath tickled Tanya, clouding her mind further. By no means could she resist if she was a normal person.

"If you lose this game, I will utterly f**k you." Penelope whispered, licking Tanya's ear. She was not holding back one bit, Penelope wanted to goad Tanya into accepting the challenge. It would be a fun lover's game, a great time to make some lovely memories together.

"The-then What do I get if I win?" Tanya stuttered from the heat, unable to concentrate too well from the effects of the wine she had drank.

"Threesome with Rose." Penelope hooked in Rose with one arm, slouching her arm on her shoulder. She grinned towards Tanya with a look of anticipation, 'surely she will accept.'

"Wait! I didn't agree to this~!" Rose jumped back in shock. She did not think that she would have her first time in a group. She wanted to have Tanya privately, not like this.

"Rose, are you sure you don't want to do it with Tanya? I know that all of the girls here would jump off a cliff for the chance." 

"Fi-fine." Rose blushed and rubbed one arm, looking to the ground as she played around with her feet.

"Haha… Penny, did you think I would be weak enough to accept such a challenge? I can persist easily, but who is to say you won't tempt me with that beautiful and angel-like body of yours? You know you are so perfect that I would immediately be forced to pounce on you the moment you give me an opening. I love you so much after all~" Tanya smugly grinned with her flushed cheeks still tomato red from the wine. Although clearly at a disadvantage, she would not give in that easily. 

"What~? You're just using Rosy as an excuse so you don't have to work as hard… Last week we did it so hard that I remember Yuri had to cast 10 recover spells to help you soothe those hips of yours. You know I will win~" Tanya smiled confidently. On the inside, she was panicking. She honestly bought that if Penelope calls her bluff, she would just pounce now and suffer the consequences later. Right now, Penelope just seemed so tasty…

"Rose, could you help me out here?" Penelope nudged Rosellia softly on the arm.

"What is it?" Rose responded calmly.

"Get under the table and get under Tanya's skirt. You should know what comes next, right~?"

'You are playing dirty! If you touch there…'

"That's it!" Tanya got up from her seat shakily, grabbing Penelope and Rose by their arms, and stormed off to the private rooms.



The door opened and closed before Tanya locked it from the inside. Her face was determined and her will was unwavering. She did not expect for Penelope to be so confident today, it was rather refreshing for her though. Instead of the one doing the teasing, she was the one being teased. She had to admit, Penelope somehow knew how to tease more intimately than herself.

"Tanya, that's already two strikes-"


In one fluid motion, Tanya stripped Penelope naked.

"Ah…Ta-Tan-Tanya~! Calm down… we can talk about this…" Penelope looked into the eye of the storm as it pushed her back-first onto a king-sized bed. Tanya was not giving her much of a chance to back out. It was refreshing for her to be dominated a bit. Penelope was anticipating Tanya's next move nervously, readying herself for Tanya's inevitable move.

"Wait! Me too~!" Rose jumped onto the bed face first. Although she still had her dress on, the view of her from behind still had an effect on Tanya.

"Penelope, Rosellia, what we are about to do is something that will never be spoken about outside of this room. You should know that I am always a calm and methodical person… I would never savagely f**k my women~ this is something that I have never done before… fortunately for you two, you get to feel what I am feeling right now." Tanya rummaged through Penelope's belongings and found a ready to use DLDO-69. Somehow, she predicted Penelope would be carrying this.

"12 inch version… It is the closest thing you can get to a portable penis. You are very naughty, aren't you?" Tanya's vision was now clouded. She could not see anything but sex, she only wanted sex. She was too far gone, not even able to cast magic to purify herself. From the moment Penelope had begun exciting her, Tanya had already lost.

"Wait! You've already lost! This is not how the game is supposed to work! That's not in the rules~!" Penelope cried as she watched Tanya attaching the long device onto her hips.

"The game was rigged from the start~ I always win… I always win your heart~" Tanya finished the setup, moving herself closer to Penelope and resting the length of the device just outside of Penelope's entrance.

"Any last words~?" Tanya mischievously grinned at the nervous Penelope.

"Please be gent-"


"Kyaaa~!!" Penelope screamed out, blood dripping from her wet special place. This was the first time she had something so large inside of her. She was expecting to use such a thing on Tanya, yet she had become the target.

"GENTLE!" Penelope cried buckets as she hugged onto Tanya's body. The pain of the moment was fading, but it still hurt so much for Penelope. She had never experienced something like this.

"You are enjoying this right~? I can only be so energetic because of that delicious wine you gave me~! I can pleasure you until he faint from exhaustion, so don't worry about me. This has only begun!" Tanya thrusted back and forth with a passion unlike any other. Her sole aim was to pleasure the latter in the most merciless way possible.

She would not stop until either herself or Penelope faints.

"TANYA! TANYA! SLOWLY! IT HURTSH! Penelope was drifting further and further into the deep realm of pleasure. At this point, it did not hurt anymore. She just wanted Tanya to go harder despite her words saying otherwise. She had never felt so good. 

"Oh? I am sorry, Penny~ shall I stop then?" Tanya smiled wicked, exiting from Penelope's most precious place and leaving the full length on the latter's belly.

"!!!" Penelope was shocked to see that Tanya had actually stopped.

"Please… put it back in!" Penelope begged.

"Why do you want me to put it back in?" Tanya asked again.

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! I WANT YOU TO DO IT UNTIL-" That was all Tanya needed to hear. She went back to her usual self, calm and dignified. She thrusted back in softly yet passionately, laying her chest on top of Penelope's. Face to face, she looked into Penelope's blushing face.

"Are you sure you are okay with this~? I won't stop loving you for being hurt from some rough sex~" Tanya kissed Penelope on the forehead as she slowly thrusted back and forth wit her hips fluidly rubbing against Penelope.



Tanya felt something happen that she did not think would happen. She felt 12 inches go into somewhere she had not expected for 12 inches to go into. Before she could even turn around, she felt a thrust go right into her.

"AAAAHN~!" Tanya moaned with pleasure.

The third player had entered the game.