"Alpha, we have disposed of the bodies. Shall we commence the second part of the cleaner protocol?"

"Affirmative. Keep the disguises for one month and stage your deaths in a collective group outing. This should be enough."

The corpses had become ashes in mere moments. The homunculi did not feel anything warm towards the men that they had just mercilessly killed, instead they felt like they had just ridden themselves of dirty bugs. 

To make sure no fallout is caused by the incident, the homunculi followed Tanya's protocols; destroying the bodies and posing as the deceased people until they eventually stage their deaths in completely in a way that is unrelated to this matter. As such, no one would be the wiser.

"Master is indeed a genius. With this, no harm should befall this kingdom so long as we play our parts properly." Alpha grinned as she looked towards the scattered ashes intermixing with the dirt on the ground.

"Indeed. She has a plan for so many situations. I do not believe there will be a time when we will not know what to do." A homunculi affirmed.

Meanwhile, the party had returned to normal. Tanya and the girls found themselves a cozy corner with a nice round table and enough seats for all of them. They all sat down before a waiter came around with a platter of drinks. 

Tanya chose to have a fine red wine, which influenced many of the girls to do the exact same. Penelope and Rose decided to try out white wine, being the only two that did not choose the same drinks as Tanya.

This was for good reason too.


"Ah! That is one spicy drink! I love it! It is so amaaaaazing! Great! The best stuff I have ever drank- remember that time we peaked on Tanya when she was in the bathroooooommm~? That was such a great view… I think I accidentally drooled all over your shoulder… my my… what am I thinking…?" Diana's cheeks were red and her movements began slowing down. The heat all over her body felt so good but she just couldn't think straight in the moment. It was as if something in the air had changed for her, it was just so good.

"..." Penelope and Rose took a sip of their drinks, staring plain-faced at the girls as they drank the red wine.


"Oh dear… Did I really just do that? I must apologise… I don't know what is coming over me right now…" Yuna fanned her face with her hands, her forehead wet from the heat and her body burning up. She immediately turned to Tanya with longing eyes, burning with passion.

"My Lady… has anyone ever told you how delightful you are? You are so beautiful that I don't believe I can go back to liking men! And you are just so amazing… Tanya…" 

'Is she trying to do an impression of me?' Tanya smiled but seemed somewhat insulted. She did not think Yuna thought so little of her flirtation skills! This was just too much of a blow to Tanya's pride.

"My lady, I feel as though your eyes are gemstones and I am an amateur appraiser. As deep as my knowledge should be on your flaws and shortcomings, I feel as though you are perfect and spectacularly beautiful. But who am I to judge what is worth more than my skills? Clearly you are a perfect gem, uncut, without needing refinement." Her words were like a soothing song to Yuna's ears, enough for her to blush brighter than what the alcohol had done.

However, there was more than just Yuna and Diana that had drank the wine.

"Tanya~! Give me a headpat! I want it right now!" Yuri leapt onto Tanya's lap and firmly planted herself on top of her. Yuri seemed ina daze as she banged her forearms onto Tanya's shoulders with a passion, unable to stop herself. 

"I WANT IT~!" Yuri began crying and eventually fell asleep while sitting on Tanya's lap, leaning herself onto Tanya's shoulder like a baby.

"Fufu… this much wine won't make me break! I am fearless! I am powerful! I am a master of the sword! I cannot be beaten by the likes of this wine glass! Haha! WOOHOO!" Erina jumped onto top of the table and began swinging her cup around in the air. Although the room was already loud, one could not help but glance over towards the loudest drunk in the room.

"I am a sword master! I am eternal! I am so powerful I can subdue Tanya and have her in my bed! I am so strong I can do Tanya for 10 hours straight! My sword skills are unmatchable! Haha! Tanya, look at me now! I am amazing! Notice me!" 

"..." Tanya could not help but feel a little disappointed again. She patted the sleeping Yuri with a deadpan face, watching as the rest of the girls drank wine which was clearly too powerful for them.

'This is why you do not go with the crowd' Tanya sighed.

"Ugh… this stuff is really strong… I did not think that this wine would make me feel so hot… it's like a flame was lit in my belly, neck and head, not cooling off no matter how much water I down…" Serena slouched back onto her chair and faced Tanya.

'At least she is taking the wine better-'

"Tanya, I've been thinking about this for quite some time… I have even prepared a poem which I wrote after studying under a legendary poet. I did this all for you… I wanted you to know that I am indeed sorry for not being the one to c9me back for you after you saved everyone in the academy…" Serena became sluggish in her movements, drawing a card from her handbag, handing it over to Tanya.

'50% off next love fortune-telling?' Tanya scratched her head.

"Ah! Wrong one! WRONG ONE!" Serena snatched the card away and decided to say the poem by mouth instead.

"Oh Tanya, Tanya…"


"I think I forgot the rest of the verses…" 


"I guess I will just improvise…" Serena took a deep breath and went back to her poem.

"O Tanya, Tanya. Kiss me and make me yours. Hold me tighter than your pillow. Love me like I am your dear. Swallow me in your warmth. Shower me with your affections. Ride me like a horse… Deflower me into a Vermillion…" Serena gradually dropped her shoulders onto the table and closed her eyes as she finally fell asleep.


'I did not expect those thoughts and desires from Serena of all people… out of everyone here, I thought she would be one of the most mature and prudish.' Tanya's image of the crown princess was shattered with the last two sentences of Serena's poem.

"My my… how are you not heating up like a flame right now?" Rose chuckled, patting Tanya on the shoulder while looking around the messy table.

"vermillion flame wine is not something that would make me drunk. It is a custom to have this drink on your birthdays in my household. Considering my family has a very good tolerance to alcohol, this much wine will not be able to affect me at all. Besides, a third ascension being like myself won't suffer adverse effects from such soft wines like these." Tanya scoffed, not even looking at the wine that had knocked out the girls.

"Pfft… Yep, vermillion flame wine won't do anything to Tanya, but heaven's embrace wine will definitely have an effect." Penelope snicker, unable to keep it in her.

"!!!" Tanya immediately looked at the glass. It was empty. She had drunk all of the contents.

"Both of those wines have the exact same taste and the exact same feel. You should be feeling the heat just about now…" 

'You win this round.' Tanya bit her lip as she began burning up.

"The burn will go away in a few hours, enough time for us to 'you know'." Penelope grinned at Tanya warmly. The wine she had just given to Tanya was something used for lovers, and would lose effect after a round with someone she loves.

"Penny…! Dammit!"

'Using purification magic would put even more attention on myself! It produces too much light! I have to suck it up!' 

"Or you could hold it in… you look really cute when your face is flushed and you are wet all over…" Penelope could not help but lick her lips as she stared at the woman that she had bedded many times over.

"Penelope, what happened to no drugs?" Rose smirked, punching Penelope on the arm in a friendly manner.

"Drugs? That's no drug, it is a fine top quality wine. It is perfectly normal and can be bought anywhere."

Somewhere in the capital, some old ladies were laughing deviously.