"How could it be? My 'scarlet' actually...!"

"Let me teach you how to use fire correctly."

The "flame prison hound" called by Lian ashubel gave a ferocious roar and jumped at Claire.


"Claire, get out of the way!"

With the sharp wind breaking in my ears, the ice arrow bullet passed over Claire's head and broke the hound.

"Thanks, Lindsay!"

"Oh... It was you who inherited the strongest magic ice spirit of Lauren Frost's family."

"You, you know about utia?" Linsley was stunned.

Lian ashubel didn't respond much. She silently summoned a swirling flame on her hands.

"Scarlet, let's go!"

Claire poured divine power into her hand, and the whip of inflammation immediately regained its vitality and burned like a new life.

The red arc cut through the air - in an instant, the opponent's figure disappeared dimly.


The next second, Claire's vision was filled with the bright red mask.

"How? Is it an instant move?"

"Fire is not only specialized in destruction, but also one of its characteristics is to use transpiration air flow to create illusion and confuse the enemy." Lian ashubel's tone seemed to be like a teacher teaching students.

The fist with fire hit Claire's heart hard.

Under the cover of the flame, Claire was easily knocked away and hit the ground hard.

"Hum... Goo ah...!"

She found herself unable to breathe, and the fire around her consumed all the oxygen nearby.

While struggling, Claire restored the inflamed whip to the shape of a fire cat; Scarlet immediately helped his master eat the flames entangled in him like creatures with a strong appetite.

In the flickering light of the fire, Lian ashubel's figure moved forward again.

"Cold ice teeth, run through the enemy -- 'magic ice arrow bullet'!"

Countless arrows of ice tore through the night. Unexpectedly, Lian ashubel had no intention of avoiding.

"The red city wall that resists all armies and stands firm -- 'magic inflammation barrier'."

Suddenly, the flame wall suddenly appeared between the two, and all the arrows of ice evaporated.

"The accuracy and speed of shooting are not bad - unfortunately, the power is insignificant; it will be a fatal wound for you as a sniper."

Lian ashubel said, shooting a fiery arrow bullet across the high wall of fire in return for Linsley.

Linsley wanted to hit again with the arrow of ice, but it was too late.

"You won't succeed -- 'magic inflammation barrier'!"

Claire reacted on the spot and launched the same elf magic as her.


"Ah ah!"

The arrow of fire bullet ran through the burning wall of Claire without any effort and flew them to the trees on one side.

"Well, how... Maybe...!"

"You can't compare with me in terms of the proficiency of elf magic or the upper limit of Shenwei's energy. Therefore, even if you use the same magic, the power will be different."


This is the great disparity of equal pressure. Both sides use the same inflammation attribute magic, but there can be such a big difference.

Wearing a mask, the spirit envoy stepped on the burning sea of fire and approached them slowly.

The flaming fire cat stood up in front of its owner, as if to protect the knocked down Claire.

"Scarlett, no!"

Ignoring Claire's cry, scarlet issued a sharp roar and jumped at the enemy in front of him.

The masked girl easily dodged the attack and waved her fist. The fire cat elves screamed and fell to the ground.


"The well-known spirit weapon can't be better without the liberation of its real name -"

"Real name liberation?" Claire, lying on the ground, frowned and mused.

My grandfather said that as the real name of the spirit, scarlet has long been forgotten and lost. Why does this person know this?

"Claire Lucho, you really let me down. People like you are not qualified to play against me in the final."


In the palm of his hand, Lian ashubel summoned a huge sphere formed by flames.

It's an elf magic - "fire ball", but its amazing size is not comparable to Claire's "fire ball".

"If you receive that blow on the front, you will definitely..."

Claire was shocked and turned to look back.

Linsilei, who had just been knocked down by the arrow bullet of inflammation, was still groaning in pain.

In her current situation, she can't get up and hide——



Claire's ponytail hair bundle suddenly spread out and burned up like a flame.

A pair of ruby eyes burst into flames.


Lian ashubel, who shot the "fire ball", uttered an exclamatory whisper across the mask.

The red lotus flame emitted by Claire's hands actually swallowed the opponent's huge karma fire attack - correctly, it should burn the opponent's attack.

The huge fireball did not explode, but disappeared out of thin air.

"Hoo... Hoo... Goo wow..."

After releasing the red lotus flame, Claire's hand was still raised in front, and then his knee softened and fell to his knees.

"Just... Just now, what's the matter...?" Linsley muttered with a stunned expression.

It's no wonder that the Fairy Magic she saw just now overturned common sense and was an incredible phenomenon.

"The flame that can burn the fire - let me see something interesting."

As she murmured to herself, Lian ashubel approached Claire, who was exhausted and lying on the ground.

Just as her finger was about to touch Claire's cheek, for a moment——

Shua -!

A dagger skimmed over the bright red mask and went straight into the ground.

"May I ask you not to touch my partner - Lian ashubel."


Hearing the familiar voice, Claire opened her eyes slightly.

"Cold weather?"

It was Mu Hantian who hurriedly arrived from the darkness with a "magic sword".

"It's you."

Mu Hantian didn't respond to Lian ashubel. He jumped out directly——

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Close the distance between us and the enemy in one breath and chop down the shining holy sword without saying a word.

The dazzling flash burst out, and the sound of soldiers attacking each other came to my ears.

In front of Lian ashubel, there was a burning sword in his hand. It was with this sword that she blocked Mu Hantian's attack.

"Is that an elf magic Costume - no, it's just a sword made of an elf magic chain..." Claire murmured in amazement.

One hit, another hit - sparks splashed in the dark, and the fierce fight between the two was dazzling.

"Do you think that kind of thing can withstand Esther's power?"

In the third attack, Lian ashubel's burning sword was shattered.

Mu Hantian took advantage of the situation to rush forward and cut with great speed.

"This battle is over," Lian ashubel whispered across the mask.

At this time, her body suddenly disappeared out of thin air like a mirage.

Mu Hantian's sword move was empty.

"Want to escape?"

"That's not true. But it's meaningless to beat you now. Don't worry, there will be a battle between you and me. I'll wait for you in the final."

There was no one in the forest shrouded in the night again, only her voice echoed in the forest.