57 Letting Go

Name:Love Unfolding Author:viLelouch
Chapter 57

Mei found herself following Donna on their way to the girl's apartment.

She had received a call from her, inviting for a talk one evening. It creeped her as Donna sounded really serious and so she had accepted the invitation.

"Hey, why does it have to be in your apartment?" She curiously asked.

Donna smiled as she opened the door.

"You'll thank me later." She answered.

Mei's brows arched in curiosity but still followed inside.

Donna grabbed a couple of canned beers and something they can eat along with. She laid it down to the small table by the veranda and gestured Mei to sit with her there.

They sat in silence for a minute. Mei was just feeling Donna, curious of what she's up to,

"I think you should stop pretending liking Erika." Donna finally spoke.

"And refrain from falling in love with Andy." She added.

Mei's chest tightened and her complexion got pale.

"What are you talking about?" She denied while faking a laugh.

"We knew, you and Erika are cousins."

Mei bit her lower lip. "Wow... how?

"How long?"

"For awhile now and we have our ways."

Mei voluntarily nodded unknowingly. "Does Andy know?"

Donna nodded.

"But she doesn't know you're falling for her."

Mei gritted her teeth. She doesn't know what to feel; to be embarrassed or to get angry.

Donna opened a can and pushed it to her. "Drink up."

Mei took it while smiling sarcastically.

"I know I'm not in the position but I will still say this,... LET GO. " Donna seriously uttered.

Mei stiffened and she noticed it.

"Falling in love is a mysterious feeling." Donna continued.

"You can be in a relationship for a long time but feel nothing."

"There are times that it's immediate; no rhyme or reason."

"Even just by first glance or the brushing of skin, the heart recognizes the feeling."

She turned her head to Mei.

"So don't be too hard on yourself."

"You didn't make a mistake."

"You just fell in love."

Mei looked back at Donna. Tears were forming.

"Can't I fight for it?"

Donna gulped her beer. "Isn't it that's why you are hurting?"

"You knew in your heart but you also knew in your mind."

"And you care too much for your cousin. You knew you will hurt her if you do, so you are in turmoil now."

Mei glared at Donna for pinpointing everything right. "I hate you already."

Donna just laughed.

"This feeling is worst." Mei spoke up with a bitter tone.

"I don't want to give up but I have to."

Donna opened her second beer.

"Sometimes love means letting go."

"It's when you want her to be happy even if you are not part of it."

"It's when accepting that she just aren't meant for you, no matter how much you wish she was."

Mei chuckled.

"You can cry you know." Donna suggested as she knew Mei was just holding back her tears.

"Huh, as if in front of you." Mei firmly held her ground.

Donna shook her head and stretched her back.

"Well, you already knew all these things anyway."

"You just have a hard time accepting."

Mei shot a glare again to Donna as the girl hit another nerve.

"Just what are you?"

"All knowing?"

Donna just laughed at her again.

"I'm a woman who is always there for people when they need a friend."

"I'm a simple person who hides a thousand feelings behind my happiest smile."

"Geez, I really don't like you." Mei sneered .

"I don't like you either." Donna replied between her laughs and extended her hand with the beer.

Mei rolled her eyes and bumped her can with Donna's and they laughed together.