From the "spirit forest" around the college, there was the sound of birds.


Mu Hantian woke up from his sleep and sat up. He looked at the window, which showed his bleary eyed expression.

Just as Mu Hantian wanted to get up and leave the bed——

He found something. The body is subtly heavy. It seems that something soft and comfortable to touch is pressed on his waist.


Mu Hantian felt bad and quickly lifted the blanket.

"Hoo... Good morning in cold weather."

"Esther, and lestia?"

It was Esther who made a sweet sound like a silver seal. And sitting across Mu Hantian's waist is lestia.

Esther rubbed his eyes sleepily, just like a snow elf. While lestia looked at Mu Hantian with a smiling face.

"Cold weather, what's the matter?"

Estella took Ramu's hand and looked at him with a numb expression.

"Esther, why are you dressed like this..."

Today's Esther - not all fruit. Put on your clothes. But

"What's the matter?"

Esther tilted his head suspiciously, and Mu Hantian quickly looked away.

Now Esther is naked, only wearing a uniform shirt for the cold weather.

Probably nothing in it. Her dress is commonly known as a fruit shirt.

The white crisp chest looms in the open skirt, adding subtle sensational emotion. The wide and long cuffs reveal an alternative interest.

"Esther, why are you dressed like this?"

"Didn't you say that you can't sleep with you in cold weather?" Esther replied expressionless.

"Yes, you did." lestia covered her mouth and smiled.

"I did say so, but... Oh, forget it." Mu Hantian shook his head helplessly.

At this time, Mu Hantian suddenly felt that there was something wrong with Esther's appearance. It's not just because of the dress of fruit shirt - Esther this morning was very different.

Mu Hantian looked at Esther carefully.

"'cold weather... Well, if you look at me like this, I'll be shy." Esther, who is always expressionless, rarely blushes.

At this time, Mu Hantian finally found the answer. It was a white thigh that was faintly exposed from the hem of the shirt. And a slender, smooth ankle like a marble statue. Esther is not wearing ordinary knee socks. But socks that are only ankle long.

"Esther, what are these socks?"

"Lestia said you should like these socks in cold weather." Esther blushed and pressed the hem of his shirt tightly.

"Leistia?" Mu Hantian slowly turned her head to leistia, but she first turned into a sword.

"Oh, forget it, let's go out to dinner." Mu Hantian had no choice but to help the amount of lestia's prank.


In this way, Mu Hantian spent the same morning as usual. After breakfast, he came to Claire's dormitory.

"This, this, and that will also be used... Hey, scarlet! You can't play with luggage."

"Meow -?"

The burning spirit, who turns into a fire cat, is playing with Claire's clothes like a wool ball.

Claire and Fianna are sitting on their beds, loading their luggage into their bags.

These are all preparations for going to the elemental elf world, the venue of the "elf Sword Dance Festival".

Two weeks ago, the scarlet team successfully won the right to participate in the spirit sword dance festival by defeating wilcelia EVA, the No. 1 silent fortress in the college. In a few days from today, they must represent the Empire of Austria together with the other two teams who are also promoted to three places of representation and have strong resistance to the group in battle.

"Claire, did you sleep well yesterday?"

"Of course, health management is the basic skill of elves."

Claire responded while holding back a yawn she didn't know how many times she had yawned.

Perhaps because of his sense of responsibility as a team commander, Claire has been consulting tactical books borrowed from the library or elves' related literature until late at night recently.

"What about you? Are your luggage ready?" Claire asked.

She grabbed Scarlett by the neck and saw the fire cat struggling rudely.

"I don't have so many things to bring, only a few clothes, Esther and lestia."

Mu Hantian looked at Claire and fiana. It seems that it will take them some time to rectify.

But one thing Mu Hantian cares about is why Claire stuffed so many canned peaches in her luggage.


Mu Hantian's eyes inadvertently fell on the floor with scattered luggage.

There are several books that look like novels, mixed with tactical books and literature on elves.

Mu Hantian, who had nothing to do, picked up one of them without thinking.

"Wandering Prince and imprisoned Princess" -- it was originally a love novel with many illustrations written for young girls.

"I didn't expect that guy Claire was actually interested in this kind of thing."

Driven by curiosity, Mu Hantian casually flipped through the beginning of the novel——


Mu Hantian's face gradually turned red.

The content of the novel is about the beautiful princess being kidnapped by a cold prince, and then subjected to unspeakable and silencing treatment - it is a very heavy taste publication.

"Claire, I didn't expect that you... Are looking at this kind of thing."

"Eh?" Claire looked back.

After she found what Mu Hantian was holding

"Ah ah! Come on... Give it back to me quickly. Why do you peek at girls' things!"

Pop! Pop!

She beat her up with the canned peaches she caught.

"Hey, what are you doing? It hurts."

"Hum! This... This is your punishment for peeking at the girl's secret. You deserve to die!"

"Then don't leave the girl's secret on the floor."

"Long winded - you big fool, pervert!"

Claire burst into tears and punched and kicked Mu Hantian.

"I said, you are very noisy."

"It's all... It's all cold weather. It's all his fault."

While Claire turned her head to Fiona, Mu Hantian spread the book and showed it to her in front of Claire.

That's the illustration of the princess, that is, the 'Heroine' bound by a rope and being beaten by a whip.


"I think Claire is a pervert? I can't believe she looks at this kind of thing."

"Yeah?" Claire's shoulders froze in amazement.

"As a noble daughter, don't you feel ashamed to read such an unorthodox book?"

"This... This, um..."

I saw Miss Qianjin blush and falter.

Mu Hantian put his face close to Claire's ear and whispered: "if everyone knew that Miss Qianjin, who was among the best in the exam, loved reading such books and periodicals, I don't know what would you think?"

"Ah ah! What... What, what are you talking about!"

"No, you want others to do what's in this book?"

"No... no! I don't want to be tied up like this!"

"But this page is folded for marking."

"Oh, wow!"

Claire puffed steam out of her head, and then went straight into the bed.