Mary continued: "although it's not really me, I'm still responsible for them attacking you. Please forgive me. Don't leave me, I already love you very much, I can't do without you. Do you remember when we first met? How did you pursue me? You bring me breakfast, accompany me to lunch, send me flowers, send me some gadgets, always make me happy. You used to love me so much. Now why can't you believe me once? "

, as like as two peas, you are wrong. I was wrong before. I thought I would love you. Actually, I only loved your face because your face is just like my wife, but your soul and body are dirty. You are not worthy of her.

Emperor Baifan said that he was not afraid of the truth.

Now Mary just wants to keep her relationship with tibofan and everything she has worked hard for, so she puts down all her dignity and bottom line and replies, "it doesn't matter. Just take me as your wife. I don't mind being her substitute. As long as you are happy, as long as you don't leave me, I will do anything. "

Mary's humble and contemptible, so that the emperor even more despised her.

Because emperor Bofan knew that Ruan Chu would never beg for a humble love and despise himself.

When Ruan Chu first fell in love with herself, she could give everything to make herself fall in love with her, but she would never despise herself.

That's why Ruan Chu walked away when she was pregnant. Even if she became a single mother, she no longer begged for humble love.

He squatted down and held Mary's chin. He looked at the face carefully, but it became more and more strange.

Mary looked at him with tears in her eyes, hoping that her tears would touch the softest part of his heart.

"Now I find that you don't even deserve to be a stand in. I used to like your face, because seeing you is like seeing my favorite wife, but now I hate your face, because it defiles my wife. "

With that, di Bofan shook Mary's chin away.

Mary felt the piercing pain and despair, she was once again abandoned by Emperor Bofan.

But every time she could not help herself, Emperor Bofan never asked.

"Emperor Baifan!" Mary called out as he was about to step out of the door.

As soon as his steps stopped, he heard Mary say, "I'll make you regret it. I'll make you pay the price."

Di Bofan ignored her and continued to walk away.

Mary lay on the ground and wailed, feeling like she had nothing again.

As if everything had returned to the origin, he was abandoned by Emperor Bofan, and he didn't even have a place to live, so he could only rely on the man he didn't like.

Ruan Chu has been waiting outside with Ruan Dian. For a long time, she has not seen emperor Bofan come out. She is very anxious and doesn't know how things are going.

Soon someone came into the room and drove Mary out.

Mary left in embarrassment and passed by Ruan Chu and Ruan Dian. Ruan Chu also saw Mary and didn't know how to say hello to her.

Mary gave them a good look and ran away quickly.

Xiao Mu Chu accidentally saw Mary's eyes, and she started to cry.

"What's the matter? What's the matter, baby? " Ruan Chu squatted down and asked.