After settling Claire, Mu Hantian then turned to fiana's direction.

"Is everything going well over there?"

"Well, the prayer utensils used in the ceremony really take up a lot of space," said Fianna as she stuffed a large round mirror and candlestick into her bag.

Fiana ray odicia. She is the second princess of the Empire of Austria and the second witch in the "Shrine".

She was even chosen as the alternate of the fairy king of fire. She was a real princess. However, she is not unattainable, but a girl who is easy to get close and talk.

"If you don't mind, let me help you? Can I just load the luggage here?"

"Yes, thank you."

Mu Hantian sat on the bed with scattered luggage and began to stuff all kinds of prayer utensils that seemed to be used for ceremony into his bag.

Beads, Royal cups, fans, whips and candles, even props shaped like animals' ears and tails——

"Are these really the prayer utensils used in the ceremony?" Mu Hantian's brain suddenly flashed such a question.

Forget it, I know nothing about the ceremony of witch Ji after all.

At this time, his outstretched hand inadvertently constructed something. It feels like a smooth and tactile cloth.

"What is this?" Mu Hantian frowned slightly and raised the object to his eyes——

"Er..." then he froze motionless.

It was a black cloth with a lustrous luster. It is also inlaid with a unique rose pattern embroidered with light lace. Should the material be silk? Thin straps are attached at both ends of the cloth.

"This is..."

Mu's forehead in the cold day was slightly sweating.

This is a black underwear that looks very high-grade. And——

Why is there a hole in such a place!

This is not worn out. In the middle of the underwear, I don't know why I designed an unnatural opening.

"Cold weather? What's the matter with you?"


Mu Hantian and fiana, who just raised her head, crossed her eyes. And he maintained the position of spreading his black underwear in front of his eyes.

"This is..." fiana blushed.

"You... You will hate wearing such improper underpants... Princess?" she asked Mu Hantian with her upward eyes.

"Well... Sorry."

Mu Hantian hurriedly received his underwear into the bag.

"How could you... Have those underwear?"

"Well... I accidentally bought it on impulse... Fruit... It's still too ashamed." Fianna still blushed and muttered.

"This seems a little too bold, isn't it?"

"Yes... Yes, a little..." Mu cold day coughed a few times.

The last thing that broke the awkward atmosphere was the sound from outside the room.

"Come on, Claire Lujo, aren't you ready?"

It was an elegant voice with a slightly higher pitch.

Appearing in front of the room was Claire's arch rival, a freshman in the crow class.

The elf envoy of magic ice, Lindsay laurenfrost.

She has a dazzling light blond hair, and her delicate eyebrows are outlined above her emerald green eyes. At first glance, Lindsay Lei looks like a young lady with strong self-esteem, but mu Hantian knows that in fact, she is a very gentle and caring girl.

"Miss, I'm so sleepy -"

"Really, Carol loves to stay in bed every time."

It was Carol, Lindley's waste maid, who was dragged by her hand.

"I'm different from miss. I'm a patient with hypotension... Hoo."

It seems that she should have been called up by Lindley this morning. The girl is still the same. She's a useless maid.

"Lindsay, what's that?" Claire, who finally resurrected, asked.

Linsley was holding a slightly larger wooden box in her hand.

"Oh, this is the most advanced tea set. As a lady of Lauren Frost's family, she has to be elegant whenever and wherever." Linsley proudly fiddled with her light blond hair.

"Well, we're not going to play," Claire shrugged foolishly.

At this time, Alice's voice came out of the window.

"Hey, what are you doing! It's only an hour before the assembly time!"

"You're in such a hurry!" cried Claire angrily to the rigid Knight Commander.

"They are really." Mu Hantian reluctantly dropped his shoulder.


In an hour.

Members of the scarlet team gathered in front of the stone ring.

This is the 'gate' of the eresia elf academy to the elemental elf world.

Long before the establishment of the college, this relic has existed for a long time. It is not a product of imperial technology. As far as the status quo is concerned, apart from such relics scattered all over the mainland, the technology to keep the "gate" open in this world has been completely lost.

The representative contestants will be transported to the elemental elf world from here and take the ships prepared by the "Shenyi academy", the organizer of the elf Sword Dance Festival.

The other two teams selected by the college are already ready to go in front of the gate.

The first "pterosaur team" is a team composed entirely of senior students.

They looked coldly at the members of the scarlet team and immediately turned away.

We have no intention of dealing with you - is that what they want to express? This is an expected response. Although they are selected from the same college, they will become competitors after the start of the spirit sword dance festival.

Mu Hantian glanced at Claire from the corner of his eye.

There is another reason why seniors look so unfriendly. Because she was the sister of the evil spirit Ji who brought unprecedented disaster to the Empire four years ago.

Now there are many college students who regard her as the object of deliberate alienation. Although Claire usually doesn't seem to care, she may feel very hurt in her heart.

"Oh, it's you."

At this time, the blonde girl holding a wooden wand came forward to talk to Mu cold day.

"It's you. I haven't seen you for a long time."

Her team ranked third and was one of the members of the 'kelunos' team that had played before.

Girls are a family of sages who live in the elf forest. They can summon powerful "herd elves".

"You kittens can crush you with my 'herd elves'!" the Druid girl raised her wooden wand and said.

Right now——

"The three teams are finally here."

Teacher Freya gulando, who was the manager of the gate, came over with a calm look.

She glanced at the bell tower of the college and said, "you will be transferred to the elemental elf world in ten minutes. Say goodbye to your friends."

With that, Freya began to depict the magic array in the "stone ring".

Claire, Lindsay and fiana turned their heads in a hurry and didn't look at each other.

"Root... There's no need to say goodbye."

"Just... That is to say, it's just a few days away from the college."

"Yes, it's too... Too exaggerated, isn't it?"

The three men nodded to each other at the same time.

On the other hand, Alice was surrounded by a large group of Knights' schoolgirls.

Majestic brown eyes and blue horsetail swaying in the breeze.

Alice seems to be going to participate in the spirit sword dance festival in the boring armor of the Knights. Maybe she said that she not only represented the college, but also represented the wind king knights?

"Captain, please give us our share."

"We'll cheer you up!"

"Well, I will win!"

Alice nodded to the talking Laka and leicia, her two former teammates.

They entrusted Alice with their dream of winning at the elf Sword Dance Festival. Moreover, there is another person - Mu Hantian knows that there is another girl entrusted her dream to Alice.

"Time is up. All members, enter the 'stone ring'."

Freya crossed the stone column with her fingertips, and the ground burst into a cyan light. The 'gate' connecting the earthly and elemental elves appeared.

Mu Hantian and his party nodded to each other, and then stepped into the shining "stone ring".