"Bofan, I'm sitting next to you. We can talk better. If you have anything to say, I'll listen carefully." Mary said, trying to get close to diprofan.

"I said stop and don't come near me any more!" Emperor Bai fan sternly stops a way.

Mary was startled and jumped for three seconds. Then she went to the bedside and sat down. She didn't dare to come near dipper any more.

Di Bofan still didn't look at her and said, "don't quibble any more. I don't want to hear it and I won't believe a word. Listen carefully to what I said

"OK, I'll listen." Mary responded.

"Today's event, I will announce to the public that the video is fake, you are slandered..." Said di Bofan.

On hearing this, Mary was overjoyed. She quickly interrupted di Bofan and said, "Bofan, I am wronged. I knew you would believe me. I only love you..."

Mary was very excited, and quickly expressed her loyalty to the emperor.

When DEB fan gave her a look, Mary immediately stopped talking. She only heard DEB fan continue to say: "I do this to keep your reputation. You don't want to be infamous. No one will want you in the future. Of course, I also want to keep the reputation of the company. I can't affect the development of the company and the interests of all shareholders because of my personal affairs. "

After hearing what he said, Mary understood that he didn't believe in himself, but only for the sake of his family and his own reputation, and then by the way, he kept his reputation.

"Bofan, don't you really believe me? We have known each other for three years, two and a half years. Am I such a person? If I were, I would have been married to you earlier. Why go to find such a wretched man? In my heart, you are the most perfect man, no one can compare with you, why should I betray you? Besides, we are all getting married. Why should I ruin myself? "

Mary argued.

But di Bofan didn't want to listen any more. The fact was the fact. No reason could change the fact that Mary wore a big green hat on herself.

"It's none of your business. I'm here to tell you how to deal with this matter. As for the effect, I'll talk to others and let them say it. In addition, our betrothal relationship will be broken from now on. I don't want to see you again in Dishi and any other places. You can do it yourself. "

With that, di Bofan stood up and left. After a few steps, he thought of something, stopped and said, "you'll move out of the villa right away. You don't deserve to live there. All your things will be taken away. I will not take back what I give you. It will be regarded as the reward for your being with me for these years. "

Mary quickly stood up to catch up with him, hugged him tightly and said, "I won't let you go. I won't let you go. You are my fiance and my bridegroom. I am your bride today. You can't go."

"Let go." Di Bofan frowned and said in disgust, pushing Mary away.

Mary fell to the ground, but she didn't give up. She got up again, knelt down and climbed to the side of emperor Bofan, hugged his leg tightly, and said, "Bofan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, because I've humiliated you. Please forgive me..."