Chapter 126 - The diablo empire only has exhibitionists (part 2)

Emery looked outraged and agitated, he looked really drunk no matter how much Mu Liang looked at the whole situation. He didn't laugh, though he found the way Emery was behaving adorable and a little hilarious.

"I was also shocked to see the statues in the living room"

"Did you also see the nude statue of your fiance?"

"I didn't see it, I looked almost everywhere in the palace and I didn't find it," Mu Liang said feeling a little relieved not to find such a statue, he knew that the statues did not imply malice, but only extolled the beauty and pride that the Zerg Diablos had for their own bodies.

However, he felt that he would look similar to Emery, he couldn't stand others looking at his n.a.k.e.d fiancé, he would understand if such a statue was in the couple's room this would be less bad theoretically.

"Where haven't you looked?"

"Gyasi's office, I prefer to stay away from there. You know with all this business of espionage, treachery, and terrorism, I didn't want to do anything that would raise any suspicions about me."

"I bet he's hiding his statue there, only he and his subordinates can look at him n.a.k.e.d... I'm going to fight that idiot emperor! He gets all sticky and wants to get married, but lets others see him n.a.k.e.d outside! Damn exhibitionist!"

"Emery, won't you mark the emperor?" Mu Liang asked teasing poor drunk Emery.

"That's right! I will mark the bastard mine! He's just going to see what I'll do with him... Does he dare to mark me even though he has a childhood sweetheart?!"

"Childhood Girlfriend?" Mu Liang is surprised by this information, he was now wondering did Gyasi also have a childhood sweetheart too?

"Some Ona daughter of a marquise supporting the emperor... A damn omega who apparently didn't rise as empress due to incompatibility or something with Ade... But now with my existence, I can be a good concubine while that bitch gets up to be empress!!!"

"Emery, keep calm... You just mark the emperor as yours, he won't be able to take another omega or anyone else as his wife..." Mu Liang tried to calm the white dragon that looked like it would fire around by anger.

"That's right! I will mark the damn bastard! I want to see if he dares to flirt with other omegas! Perverted Emperor!"

Emery said hanging up the video call, he was determined to take satisfaction with Emperor Ade.

Emperor Ade: (...)

*working hard at the office*

Mu Liang finally started laughing, tomorrow he would ask Emery how everything had gone if the omega didn't forget what they had said due to the drunken state.

He now had an even bigger problem ahead of him, what Emery had told him about the statue might be in Gyasi's office... Sadly, he felt compelled to check it out, it didn't matter that it was late at night and that he would look very suspect entering the palace owner's office without his permission.

"We are engaged, so it should be okay," Mu Liang thought consoling himself, he still carried the gift box in his hands, anything he would use the excuse that he didn't find any object to open the gift.

It was a silly excuse, but it was a valid excuse. He approached the office after looking around and not seeing any robot servants, the door was made of crystalline material and had a slight red glow.

All the doors were made of crystalline materials, but not transparent enough to look into the rooms, which was quite annoying for Mu Liang right now.

"Please insert your fingerprint, or scan the iris of the eyes or leave a genetic material for identification, select the pull-down menu for the genetic material of your choice" the mansion's system was activated when Mu Liang knocked on the door.

A holographic screen appeared almost like a painted painting on the door, which made Mu Liang apprehensive, he well knew that the security system would be activated, even his room had a security system when he closed the door from the inside.

He took Gyasi's hair just a few strands and selected the genetic identification option, the system analyzed and asked for a second step:

"Insert cosmic energy into the indicated device to finalize identification," the system asked in its robotic tone, but for some reason, he felt that the palace system was mocking him.

Alessandra-066: Leave it to me, use the space item of the goddess Lan-Lan.

Mu Liang who for a moment had been discouraged from entering the office was suddenly reanimated by the words of his system, he took the space item and placed it in the place indicated by the palace system.

The space item began to glow with the same cosmic energy as Gyasi, which surprised Mu Liang a little until he remembered that he had been "stealing" Gyasi's yang to restore his own soul, wouldn't it be strange for the system to have stolen some cosmic energy in the process.

At the same moment the palace system sent a message to Gyasi's communicator:

"An intruder has infiltrated the office, what does the host want to do?"

Gyasi upon seeing the message felt alarmed, despite being in the middle of a meeting to discuss recent information about the Rebels, which made it impossible for him to run away immediately.

"Chiku..." Gyasi mentally called his system still keeping his expression calm as the lieutenant colonels and colonels discussed what action to take with this information, whether they should implement a violent and fast or slow but very accurate tactic in the pursuit of the Rebels, getting all kinds of evidence to let justice and a public trial could decide on the fate of these traitors.

"I already got the system recording, don't worry Host is just Prince Mu who entered the office, although I don't know how he hacked the palace system, but what does the Host want to do?" the system said already reassuring the Military General.

Gyasi was relieved for a moment until he remembered the well-kept secret in the office. He was a little afraid of how he would act on it, after all, Mu Liang had acted a bit surprised and had a more conservative thought about the n.a.k.e.d statues they had in the living room.

"Let's take a break, tomorrow we'll be back to discuss everything. Our intelligence report on the whereabouts of the leadership that launched the attack on Open Fair is still missing. The Rebels are divided into factions, so we'll have to choose which faction to attack first or if we have the resources to do a double attack for the two factions that participated in both the Inner Garden Terrorist Attack and the Open Fair Attack." Gyasi spoke calmly and normally, but everyone fell silent to listen to the military general.

Some didn't agree with intermission, but they had to agree that more information was needed to decide the tactic, plus they still had to see if they had the resources for a double attack or if they would have to ask for assistance from another Miliray General on the matter.

Except their battalion's resources were occupied with two lines of investigations, the betrayal of Concubine Jang, and the two terrorist attacks, in the end, they would have to hand at least one of those terrorist attacks to another Military General to handle it.

Everyone left the meeting room, Gyasi went to his floating car and left for his palace that he hadn't seen for many days.

"Turn on the camera, I want to see what Mu Liang is doing" Gyasi gave the order to the system, it would take at least ten minutes to reach the palace.

He hoped that Mu Liang wouldn't be too angry to see his secret in the office, but he was already getting home and would try to convince the groom not to be angry anymore.

Of course, Gyasi didn't expect to see such a hot scene on camera.

There was his half-n.a.k.e.d fiancé masturbating with a s.e.x toy in front of his statue, m.o.a.ns were clearly heard and even heavy breathing and Mu Liang calling his beloved alpha's name.

Strangely, Gyasi felt envious of his own statue at that moment.

What had happened in these few minutes, in fact, was a series of coincidences that made Mu Liang act so uninhibited in his fiance's office.

Upon entering the office, the lights illuminated the room and the life-size statue of Gyasi n.a.k.e.d appeared before the beautiful blue eyes of Mu Liang, who at first became angry, only to later regret that Gyasi was not there to fight with him; then the regret turned to long and the longing turned to frustration for several days without physical contact with his alpha.

So to take his mind off such distressing thought, he opened the gift box only to find a note and a box that contained a s.e.x toy, the shameless note said:

"I don't know if it's the size of our general, but so that the nights aren't too lonely, kindly Lutalo Taharka and Oji Adowa"

Oji Adowa: (!!!)

Lutalo Taharka: Hehehe

Mu Liang could now only agree with Emery about the exhibitionism and brazenness of the zerg diablos.