Chapter 134 - A strange fate (part.1)

The emperor was already ready to leave for the meeting hall accompanied by his servants and followers, this would be a long meeting. In the great hall, the figure of Emery wearing a pale outfit of a celestial blue tone stood out between the black of the n.a.k.e.d statues, the red of the long carpet, and the gold items that graced the room.

Ade and Emery's eyes met, the emperor got nervous and asked everyone to go on without him, of course, the imperial guards stayed close by in case anything bad could happen.

"Is your body okay?" Ade asked after a short silence. He didn't know how to broach the subject without looking like he was pressuring Emery to accept the position of empress.

"My body is already recovered, I'm a half-dragon, you know, I'm not so weak," Emery said with a bit of petulance, which showed he was in a good mood.

"So... Emery, did you remember about our talk yesterday?" finally the emperor asked what he had wanted to know since he awoke.

"I wasn't too drunk to forget what we did yesterday or what I promised... And not that Your Majesty asked to... Repeat the dose" Emery said coughing a little at the end, seeing the strange looks of the guard's Imperials who showed that they were attentive to the conversation.

Ade didn't much mind talking about everything freely, but seeing Emery act a little shy made him feel a strong urge to go back to his room and play all day.

The emperor's searing gaze fell on Emery and he received a very conceited look that he liked to be looked at in that way, which made the emperor even more greedy and regretted the schedule that would not allow him to spend more time with his beloved.

Emery though embarrassed pulled Ade into a hug and chastely kissed his cheek. After marking the emperor as his own, Emery felt that the bond between him and Ade had grown a lot, which made him more emotional and acting out of the ordinary, even a little softer and less arrogant around the emperor.

"We'll talk more tonight," Emery whispered softly into the emperor's ear, releasing him and hurrying down the wide hallway. His ears were red and he looked like he was running away from something.

Ade finally had his mind and heart at ease, so he headed for the meeting, not imagining that there would be no time to meet Emery because of the thunderous news he would receive at today's meeting.

On space station KY9, several spacecraft was landing and a few dozen more were flying off. The station was busy with several known species and some strange species, but all were being rigorously searched and watched.

Black surveillance orbs were everywhere, security guards and intergalactic police made rounds and heavy surveillance, there were animals similar to the old Cheetahs only with a reddish coat and they had horns protruding from the top their heads.

Of course, the space rings would pass a proper inspection before entering and anyone with firearms or any item deemed dangerous must make a record, with the user's genetic signature and send it to the space station's central database, from there it will be sent to the intergalactic police to be filed and investigated.

Since the terrorist attacks, the surveillance has been very strict, after passing through a long inspection a half-elf man with long black hair as dark as a raven's wings finally passed through to enter the teleport area in order to enter the Diablo Empire.

Unfortunately, with all the bureaucracy and strict supervision, they would have to stay in this area for at least 24 hours. Fortunately, this was an area that had inns and hotels, even shops and restaurants with entertainment venues.

As he'd expect there was tension in the air looking at everyone who seemed to be acting a little more cautious than usual and there were even a few nervous people looking around.

The most carefree were certainly the tourists and those who were just passing through to other planets. The half-elf's phoenix eyes narrowed a little as he watched what appeared to be a hybrid between a snake (beastmen) and a human, because of the glowing scales that were exposed on the person's neck it wasn't hard to tell it was a hybrid, a tall man with a lean physique but who was acting nervously.

Hybrids don't have the fine-tuned control to camouflage their wild powers well, so a part of the other ends up being shown. Or maybe they didn't care so much, as their human form was permanent, unlike pure beastmen.

The beastmen were known for their proud attitudes, even the hybrids had a proud attitude and were very communicative, but this man looked very different from what was expected. Of course, the person could just be sick or be the exception to the rule, but his attitude stood out in the half-elf's eyes.

The glowing blue-gray eyes lingered only a few seconds on the figure of the half-snake man, just long enough to meet the other party's golden gaze and the nervous man hurried away.

"This guy is taking something illegal," the half-elf told his friend. Looking to the side was a man with a more frail figure who had a shy presence.

"Prince Qiao, please don't make outrageous assumptions" who had responded was the prince's assistant. The assistant was a fully human beta male, with short brown hair, skin the color of soft white gold, and dark brown eyes.

"We'd better not get involved if we can't cause trouble for Mu Liang" the frail-figured man also said giving a look at the strangely acting hybrid who had stopped a bit far from their group after being startled by the look of the prince.

"Yes, you're right Sheng Piao," Mu Qiao said shrugging his shoulders and no longer paying attention to the snake man. He came to support his younger brother and not cause unnecessary trouble.

Sheng Piao also left to pay attention to the snake-man, who held tightly to the handle of the small suitcase he carried in his right hand. He had been nervous a few minutes earlier, thinking that inspection would take this item and put him under arrest as a terrorist suspect... Fortunately, the item went unnoticed.

"I hope this can help Mu Liang," Sheng Piao thought for a moment. It had been many years since he had seen his old childhood friend, who would have thought he would see this friend again when he was going to get married?

Sheng Piao didn't expect this either, but it really was happening now.

"Besides, we don't know if this person is really suspicious," the assistant repeated once more, trying to persuade the second Prince Mu not to act irrationally.

"Liu Quiang calm down, I won't do anything. It was just a casual observation," the prince replied with an amused laugh.

"Please, Prince Qiao stays out of trouble," an alpha-extreme woman said, lightly touching the prince's broad, strong shoulders. This was Luan Hui, the head of the guards who had come with the prince for the trip to the Diablo Empire.

Mu Qiao looked at the tall woman who had a very sharp look in her eyes, anyone would be wary of such a look, but the second prince Mu seemed to feel nothing, just smiled and said nothing.

Luan Hui sighed and followed in the footsteps of the second prince Mu, she well knew how this second prince liked to meddle in other people's affairs. Ten more people followed the small group, these were the imperial guards who had come to protect Prince Mu Qiao.

"Have you told my Liang'er1 yet?" Mu Qiao asked sitting at a table in the space station's restaurant. They would have to stay in that place for 24 hours until the rigorous inspection was over, so they soon found a very discreet and clean inn to stay in, they didn't want to draw unnecessary attention.

"Yes, we have already sent a message to Countess Cheng. She told us that tomorrow Chong Bo and Wu Jian would come to pick us up." Liu Quiang replied as he placed the small food testing machine on each plate that was delivered.

Like Mu Liang, Mu Qiao had the constitution of a half-elf so foods that contained Chaos Energy even slightly could cause stomach pain in him.

"I think your majesty had better take the medicine just to be on the safe side," Assistant Quiang said after finding out that most foods really didn't have Chaos Energy. However, it was always better to be safe.

"Too bad, I thought I would see my little brother first thing tomorrow morning," Mu Qiao said disappointed after taking the medicine to protect his stomach and purify the energy of chaos that could enter his body.

"That would be impossible, according to the reports we received, one of the terrorist attacks was aimed at the life of the Fourth Prince Mu and there was even the possibility of kidnapping... So the Fourth Prince Mu will have to be isolated for some time until the culprits can be found or that the tracks of these dirty rats are lost completely" Luan Huo said a little annoyed.

She was irritated by the enemy's audacity in targeting such a fragile person as Mu Liang, who was the most precious pearl in the Tang-Kai Empire.

While Mu Qiao's group was talking in one of the inn's private rooms, not far away there was another group that had also met.

"Duke... I don't think it's a good idea for us to be here now" the assistant's low voice sounded in the small dining room of the inn, he looked at the elegant man in front of him. 'er is suffixed to denote intimacy, usually used by close relatives, close friends if older, or lovers.