At the celebration banquet of Jindao Gang, Zhou Shun stabbed Jindao to death, which was beyond most people's expectation, because Zhou Shun was one of Jindao's most trusted people. No one can imagine that he can kill Jindao.

After Zhou Shun's successful assassination, he wants to escape. Although he has discussed with long Aotian, long Aotian wants to kill him. But in order to be more real, Zhou Shun also wants to run away, but he is caught by Yang Shuai and Tao Yuan.

Now Jindao is dead, Zhou shunsha. Zou Xubin is the only one who has the weight of the golden sword Gang, so he has to take charge of the overall situation. Zou Xubin apologized to the guests who came to the celebration banquet and let them all go back. Then he carried the body of Jindao and escorted the golden glory of zhoushunhui Jindao Gang headquarters.

Long Aotian's eyes squeezed out a few tears, "Xubin, I really didn't think big brother was still well just now. Now it's death. You go back and deal with it. I'm an outsider, so I won't participate. "

"No, brother long, you are the most respected person in elder brother Jin's life, so you must be responsible for his future affairs! I also hope brother long can avenge brother Jin


"Well, that's not good! It's not that I'm making a fuss by doing this! "

"Brothers, brother long, please do justice for brother Jin!" Zou Xubin said to the brothers behind him.

"Brother long, please do justice for brother Jin! Brother long, please do justice for brother Jin The gang members of the golden sword Gang cheered.

Long Aotian refused again and again, but he had to say, "well, since the brothers are so kind, I won't respect them!"

"That's right!" Zou Xubin said with a smile, thinking that brother long really can act.

When the party returned to golden glory, long Aotian said, "golden glory will suspend business these days. We will set up a mourning hall in the hall and collect elder brother Jin first."

"OK, I'll arrange it!" Zou Xubin found the golden brilliant manager

Come here and tell him that golden glory will suspend business, then issue an obituary and arrange for people to buy coffins and other things.

After these things were arranged, long Aotian said, "Xubin, you call the backbone of Jindao Gang to the office, and I will interrogate Zhou Shun in front of everyone!"

"Brother long, you are not afraid..." Zou Xubin means to be afraid of Zhou Shun telling the truth in front of everyone.

"Nothing! I have a bottom in my heart

"All right then!" Zou Xubin went to arrange it.

Long Aotian takes Yang Shuai and Tao Yuanxian to the office to wait. Soon, the backbone of Jindao gang are all here, and their eyes are red. It can be seen that they are crying for Jindao. Long Aotian looked at everyone and comforted: "brothers, don't be sad. Brother Jin is no longer here. It's no use crying. Now the most important thing is to find out the murderer behind the scenes and avenge brother Jin!"

"Brother long, it's brother Jin who killed Zhou Shun. We must kill Zhou Shun and avenge him!"

"Ha ha, I know it was Zhou Shun who killed him, but think about it. Zhou Shun has been with brother Jin for many years. Why did he kill brother Jin for no reason? I have to interrogate clearly, ask if there is behind the scenes murder, and then deal with Zhou Shun! Come on, bring me Zhou Shun! "

Zhou shungang has just been detained in his room, with mixed feelings. One is happy, killed Jindao, and his wife took revenge at noon. The other is that he will die soon, so he can meet his wife at Jiuquan. Third, he can't rest assured of his parents. Zhou Shun is a dutiful son. When his parents are old, Zhou Shun is really afraid that they will get the news of their own death and will die even if they can't bear the blow. There is also the fear of death.

Zhou Shun was suffering in his heart. Two brothers of Jindao Gang came, "brother Shun, I'm sorry. Let's go!" Zhou Shun's heart was more heavy, and he knew that his death was coming. Zhou Shun was brought into the office. As soon as he entered the office, the eyes of the backbone of Jindao gang were red, and they all frowned and glared. Some said, "Zhou Shun, you white eyed wolf, Zhou Shun, you son of a bitch!" Curse one after another, long Aotian waved his hand to let everyone quiet.

Long Aotian turns his back and looks at Zhou Shun. In fact, long Aotian is very sad because he wants to kill Zhou Shun and his good brother. Long Aotian can't bear it, but he has to. Long Aotian can be said to be a good actor. His heart is very sad, but he can't see it on the surface at all. He can only see the anger on his face.

Long Aotian pointed to Zhou Shun and asked, "Zhou Shun, as the God of war of the golden sword Gang, you are one of the most trusted people of elder brother Jin. Why are you ungrateful and kill elder brother Jin?"

"Well, long Aotian, I killed this son of a bitch for my own reason. Don't ask. Now that it's your mobile phone, it's my bad luck. If you want to kill it or cut it, whatever! "

"Ha ha, Zhou Shun, you are in my hands, you are still so horizontal! I advise you to tell me who let you kill brother Jin! As long as you cooperate well, I can make you die happily, otherwise I will make you die not and live not! I slowly torture you

"Well, whatever, grandfather, I'll give up!"

"OK, Tao Yuan, do it!"

Tao Yuan came over and said, "Zhou Shun, I advise you to be obedient. You may not understand brother Long's means. He has a hundred ways to let you talk. I don't want to see you suffer. You'd better be obedient."

Zhou Shun was silent for a while. "Well, for the sake of our good friendship, I'll tell you the truth. I'm the undercover of tiger gang in Jindao gang. Our boss, tiger, asked me to kill Jindao!" Zhou Shun's words have been arranged with long Aotian, but the people of Jindao Gang don't know. When they hear that Zhou Shun is an undercover of the tiger Gang, they are all angry, "kill him!"“ Cut him With a sneer on his face, Zhou Shun didn't say a word. Long Aotian waved his hand to make everyone quiet, and then said, "Zhou Shun is the undercover of the tiger gang. It takes three knives and six holes to clean up the traitors and undercover agents according to the morality of the river and lake. But I think it's cruel. I'm going to take Zhou Shun to elder brother Jin's death and shoot him! "“ It's not too cheap for him! "“ I have said that as long as he is honest, I will give him a good time! Since you leave this matter to me, I'll take it! Tao Yuan, Yang Shuai, take Zhou Shun out! " Tao Yuan and Yang Shuai agreed to put Zhou Shun out, and the backbone of long Aotian and Jindao gang went out with them? In front of Jindao, long Aotian kicks Zhou Shun's leg, and Zhou Shun "Putong" kneels down. Long Aotian took out his pistol and put it on Zhou Shun's head. He said in his heart: "brother, I'm sorry!" A cruel, pull the trigger, "pa" sound, Zhou Shun's life ended. All the people on the scene cried, most of them crying again. Long Aotian, Yang Shuai, Tao Yuan, Zou Xubin and Zhai Chun, who knew the inside story, cried Zhou Shun. After crying for a long time, Zou Xubin wiped his tears and said, "brothers, Zhou Shun said just now that he was a member of the tiger gang. The tiger let him kill our elder brother. Now that our elder brother is gone, the golden sword gang has no leader, and the fierce tiger Gang must take advantage of the opportunity. So the most urgent thing is to quickly choose a temporary elder brother to preside over the overall situation. "“ Yes, bingo is right Said one of the key members of the Jindao gang. It's the internal affairs of other people's Jindao gang. Long Aotian can't interrupt, so he has to listen quietly. One of the backbones said, "I suggest bingo be our eldest brother to take charge of the overall situation!"“ Yes, let bingo be the big brother“ Let bingo be the big brother“ This, I thank brothers, but I am not suitable to be big brother! Which of you is the elder brother? I can help him. I can't do it if I'm on my own! " Zou Xubin doesn't refuse. He is telling the truth. Zou Xubin is resourceful, but he has nothing to do with it. The elder brother of a gang should not only be resourceful, but also be brave and good at fighting. When it's critical, he has to fight in person. Zou Xubin can't do that, so he's not suitable to be the elder brother“ What about that? " The backbone of Jindao gang has no idea“ Brothers, I have a suggestion. I suggest brother long be our elder brother. Do you agree? " The backbone of the Jindao Gang looked at long Aotian and was silent for a while. They all said, "OK, let brother long be our elder brother!" Long Aotian was very happy when he heard this voice, but he couldn't agree immediately and refused again and again, "brothers, this can't do! I'm a friend invited by elder brother Jin. I can't make a fuss. If I were your elder brother, what would my friends in the world think of me? " As soon as Zou Xubin saw long Aotian acting, he had to cooperate with him, "brother long, don't refuse! You don't know. Elder brother Jin once told me that he intended to give the golden sword Gang to elder brother long. Because elder brother Jin doesn't think he is suitable to be the elder brother of the gang. Only by giving the golden sword Gang to elder brother long can the golden sword Gang go further. So brother long, don't refuse! "“ Let brother long be our boss The brothers of Jindao gang are all on their knees“ What do you mean, brothers? "“ Brother long, if you don't agree, we can't get up on our knees until you agree! "“ Here, here, get up Long Aotian is happy in his heart, but he has to make a difficult appearance on the surface. Everyone stood up, and long Aotian said, "since my brother is so kind, I will not respect him. But we have agreed in advance that I am just your temporary boss. If you have a suitable person in the future, I will retire!"“ Good! Brother dragon, brother dragon The people of Jindao Gang cheered. Long Aotian nodded, "brothers, now our top priority is to bury brother Jin, and then fight tiger Gang to avenge brother Jin!"“ We all listen to brother Long's arrangement! "“ OK, I'm going to ask you to wake brother Jin for three days and go to the funeral in three days. In these three days, we must take strict precautions to prevent other forces from attacking us! Tao Yuan, Yang Shuai, you two lead the brothers to strengthen prevention. If someone invades us, we will never forgive him! "“ Yes, brother dragon“ Don't worry“ Xubin, you arrange the brothers to wake the elder brother in batches! In addition, you are also responsible for finding a good graveyard for big brother. "“ All right, I'll take care of it! " Long Aotian has arranged for his strength.