81 Penelope Vermillion 1

"Tanya, are you seeing anyone…?" With her body trembling and her face clearly red from her nervousness, a girl approached Tanya with all of her bravery. As a fan of Tanya, she wanted to come and try her luck.

"Yes, I am seeing quite a few people." Tanya chuckled.

"..." The girl looked down dejectedly. What use was it? If Tanya already was seeing someone, there would be no use courting her. Knowing that she was eyeing more than one person, the girl could not dare to throw herself into the mix. It would be enough to be a loyal member of the Fanclub.

"Thank you for telling me…" The girl left.

Today would be the day that Tanya had to attend a dinner party. Such social events haven't been on her mind for quite some time. With the constant interruptions happening all over the place and the need to grow stronger, Tanya had neglected this important aspect of nobility. Because she herself had become a baroness, Tanya was obliged to attend at least one or two events a year.

'Tonight is Serena's party. I wonder what will happen tonight… perhaps a few higher ups from the neighbouring countries will come and feast. It would probably be a good chance to establish some connections early on…'

The itinerary included a few fun things that Tanya could look forward to. For instance, there would be swordplay, dance, drinking; that was all really. Tanya only paid attention to these things as her entertainment. Otherwise, she was attending for the sake of making connections.

"Hey, Penny… will you be coming for the party?" Tanya looked at Penelope with expectant eyes. She indeed hoped that Penelope would come because she was afraid that it would still end in boredom once she ran out of activities.


"You want me to go with you? This is your time to make connections with powerful people. Why would I take away your precious time to shine?" Penelope did not want to burden Tanya by making her keep her company. Penelope cared more for Tanya's future than her own personal enjoyment for the night. As Tanya's lover and former maid, Penelope could not bring herself to be selfish like that.

"Hmmmph! Penny, I'd rather make some 'connections' with you than some spoiled third generation young master. Don't you feel the same way? Of course, I could always not attend altogether to keep you company~" Tanya kissed Penelope in the middle of the hallway. She did not care if anyone was watching, she only desired the warmth of Penelope's mouth for that moment.

"Tanya… fine, I will come along. I will be your date…" Penelope blushed so hard that her face had become like a tomato. Tanya was just to powerful for her.

"Yes… I want to be on top again." Penelope declared.

"Fine, only for you." Tanya patted Penelope's shoulder lightly. If anyone else had asked for such a thing, Tanya would have instantly declined. She is a top by lifestyle and has never been a bottom for the entire try of her two lives. Only because of Penelope, she had experienced the role. She had to admit, it did feel good not having to do all of the work for once.

"Excellent, I will be bringing the tool along for tonight then." Penelope grinned as she hugged Tanya passionately. Their chests almost melded together as their bodies slammed into each other. Almost anyone watching would have suffered from a severe nosebleed at this point, possibly fainting. The aura surrounding Tanya and Penelope was unlike any other.

"Are you sure about this? Why would you want to use such a vulgar device on me? We could alway just do it without the need for tools~ Just you, me, and or hands and tongues." The feeling of a slithering wet tongue had become apparent all over Penelope's right ear. Since they had not entered bed, Tanya still had the upper hand in almost every encounter.

Her words and her actions could bring Penelope to a point of no return. It was Tanya's talent. She could seduce anyone with just a few words and a touch. She could make Penelope flustered with much less. 

'Your cute reactions will always be my favourite part of all of this. I can't bear to go without you beautiful face.' Tanya inwardly declared to herself as she gently smiled at Penelope and placed her palm softly on the latter's cheek.

"You know there will be drinking involved. I wonder what you think about this? Shall I drink, or shall I not drink? This is very important."

"Mmm…" Penelope grabbed onto one of Tanya's forearms and guided her hand towards her own chest. Tanya could only give a sly smile as her hand touched onto Penelope's chest.

"Just drink from here… I've been stimulating it often so you can drink now…" 

Tanya grinned in response. She did not believe she could ever deserve someone so good to her as Penelope. If she had met Penelope when she was still Tane, Tanya probably would have chosen to settle down rather than risk everything on ascensions. She might have had a family of many happy children with Penelope. 

"If you are ordering me to do it, I will~ but only if you come and dance with me"

"Of course. Who do you think I am? If I do not dance with you, some old perverted noble might try to snatch you! Don't worry, I will keep you safe and sound, how does that sound?" Penelope could not help but laugh a bit at her own words. It would be more likely that ten consecutive meteors hit Tanya rather than some weakling of a man trying to harass Tanya successfully.

"Good. Let's go to the rest of the girls. They should come along too. Since you are officially engaged with Rose and unofficially engaged with Yuri, it would be best to bring them along too. This would also serve to make you appear more powerful to those that dare size you up. If you are surrounded by powerful beauties, the world will look at you in reverence." 

At this point, the hallways had become empty. Since it was the end of the classes for the day, many people only stayed to listen for a minute before leaving Tanya and Penelope alone. They did not dare spy on their idol like that.

"Now all that is left is you~" Tanya grinned.

Tanya began walking away. As she walked, Penelope walked. They walked far and stopped for tea. In the cafeteria, they drank away. Tanya did not dare to say a word, returning to walking afterwards. The next stop happened to be the dormitories. Penelope explained to Rose and Yuri the event at that time. Tanya still did not say a word, instead signalling something with a wink to Rose and Yuri.

At this point, they went to the rest of the girls' rooms and gathered together. Only Penelope was in the dark about what was about to happen.

Diana, Erina, Yuna, Rose, Yuri, and Tanya; they all knew what was to happen. Tanya continued walking.

It was now sunset. It was still not yet time for the party. Penelope looked to Tanya as the latter finally made her way to the grass centre area of the academy. A fountain that had once been their or may have not been there had been erected at the place where the hostages were once held.

The orange sky shone onto the water, creating a dazzling display of beautiful lights. Tanya and the girls observed the beauty for a moment before Tanya grabbed onto Penelope's arm and walked over to the fountain.

"Tanya…! You haven't said a word for the last few hours. What do you intend on doing? Don't you have any manners regarding the etiquette between lovers?" Penelope was frustrated. She had been waiting for Tanya to say some beautiful words with her perfect voice for so long. She had been waiting for just one tease, anything. She just wanted Tanya to say something. The silence was too unbearable.

But Tanya did not say a word. In front of the fountain, she looked deeply into Penelope's eyes. It felt like an eternity. To be honest to herself, she should have done this way before now.

"Penelope." Tanya's body slowly lowered in front of Penelope. Like in slow motion, Penelope witnessed a life-changing scene flash before her eyes.

One of Tanya's knees bent down as she pulled out a small velvet container from her pocket.

A thousand thoughts went through Penelope's mind.

It was the same for Tanya.

This would be the first time across two lives she had done this.

"Will you marry me?"

The sun paused in the sky, refusing to set. The world had stopped for this moment.