Chapter 135 - A strange fate (part.2)

The elegant man glanced briefly at his assistant and took a sip of coffee, only to look away from the worried eyes of the other man.

"Don't call me Duke, just Lord Roho or Young Master" a man who looked to be in his thirties, with short blue hair like the summer sky, almond-shaped eyes with long pale lashes that contrasted with the dark amber-black skin, and purple irises replied in a reproachful tone.

"But Duke, this is dangerous…" the assistant wanted to insist.

"We're in disguise, so behave like a businessman and his secretary. It's not that hard, Chisulo" Roho said even more seriously, as he took a stuffed biscuit and put it in his mouth, the crumbs spread across his lips full of cherry pink, making him run his tongue under his lips leaving them even brighter.


"I am responsible for this operation and we are just looking around. Don't worry I won't do anything crazy or illegal. I don't want to jeopardize the police operation," Roho said reassuring his assistant.

Duke Achebe in addition to being a nobleman who commands his lands and older brother of the retired empress and uncle of the current emperor, he also received missions from time to time from the Diablo Empire.

This time, he was assigned to oversee the Gem Rescue operation carried out by the intergalactic police, which is related to the kidnapping and trafficking of male omegas.

Although the Diablo Empire along with its lands and other planets are thriving, it doesn't mean that other Zerg species aren't warring around the world or even other species allied with Diablo Zerg are now in a battle to maintain their properties.

Of course, it's the ordinary people who suffer from all this, which results in a huge migration to planets they consider safer than their homes.

Add that with totalitarian empires that hunt minorities or even religious empires that hunt other religious entities, so there is a huge influx of immigration to the Diablo Empire every day.

Fortunately, the Diablo Empire greatly appreciates immigrants, especially to inhabit the new planets that still needed to be better developed and needed more manpower and population to grow stronger.

They were especially receptive to species such as dwarves and other zerg, as they could help improve and better develop the conquered terrain. What is quite different from the time of the wars that immigrants were seen with hostility by the population of the Diablo Empire.

The problem was not that Duke Achebe is responsible for overseeing this important operation, the problem is that the Duke came in hiding to see for himself where most of the male omegas disappeared.

His assistant was rightly worried, luckily he had already contacted the intergalactic police and everyone would be on the line soon if something happened.

What the poor Chisulo didn't realize was that there was a traitor among the police and that things were going to escalate to something out of control.

Duke Achebe, not realizing that he was at risk for his life, was thinking about the last issue that was discussed in the family council:

His wedding.

Yes, Duke Achebe was still an omega single man, and that had been many years ago, which made the duchy council worried about the duke's status. Since unfortunately the only one to have children was Nehand of all the sons of the late Duke Achebe.

The other two older brothers and Nehand's two younger brothers didn't have children and they were unmarried. This was a duchy inherited only by omegas, but the only person who couldn't inherit the duchy because she was married to the imperial family is the only person who had children.

The truth is that Roho made the excuse of going to work on the police operation, a fieldwork, to avoid more meetings and check lists of suitors for his future marriage.

Of the five sons of the late Duke Achebe, Roho was the only one who developed his divine abilities to the full, and could even change his height and body weight if he wanted, some even speculated that he could change his pheromones at will from him.

Of course, Roho's true appearance was his current one, but it didn't matter as no one would believe him if he said that, after all, could anyone believe that the duke would go around with his true appearance?

The answer is no, the assistant next to Roho also didn't know that this was his real appearance, as he often made himself very tall and with much darker hair, in addition, the features of his face changed to more features juvenile and delicate, when in fact he has more masculine and bold features.

Roho knew he would have to marry, as his brothers were "kind" enough not to marry, so he didn't have a good nephew who could be guided to be Duke Achebe's new heir.

However, Roho like Ade had a big compatibility problem, although his situation is more similar to Gyasi, as there were people genetically compatible with him, but he didn't want any of those people. He resembled Ade in the sense that in these long years he had never been interested in any alpha, beta, or other omega.

Of course, Roho could only marry the average alpha, as if he were an extreme alpha if they had kids there was a risk of something similar to what happened to Nehand and he only having alpha-extreme kids, that would be a big problem if such a thing happened since the Achebe duchy can only be inherited by omegas.

There was also the issue that Roho could not get involved with anyone who was not a zerg diablo hybrid or a pure zerg diablo either, as this could harm the Achebe Family bloodline.

While Roho and the assistant were eating slowly from the private room outside in the hallway Mu Qiao was strolling and enjoying the half-n.a.k.e.d paintings and statues which were small in size but very interesting for this half-elf who had little contact with the culture of the Diablo Empire.

He was "alone" after much persuading Liu Quiang and Luan Huo that he would be fine and that he would not leave the inn, of course, only after Mu Qiao took two imperial guards who would stay away was the second prince allowed to go out for a walk.

As Alpha-Extreme his pride felt a little hurt, plus he is a top International League Mecha fighter in SSS rank, in short he was very strong and the others should be afraid of him and not the contrary.

If Luan Huo weren't a human with no genetic connection to the Seers, the world might think that Luan Huo could predict the future.

Mu Qiao stopped in a hallway that had a pretty picture of one of the zerg emperors wearing ancient combat gear, he was riding a black panther with glowing yellow eyes, the feline's powerful paws were on top of some ancient species of red ogre.

The half-elf was very focused when two people bumped into him, there was a strange group of six tall, dark-skinned men. Unlike Mu Liang who was already used to the natives of the Diablos Empire, which consisted of many black-skinned people with hair in a variety of volumes and colors, in addition to the brightly colored clothes they wore, for Mu Qiao it was still new and he can't help but pay attention to this group.

Also, the two people who bumped into him didn't come back to apologize which left Mu Qiao with a bad impression of them, the phoenix eyes narrowed as he saw the group stopped not far from him.

"Stay bets, this group is suspicious... Activate the Mecha armor!" Mu Qiao was talking to the hidden guards when one person in the group pulled out a gun and took aim at him without any warning.

Mu Qiao quickly activated the mecha armor and activated the absorption barrier, luckily it was a quantum energy bullet and not cosmic energy, so the impact wasn't much and it was completely absorbed.

Then chaos broke out in the small inn.

"Duke, we have to get out of here now!" the assistant grabbed Roho's arm and was ready to flee through the emergency exit, but the enemy seemed to be prepared and entered through the emergency exit, in addition to the noisy confusion that was taking place at the entrance to the room.

"Insolent!" Chisulo said angrily and quickly the mecha armor covered his body. Only they only received mocking smiles from the enemies who also activated the mecha armor.

The battle was not going to be easy, and Duke Achebe's life seemed to be hanging by a thread.

However, something strange happened and the enemies outside became silent and the door was opened very slowly, even the enemies became restless and looked in that direction.