While the Sacred Empire plotted the next steps to try to overthrow the Diablo Empire, in the patronage used by the hippodrome of the imperial capital the golden clouds with pink and the violet and red sky became even brighter, but still, no one seemed to notice such a spectacle of Colors.

Suddenly the clouds became a hurricane gathering all the colors and with lightning and thunder that seemed to tear the sky and attack the colored hurricane, it was a devastating spectacle of nature, unfortunately, no one could see anything yet.

At the end of the night everything calmed down and the golden and pink clouds descended to the prairie floor, the night seemed even more beautiful and brighter, a strong wind passed and blew away the strange colored clouds revealing a tall, handsome man with long hair black like a silk cloak.

His skin was a soft shade of yellow as if he had been sprinkled with the finest white gold, he seemed to glow, his dark brown eyes and long lashes seemed to engulf the soul of whoever stared at them, his wide lips looked slightly cruel with a small scar at the corner of his mouth, the long nose looked imposing in the male face that had a strong chin and high cheekbones.

His thick sword-like eyebrows rose slightly in surprise at his surroundings, the wind slapped his strong body making his tunic sway and mess, his long hair eerily seemed to float around him and there was a peculiar glow to his wrists. that showed themselves as the wind blew their long, loose sleeves.

"Strange" the man spoke with a curious tone in his baritone voice, as he raised his hand before the three moons that lit up the patronage.

A large hand with long fingers, short, polished nails, the strong pulse was illuminated by the moonlight revealing a tattoo that was similar to a bracelet made with patterns unknown to the world today, but if Mu Liang could see such patterns he would understand a lot. well, since it was similar to Old World Alchemy patterns.

"The senses of these mortals are much stronger than the senses of mortals in my world," the man thought, inhaling air and smelling a range of distinct and much more refined scents than when he had walked as a mortal on one of his quests for the gods.

"Don't get too distracted, Cheng-Gong" the voice of the goddess Lan-Lan rang in the man's mind.

"Your Majesty told me I could have fun without worrying about the repercussions..."

"You can have fun, but you still have to help my protégé, after all, my husband will ask what the hell are you doing in the dimension of another divine pantheon"

"All right, I'll help your protégé, so I'll give myself a vacation," Cheng-Gong said resignedly.

"From time to time, I'll drop by to make sure you haven't forgotten your promise to me," the goddess Lan-Lan said very seriously, which was odd given her playful personality, so she disappeared without another word.

"Now… what is this? Ah, a system?" Cheng-Gong said absently as he felt something throbbing in his head.

"Welcome Master Cheng-Gong, I'm Kiara your personal system developed by the goddess Lan-Lan to help you on your mission and connect with the new world"

Kiara's voice was soft and gentle, but Cheng-Gong didn't feel at ease, he felt apprehensive as the goddess Lan-Lan seemed very serious about his mission so he would have to act very quickly so you can take your dream vacation.

Who said being a god was easy?!

"The goddess Lan-Lan wanted to make sure that you kept her promises and also that you would have fun, so she made a list of things you should do and some random quests pop up as the quest progresses."

"This is ridiculous! I won't do any more missions than I've already promised!" Cheng-Gong was angry at such an impertinent system.

"Failure to complete any of the missions generated by the system will result in the immediate death of this avatar and the master will be penalized with more work time when he returns to the pantheon of the gods"

Cheng-Gong: (...)

I was cheated!

Though Kiara's voice was soft and gentle, the content of her words was like acid splashing in Cheng-Gong's face, just thinking that he would be penalized with more work, he wanted to become a good dutiful boy not to be punished.

"Okay, okay, show me my main mission..."








Cheng-Gong: (...)

Hey, I don't even know what the main quest is! Don't play random missions for me... Don't ignore me, let's tell me what omega is?

While Cheng-Gong was fighting his beloved Kiara system for more justice, Keita Azekel was riding his Golden Cloud Panther. This was a special mount that had golden cloud tattoos on its legs that allowed it to walk across the sky.

The day had been stressful, in fact, every day has been stressful since the terrorism in the outer garden of the palace, since many other terrible things happen, Keita Azekel felt a peculiar aroma in the air, was it already autumn?

The Prime Minister looked around and saw only the long prairie stretched out before his pretty malty eyes, but the peculiar scent seemed to travel past him and left him deeply curious.

He guided Seiran, the golden cloud panther, to where the peculiar scent seemed to come.

Cheng-Gong who struggled with the unfair system he was given didn't realize that his agitated state of mind stirred up the pheromones of his new body, as he still didn't adapt to his new body, the angrier he felt the greater the domain as Alpha.

How great is the dominion of a divine being?

Well, that's not accurate, even Emery marked by Ade wore a choker to contain his pheromones, which already shows the abnormality between normal people and divine beings.

Keita looked in all directions until he found a lonely person who seemed to be looking at the starry sky, sitting on a rock in contemplation of nature. The aroma came from that person, still curious, but cautious Keita approached having already prepared countermeasures if the person represented a threat to his life.

In modern times meeting a stranger in a prairie could be certain death, but the scent that person gave off made Keita feel strange. He descended from the skies drawing the attention of the person who still looked a little dazed.

Cheng-Gong stopped arguing with Keira and looked at the stranger descending from the skies in a strange black tiger.

Kiara: This is a panther, master haven't you studied about this world?

Cheng-Gong: The mountain and lake goddess just recruited me and threw me here.

Kiara: (...)

I was deceived!

The poor system also felt that it was deceived by the goddess Lan-Lan.

Her master didn't even know what an omega was!

Living in an ABO world and he doesn't even know what omega is!

"Who are you?" Keita asked some distance from Cheng-Gong, the aroma became even stronger and reminded him of the autumn cold, finally, Keita understood why he felt strange, this alpha's strong pheromones were preventing his body from entering estrus.

Cheng-Gong watched the silvery moonlight illuminate the ebony skin of the man who had come down from the sky, the messy brown hair, the malt-colored eyes seemed to glow in the silvery moonlight, and the bright red lips looked moist and tempting...

The alchemy god seemed to realize the strange state he was in at the moment, his new body seemed to react to the soft smell like spring rain that emitted from the strange man.

Upon feeling Keita's pheromones, Cheng-Gong felt greedy and wanted to have that person for himself at that moment, his mind became chaotic, but he managed to control himself despite the strong heartbeat and he breathed with some difficulty, or better, trying not to breathe.

"I won't ask again, who are you? What are you doing here in the private territory?" Keita asked ignoring his instincts as the omega of wanting to surrender to the powerful alpha, he pulled out a quantum bullet gun and aimed it at Cheng-Gong.

Cheng-Gong looked a little surprised and a little amused at this weak mortal's attitude towards him, that distracting thought made him forget he had to stop breathing, so once again he inhaled Keita's pheromones and lost his mind.

"What...you!" Keita said before having his gun grabbed by something invisible and thrown away. Seiran growled softly at Cheng-Gong but with just one look, the black panther of golden clouds obediently dropped to the ground.

Keira: Where did you get this catnip?

Cheng-Gong: I produced it myself!

Panther: (...)

I was cheated!

Keita was in big trouble, facing a dangerous alpha with powerful pheromones.

Cheng-Gong, on the other hand, didn't know anything except that he should have that man in his arms at any cost.