The development of things is under the control of long Aotian. Now he has become the acting boss of Jindao Gang, and becoming a regular is just around the corner. However, long Aotian doesn't plan to change the name of Jindao Gang to Longmen. It doesn't matter what a gang's name is, but who its leader is.

Three days passed quickly. Fortunately, there was no accident in these three days.

The fourth day is the day of Jindao's funeral. On the street at the gate of golden glory, there are rows of people in black suits, black sunglasses and white flowers on their chests. They occupy the whole street, full of sadness and killing.

"Xiang Ge Mo Ge" is headed by a large group of people from the golden glory. They are Zhang Xiang and Lin Mo, the two main backbones of Jindao gang.

Zhang Xiang took off his sunglasses and looked at the crowd of Jindao gang who occupied the street in black. He raised his hand: "the brothers of Jindao Gang have passed away. Jindao gang will not forget them. We will not forget them either."

"Jindao Gang, Jindao Gang, Jindao Gang" thousands of Jindao gang members cheered in unison.

"Send elder brother Jin on the road" Zhang Xiang turns his head and shouts to golden glory.

When the golden gate opened, the first few kids came out, holding a box filled with offerings for the golden knife, such as Zhou Shun's head

Then there were rows of people coming out of the Jindao gang. A group of two were carrying a stretcher covered with white cloth. The stretcher was carrying the dead Jindao

I don't know when everyone at the scene had a bowl filled with liquor and rippled.

"Big brother, go well all the way," Zhang Xiang raised his bowl over his head and yelled.

"Big brother, go well all the way" thousands of golden knife gang members make the same movement as Zhang Xiang, and the sound is huge, which can still be heard ten miles apart.

A bowl of liquor for brothers, may the road of huangquan not be lonely;

A bowl of liquor to heaven, may the sky be high, the clouds be broad, and the spirit travel;

A bowl of wine lays a foundation for the earth. May brothers' bones and bones lie down forever

After three bowls of liquor, Zhang Xiang took the lead and smashed the bowl to pieces: "send brother off!"

Thousands of gangsters are murderous at the scene. Brother's blood brother's life and brother's revenge will be paid one day. As the fastest rising gangs, the golden sword gang has no fear of going forward all the time.

The Jindao Gang made such a big stir, which naturally caused a sensation in Nancheng and even XY, but no one dared to manage it.

Someone called the police and said that the Jindao gang had seriously disrupted the urban traffic. After a short time, the police cars with flashing lights came roaring. However, they did not come to stop the Jindao Gang, but to open the way for the funeral of the Jindao gang.

The Jindao gang was already the XY overlord. When they passed through various gangster sites, the bosses all stood up and sent their own hands to attend the funeral. Even the Dongxing meeting in Dongcheng sent 300 people to dress in black to express their memory of Jindao Gang's dead elder brother.

Zhao Dongxing's action actually tells XY underground world in disguise. Zhao Dongxing admits the status of the golden sword Gang, and the XY first gang is well deserved. The uncrowned king of XY underground world was born today.

The impact of thousands of people's funeral can be imagined that someone stole the underground world, sent the whole process to forums, microblogs and other places, and set off a huge wave on the Internet for a while, but I don't know why it didn't take two hours for all the funeral content on the Internet

The Ministry has been deleted

The golden sword Gang is a gangster. It belongs to the dead dragon. Aotian and Zou Xubin thought of this problem when they planned the funeral. Naturally, they also made all kinds of countermeasures. Without the video, even if netizens spread it again, few people would believe that there was a gangster funeral in XY, which attracted worldwide attention. The birth of XY's underground overlord also attracted the attention of several surrounding cities. Those underground brothers all had this in mind Some wonder if the Jindao gang will expand their territory when they unify XY, and how they should deal with it. The ambitious gangs have already targeted the Jindao gang. If they control the Jindao Gang, they will control the underground world of XY in disguise

In addition to Zhao Dongxing, bald head, the acting leader of cloud society in Beicheng, also sent more than 500 people to attend the funeral, and said that he would withdraw from several streets of cloud society in Nancheng and recognize the hegemony of the golden sword gang.

For hundreds of years, the sky of XY underground world has completely changed, and the pattern of the four gangs has been broken again after more than ten years.

The Jindao gang used to rise at the speed of light. It first killed the wolves, then slaughtered the overlord Gang, and finally occupied Nancheng. Now it has swallowed the skeleton group, and the territory of Jindao gang has more than doubled, firmly controlling the first gang in Southwest China.

The main colors of traditional Chinese funerals are white and yellow, so they are also called "white events", opposite to "red events". According to the belief and economic situation of the deceased, the whole process is often accompanied by relevant Buddhist, Taoist or geomantic rituals.

The main process is as follows

Small funeral: clean the body and put on the shroud. This step should be carried out as early as possible, sometimes even before the gas is cut off. Because after a few hours, due to the death of muscle cells, there will be a phenomenon called stiff limbs, affecting the wearing of shroud. Leather can't be used in the shroud, because it is traditionally believed that the dead will be reincarnated into animals.

Mourning: to formally inform relatives and friends of the time of death, the situation and funeral arrangements. There are always strict situation and sequence regulations.

Mourning: relatives and friends bring gifts, cash gifts, couplets, wreaths, etc. from other places to attend the funeral.

Dead: also known as temporary house, the corpse will be placed in the mourning hall for several days, waiting for relatives and friends to come to mourn; At the same time, it helps to determine death rather than coma. The funeral hall can be a room at home, a temporary shed, or a special room of a funeral home. Memorial banners, portraits of the dead, food (offerings), incense, candles, paper money, etc. are set up in the memorial hall. In addition, when it is not possible to bury the dead formally for the time being, the coffin is placed in temples and other places, waiting for burial in the future, which is also called mourning. Wake: during the period of mourning, relatives and friends present, especially the younger generation of the dead, take turns to guard the dead in the mourning hall and accept the mourners' condolence. During the whole funeral period, the younger generation (called filial son / filial daughter) close to the deceased wore white coarse linen clothes or jackets without seams, with straw rope or hemp rope around his waist and straw sandals on his feet, which was called filial piety. Funeral: in front of the family members, move the dead into a coffin with a mattress, cover it with a quilt, and nail it to seal the coffin. Wealthy families may use the inner coffin and the outer coffin for burial objects. Funeral and burial: take the coffin to the cemetery for burial. The sign of the beginning of the funeral is that the dutiful son broke a earthen pot, which is called "throwing basin". Led by the filial son holding the "soul guiding banner", a band played and distributed paper money to the cemetery along the way. The burial ceremony was assisted by feng shui master. Burn seven: after burial, relatives and friends visit the cemetery every seven days and burn paper money. They go there seven times for a total of 49 days. There are also similar activities such as soul calling and burning paper money, which are called "do seven". The ceremony on the 49th day is called "Duanqi", which is the end of the formal funeral part. May 7th: on the 35th day in northern China, the traditional name is May 7th. The daughter makes a paper gourd and a bowl of noodles, which is commonly known as May 7th. Folk beliefs say that the dead must be locked in a certain place before May 7, and must be unlocked. Then the dead can cross the river in a gourd to go to the Western Paradise. Filial piety: according to the tradition of Confucianism, filial sons should guard around their parents' tombs for three years (before the age of three, everyone basically does not leave their parents' arms. In these three years, many villages are also responsible for their parents' kindness). During this period, they should avoid Entertainment, drinking, eating meat, sharing rooms with husband and wife, etc. Memorial tablet: family members use incense to offer sacrifices to memorial tablets with the names of the dead. Tomb Sweeping: relatives and friends repair and clean cemeteries during Tomb Sweeping Day (Jie Zhitui died on this day).