82 Brave Enough To Ask

"Yes!" Penelope immediately gasped before giving her express consent. Had it been anyone else, she would have certainly rejected the proposal; but it was Tanya. Penelope's eyes gazed down at what seemed to be a ruby red ring, it was simply too gorgeous for most eyes.

Tanya gently put the ring onto Penelope's finger with a smile and then got up from her kneeling position. Today would be one of the happiest of her life. Her heart felt immense warmth whenever she looked at Penelope's blushing face. It was far too cute for her, even if they had already done numerous lewd things in bed, Tanya still could see the gentle innocence of Penelope.

"Mwmmm~" Without warning, Tanya moved closer to Penelope and inserted her tongue into the latter's mouth. Her palms firmly planted on Penelope's cheeks and her eyes closed as she relished the feeling of Penelope's hot mouth.

"I love you, Penny~" Tanya poked Penelope's nose playfully, with a great smug grin on her face. This time, it did not feel as flirtatious as before, it was more romantic now.

If Penelope was told a decade ago that she would be sleeping in the same bed as Tanya, naked, she would have disregarded such a claim without batting an eye. 

Back then, she was merely a teenager with talents in magic. The duke and duchess both consented to her being hired as Tanya's personal maid on the basis of her personality and work ethic. Through this, she first met the child that would become her lover.

Penelope taught Tanya how to read, right, speak, calculate, and feel happy. Although she was cold on the outside and often treated Tanya strictly, she cared for the mature child as much as her parents.

As time went by, she noticed that Tanya was making advances on her. Although subtle, she noticed them. The girl she had been teaching and taking care of had become much more troublesome. Whether it be Tanya asking to bathe together or Tanya asking for a bare skin back rub, Penelope did not reject.

At that time, she did not hold romantic feelings for the young Tanya. She still treated her as a beloved young mistress.

Then Tanya became an adult. Everything changed. Penelope finally received all of the affections that Tanya had been hiding for the entirety of her life, quickly being overwhelmed by the sheer shamelessness of her charge. Yet, she did not deny Tanya.

When Tanya kissed her, she kissed back. When Tanya seduced her, she accepted it gladly. When Tanya was naked in bed with her, they made love to each other. At this point, Penelope had lost all of her rights to call Tanya 'young miss'. 'Darling' is far more appropriate.

Without a doubt, Tanya had melted Penelope's cold exterior and exposed the warmth that would not have been accessed by any handsome man or beautiful woman besides her. 

"I love you too, Tan~"

Diana could only look over at the romantic scene while the sun was slowly setting over them. She felt weird. Her belly felt like it was shaking and her mind was clouded. When she saw Tanya kissing Penelope, she felt a desire. All of that time spent chastising Tanya for being lewd had felt like a waste to her.

She too wanted the warmth that Tanya offered. It was just that Diana did not have the confidence to be forward about it. After spending so much time trying to hide her desires and act disinterested, she had to admit to herself that she was wrong.

When she gazed at Tanya, Diana knew that she was missing out. The idea of Tanya being intimate with her would always be what kept her up at night. Diana simply could not comprehend what she would do if the event should arise, but in every single instance, she knew that she would accept one way or another.

Yuna, on the other hand, was battling with a different dilemma. She had never received advances from Tanya, making her feel as if her love was unrequited. The coldness of this made her grow tired occasionally and would stop her from sleeping in the worst cases.

She had always wanted to prove herself to Tanya as a good subordinate and work from there to become a lover. She did all of this because she had hope. If Penelope could do it, then she could also do it. Yet, she had made no progress whatsoever. 

This ached her heart day and night. She had only remained a subordinate when her true goal lay in Tanya's heart. She no longer saw men as attractive after meeting Tanya, not even women. In her heart, she only saw Tanya. It was Tanya that lent Yuna a hand when she was at her lowest point, and it was Tanya who helped her reach her highest. All of her fortunes came from Tanya.

She was indebted to Tanya in almost every way. Her life had even been saved at one point. For all of these reasons and more, Yuna had fallen utterly in love with Tanya. Not even a god could stop her from loving Tanya. If anything, that would strengthen the warmth in her heart.

Both Diana and Yuna smiled at each other, sensing their shared worries. While different, they both desired to make up lost time with Tanya. Knowing this, they signalled to each other to make use of the time given by the dinner party. This would be their best chance of winning Tanya over.

"I don't want to interrupt anything, but which number is our room?" Rose asked after watching Tanya and Penelope stop kissing.

"6969" Penelope answered.

"Mmm… Tanya will be in for a rough night if I am still up~" Tanya looked at Rose biting her lip, feeling a longing gaze coming from the latter. At this moment, Tanya vowed to put laxatives in her drinks. It was hard enough to pleasure Penelope with her 3rd ascension body, who said that she would go above and beyond? Especially with such hungry customers!

"Rosy, come on… don't hurt Tanya~ You need to be careful, you might break her hymen too painful-"


A thick band of tape was plastered onto Yuri's mouth. Rose could only feel disturbed at such vulgar words coming from a saintess's mouth. If the saintess isn't holy, then who is?

"Mmmm!" Yuri tried to rip it off, but failed. With all of her strength she tried to wrestle the tape off of her mouth, grunting and groaning as she lacked the strength needed.

"Tanya! I want to have your first dance for the night!" Yuna called out with a resolute gaze. She walked forward with sweat dripping from her forehead, yet she still kept a relatively calm face. This was 'do or die' for her. In this m9ment where everyone was having some fun with Tanya, she had to make a move and distinguish her as a prospective lover rather than a subordinate.

"Sure. You have been working so hard lately, it is good that you want some leisure. Working too hard can cause you to lack energy." Tanya warmly replied, placing one hand on Yuna's shoulder,

"I don't think you are understanding my intent!" Yuna shyly shouted with her face becoming more flustered by the moment.

"What do you mean?"

Gazed into Tanya's eyes and finally gave an absolute reply.

"I want a promotion~!" Her face was full crimson.

"You do realise I don't have any roles for you to take on which have officially higher responsibilities… I could give you more fun tasks instead…"

"No! You idiot, I want to be promoted out of subordinate! I want kisses and hugs too~!" She said this so loudly that the fountain rippled with bubbles.

Diana did not expect for Yuna to work so fast. At most, she had expected for Yuna to confess during the dances, but she had done it early. Was this a logistical technique or whatever smart people called it? Diana was still trying to figure it out.

To others, especially Penelope, it was clear what Yuna had desired all the way since the beginning.

As Tanya's former maid, Penelope knew a thing or two about longing for her mistress. Seeing Yuna going through the same predicament, Penelope could not help but empathise with her. From the bottom of her heart, she approved of Yuna taking a chance.

However, Diana still did not move. Her shyness could not be overcome in the moment. She could only watch as everyone else were growing closer to Tanya while she felt like she was drifting apart. Even Erina seemed to be more involved with Tanya than her. 

This anxiety could not be extinguished unless she dared to make a move. She had studied Tanya enough to know that Tanya would most likely give her a chance if she was brave enough to ask.