Chapter 162 - The Strange Curse of Emperor Caomh

Returning to the Holy Empire, the Prime Minister did not believe such nonsense from his Omega Emperor, their Emperor's uncontrolled libido was well known, but they were literally weak against the power he wielded over all Zerg Angelic.

The quarrels reoccurred for a while longer, they decided they could test an attack against the Diablo Empire and if they were lucky they could capture General Gyasi or Prince Chad in the attempt.​​

Of course, Emperor Caomh would not believe his subjects would perform such a favor for him, so he himself was already planning to send a dark and secret attack to try to get one of those alphas.

No one understood the pain he felt with each estrus and each time he exerted his cleansing power to drive away from the mysterious dark energies that had arisen shortly after he assumed the throne.

Even the priests were of little help in purging that dark mass that was trying to engulf their main planet. Over the course of his first two years in office, he acquired a disease or a severe curse that every full moon he would go into estrus, but would be so painful that he would rather kill himself.

Caomh after the meeting looked at the calendar and saw that there was little time to the full moon, he felt anxious and remembered the disapproving look of his prime minister, he smirked and let the memory spread.

It's not like Cearnaigh knew how he felt every month, so he picked up a red stone that was carved into an eye-shaped "Ozir" and stroked it slowly before addressing his most loyal personal assistant:

"Call the witch"

Broanán bowed to the emperor and left the room to secretly contact the famous witch who had appeared a few years ago. He would have to bring her into the palace without the prime minister finding out.

Unfortunately, the witch was quite busy and was unable to leave according to her assistants, which put Emperor Caomh in a very bad mood. The first full moon of the month arrived and none of the witches appeared, Caomh passed the curse and his mood became even worse in the following days.

In fact, no one knew who the witch really was, one day she simply appeared in a golden cloud, descended from heaven to the garden, and before the emperor presented herself as the witch.

It was not known her species, what god she served, if she had a master, and what she wanted with Emperor Caomh, but her predictions were accurate, which won the emperor's trust.

The witch without anyone knowing how she found out about Emperor Caomh's problem and prophesied that the cure for his pains was his being marked by the most perfect of his enemies.

An empire as large as the Holy Empire had some enemies, but by investigations, there was no such thing as perfection, until the spies discovered Ade's problem to get a mate, which was a year before Gyasi was forced to return to the Diablo Empire to marry Mu Liang.

Ade was the genetically perfect Zerg Diablo!

Emperor Caomh did not accept the fact at first, after all, that was his greatest enemy, he tried all palliative measures to ease the pain that seemed to tear his soul. He had horrible pains once every full moon, he wanted very much to die, but he didn't even have the strength to kill himself, and then there were several vassals taking care of him so that he wouldn't attempt against his own life.

The personality of a nobleman was distorted little by little until the witch found him and prophesied about his future and how he could get rid of the pain.

"The quickest and most palliative solution, your majesty, is for you to be filled with a certain amount of s.e.m.e.n inside your uterus"

The witch told him once when he despaired enough to seek her out once more, even though he didn't accept such a solution of being with a Zerg Diablo.

"I'll end up getting pregnant," Caomh said in a very negative way. Having a child was something very important, imagine if he gets pregnant every time he enters the period of pain?

"That will not happen, your majesty. Like emperor Ade, your majesty cannot have children as they are not a perfect match for perfection for mortals, your majesty and emperor Ade are very rare and unfortunate exceptions. Unless..."

"Unless?" Caomh asked a little anxiously. If he couldn't have children, this would be chaos. He didn't have omega brothers and sisters, all were unfortunately born betas in his generation, the few uncles and aunts who had omega children... Well, they were pretty incompetent nobles and would not be easily accepted by ministers and public servants elected by the people.

"Unless a god comes down to earth and grants him some s.e.m.e.n to your majesty"

"You wanton creature! Are you kidding me?" Caomh said angrily at such bold words from the woman in front of him, if not for the respect the emperor had for the witch, he would have already asked the guards to take her away.

Of course, with the witch's abilities, any guard would be useless, but in the moment of rage, Caomh forgot this detail.

"I'm not kidding and I didn't mean to offend you, your majesty. I'm just telling you the truth," the woman said as calm as the water in a lake, without the slightest ripple of feeling.

"What if I follow what you said before about Emperor Ade?"

"You can have a child since you have the same origin as the Zerg"

The conversation lasted for a while and Caomh figured out just the right amount of s.e.m.e.n he needed to consume days before the pain started again, this way he would have less pain and it would be tolerable enough for him to just take anesthetics to get through the day, thus, he came to be known as the L.e.w.d Emperor.

Of course, only inside the capital of the empire, outside the capital was he the man of high moral standing and heroic sense of justice. It would be a shame if the truth came out.

"But does it have to be just Emperor Ade?" Caomh asked the witch one day when she brought him medicine to heal his wounds caused by the mass of darkness trying to reach their territory.

Even using a powerful Mecha, the shadows still infiltrated and caused him damage, despite not being deadly, but leaving him ugly marks and a foul smell.

"To cure your chronic pain it can be any one of Emperor Ade's brothers, instead of having several partners you will only need one of them to serve you s.e.m.e.n, but so that you can have children and never feel this kind of pain again it must be Emperor Ade or someone else who has reached the degree of genetic perfection"

"I understand"

For Emperor Caomh there is no choice but to roll around in bed with a Zerg Diablo, which can be considered the greatest humiliation for him as an Angelic Zerg.

Days after her meeting with the Prime Minister, after Concubine Jang's success, the witch finally appeared to the emperor once more.

"Your Majesty, I have something urgent to tell you" the woman had her face completely covered by a mask that left only her delicate pink lips to be seen.

"Finally you showed your face around here, I called you days ago, but you ignored me..." Emperor Caomh said grumpily, it had been a day since the full moon and he still felt some pain, despite being very little compared to before he took palliative measures.

"We don't have time for this, your majesty!"

"Tell me what is so urgent"

"I found out that Emperor Ade found a partner..."

"This is impossible! Is there someone so genetically perfect in the Diablo Empire?" Caomh couldn't believe that Ade had found a partner and he hadn't even managed to calm his pain completely.

"A god descended to..."

"Don't start with your nonsense!"

"I'm not talking nonsense, I received an oracle that a mighty divine entity is in this world and chose Emperor Ade as his companion"

"This is ridiculous!" Caomh couldn't believe Emperor Ade's tremendous luck, besides, it was so surreal that a god had descended into the mortal world, that it took him a while to recover and face the witch.

"What else? You wouldn't waste your time here looking at me if you didn't have more to say"

"Congratulations, your majesty!" the witch began in a cheerful voice, which startled Emperor Caomh.

"Which? Have you gone mad Marially?" Caohm was so surprised that he called the witch's name, which she had forbidden him to do before.

"I'm not crazy, but Ade's son can save you from giving pain forever"


"Two perfect beings, of course, they generated a perfect baby"

"Now I understand"

"I advise that the hatred feud between you be over as soon as possible, your majesty is quite young, so when Ade's son is ready to marry the age difference will not be so great..."

"Impossible to do this now," Caomh said with desolation.

"What have you done now?"

"I didn't do anything... But there's no way Emperor Ade can accept our nation's peace terms"

"Well then I'll have to tell you another good news, but thanks to your nation's efforts it's as dangerous as trying to marry the son of Emperor Ade"

"Which is?" Caomh asked brightening up, who knows he could hope.

"There will be a divine convention in the mortal plane"

"What does that mean?"

"That several gods will descend to the mortal world, don't ask me why I just know that there will be many gods gathered for a few days..."

"That's great! I too can find my predestined match among them…" Emperor Caomh interrupted the witch's speech, but the woman's silence left him disconcerted and he fell silent.

"The meeting will take place at the Diablo Empire, more precisely at Emperor Ade's palace, will you be able to get an invitation to go there?"

Emperor Caomh: (...)

How can Emperor Ade be so lucky?!

How will I know, your majesty?

"There is something else you have to say, don't hide anything from me," Caomh said, depressed by all the news he received.

"For now it's just that, your majesty," the witch said bowing and saying goodbye, her body dissolved in a colorful mist, Caomh didn't even blink at this magical action of the witch.

It wasn't the first time seeing such extravagant output, of course, the first time he was startled and fascinated, but the witch didn't reveal the secret of such a performance.

"Oh, just one more thing... There will be an incident that will take a young man named Mu Liang to one of your nation's territories, if you help him my master told me I could grant you a request, as long as it's not forcing someone else to give you love..."

Emperor Caomh: (...)

This is what I need most! So what the hell was I going to ask your master? Ah, be more reasonable, I am the emperor! How could I move to save...

"If you accept my master's request, maybe you can get an invitation or a way to go to the Emperor's palace of the Diablo Empire and get the mark of a god for you"

Emperor Caomh: (...)

As I was saying, I emperor of justice and wisdom could not leave a friend lost in such a dangerous place!

"I'm glad you accepted the mission, my teacher is someone very generous with men who behave well"

The witch's voice seemed to be mocking Emperor Caomh's fake performance, so colored mist was coming out the window.

"Ah, my master asked to warn you too to be careful with the shadow beings, they like to consume powerful souls" so the witch finally disappeared from the imperial palace.

Emperor Caomh: (...)

Hey, can't you go off like this and not explain to me what the shadow beings are?! Are they vampires?! Are they monsters?!

Of course, soon Emperor Caomh will know what the witch meant.