"Mu Hantian, I have a proposal. How about our two teams form an alliance?"

"Xiao Fu... What's the reason!"

"Princess Lin, anyway, it's hard for me to defeat the witch alone. Moreover, after the fight between Weichen and Mu Hantian, I found that he was not the evil animal king in the rumor."

"Well, since you said that, Xiao Fu, that's all right." Princess Lin reluctantly nodded and agreed.

"I will not make complaints about the ghost king. I have no opinion about the alliance."

"That's absolute. The scarlet team and the four gods form an alliance here!"

Mu Hantian and Xiao Fu clapped their fists at each other.

"Anyway, shoff... Do you know where Shira Kahn is hiding?"

"As long as there is a sacrificial temple and a spring full of sacred spirituality, Her Highness Princess Lin can perform the 'vision' magic and master the location of the enemy."

"You said 'read vision'... I remember it was the highest ritual magic? This child is really powerful."

"Hey, hey, I know the power of this palace... Hey! What children, this palace is 16 years old!"

Her royal highness complained of tears, and threw it against the cold.


Well, Mira is definitely much more mature than her. Mu Hantian thought in his heart.

"Since we need sacrificial temples and springs full of sacred spirit - I think it's better to turn back to the 'stronghold' first," Alice suggested.

"OK, I'll call Claire and them. Please take them to the stronghold first, Alice."

"No problem."

After saying goodbye to Alice and others, Mu Hantian immediately ran in the direction of Claire and others.


At the same time, Claire and Lindsay ray, the living partners of the crow class, are also searching the forest in the West.

They summoned scarlet and fenril respectively, trying to track the signs of fiana's divine power and find someone.

"It seems that they did pass here."

"Uh huh... However, the next search may be very difficult. In short, it's better to meet with the students in cold weather first."

——Just then.

"What a surprise. I didn't expect to meet you here."


At first glance, they heard the voice of talking in the dark night. They couldn't help trembling and immediately put on a posture of facing the enemy.

"How could it be! We didn't feel the smell of the comer at all."

The facts were in front of her. Claire was alert that the situation was bad and the alarm bell rang in her heart.

"Who's there?" yelled Linsley. Then he unfolded the magic bow of the elf magic suit in his hand. Don't wait for the other party to answer, immediately shoot an arrow as a containment attack.

The arrow of ice shot out and dragged out a comet like tail in mid air.

"Your upbringing needs to be strengthened, Miss Lauren frost."

A red lotus flame sprang up in the dark and swallowed the attack of the arrow of ice in an instant.

The fire moved and illuminated the characters who were hidden in the dark.

"Well, you... You are...!"

Seeing each other's face, Claire's back flashed a cold.

"Cheat... No..."

Lindsay Lei also maintained the position after shooting and was stunned in situ.

Under the red lotus flame, a bright red mask emerged from the night. Dark hair fluttered in the hot wind.

"You are... Lian ashubel --!"

Claire murmured the name as if in despair.

How? Why is she here?

Doubts came to mind.

However, there is no time to think about the reason. The facts are pressing ahead. At this moment, the strongest elf envoy of this "elf Sword Dance Festival" appears in front of him.

"What should I do? How should I deal with it now?"

Claire's cold sweat slipped at her feet.

We can't do anything against her. The only choice left is whether we can find a chance to escape. Just then, Claire suddenly noticed something.

The reason why the 'strongest sword dancer' appears here at this time.

So far, the "apostles of purgatory" have taken the initiative to find the "scarlet team" several times.

If there is nothing strange in it... It may not be too optimistic.

"Is it... You are the murderer behind the abduction of fiana!" Claire asked fiercely, holding back the fear brought by the powerful existence in front of her.

"You said I took the princess of the odicia Empire?"

"No... isn't it? Yi Rong turned into a cold day... You did a good job, didn't you?"

There was silence between the two sides for several seconds——

"I see. I see."

Lian ashubel nodded thoughtfully, as if she had come up with the answer in her heart.

"Detestable witch, do you want to take one step ahead of me to ask for credit - or is it instigated by the" snake "Party of Yale Law?"

"Don't fight with me!"

Claire summoned a fire cat with a blazing flame at her feet.

In fact, she didn't think it would have the slightest deterrent effect on Lian ashubel.

Just as scarlet showed up——

"Oh, interesting --"

Lian ashubel suddenly said in a thought-provoking tone: "it turned out that it was the 'silver burning war girl' inherited by elstein's family. It's really not an elf you deserve now."

"What are you talking about?"

Lian ashubel muttered strange words to herself, and then - "interesting, let me play with you."

From her right hand with white gloves, a small flame lit up.

"Oh!" Claire clenched her lips nervously.

"Claire, what should I do now?"

"What else can I do? I have to harden my scalp!"

If she takes it seriously, in any case, they will not be able to leave.

"Well, if you want, maybe you can find a chance to escape while I'm fighting."

"Oh, don't use that boring joke to make miss Ben happy."

Lindsay Lei made up her mind, shook her head resolutely, and set up a magic ice bow in her hand.

"Lindsay, thanks."

Claire thanked her childhood playmates with a faint, almost inaudible volume. Then she turned her eyes back to the front. Facing the light that exists in the same space, she would send out a sad and oppressive feeling - the strongest elf envoy.

Her eyes saw no chance of victory or escape. Perhaps he will lose the "magic stone" here and be eliminated from the competition.

However, she firmly believes that Mu Hantian will replace them and win the competition on the last day of the "spirit sword dance festival".

——With the faith in her heart, Claire made consciousness. Now that she had consciousness in her heart, she was no longer afraid.

"Lian ashubel, can I ask you something?" said Claire.

"What's up?"

"Are you... Really that Lian ashubel?"

"Why do you ask?"

Claire stared at the red eyes hidden under the mask.

"I mean - you're not the 'strongest sword dancer' I expected... Right?"

"That's right."

The masked spirit made him admit the truth very readily.

"I'm not the person you know."

"I'm relieved to hear that."

Claire sighed with relief and then spread the whip of inflammation in her hand.

"In that case, I can go all out and don't worry!"

She shouted and threw out the whip of inflammation. The bright red flash cut, with a sad momentum, tore the dark night.

"The proficiency of using 'demon costume' is not bad, but -"

The fake elf envoy, who is good at using the name of Lian ashubel, began to depict the magic array in the void with the flame of his fingertips.

"Wake up from the melting pot of eternal robbery fire, 'flame prison hound'."

With the singing, a hound with fire appeared from the burning magic array.

What she does is not the skill of summoning elves, but the flame magic of creating virtual life.

The burning hound roared and rushed forward. In an instant, it tore off the burning whip with its sharp claws.